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About iceprincess

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  1. @Leo Gura did you take vitamin k2 with d3?
  2. @Leo Gura when is the course coming out, you've been ignoring the thread
  3. kim anami has a sexual mastery course for men. it is very pricey but i really do believe her sex courses are life changing. i used to be asexual and for the first time a man made me orgasm! twice! he was not even the best looking man ive been in bed with. you will regain your sexual vitality again trust me just stop believing you are doomed, be open to miracles!
  4. @Leo Gura can we please get updates on the course. at least tell us how close you are to finishing it
  5. are there any good resources that explain how tech works? i don't understand how telephones or radios or cell phones works and i really want to understand how the hell i can call someone from all the way across the world. is there any good youtube channels or series or books that properly explain the physics behind these concepts
  6. @Leo Gura just add them now!!
  7. I saw Leo's blog post about him reading a bunch of books that he intends to share. im just wondering if he already shared his new book recommendations. is it on the book list??
  8. I was obsessed with a guy I dated for 2 months when I was 15 for 7-8 years. he was all I thought about. it was because I had a deep scarcity mindset and he brainwashed me into thinking he was the best guy I could ever be with. I got into personal development so I could become a high value woman that he would fall in love with. as I built up my self esteem and improved my self image I got over him and saw how much of a loser he was. just focus on yourself and you'll get over her.
  9. dr. berg has helped so many of my health issues as well as my family's health issues. keto was the most helpful diet for me to be on while I was transitioning from being obese to a healthy weight and his videos helped me understand the diet and how to do it properly saved my life. every keto side effect you have, he has a video to address that issue including things like low energy and constipation which were also symptoms I experienced. unlike most doctors who prescribe antacids for acid reflux, Gerd and heartburn dr berg actually says the problem is that you don't have enough stomach acid which is why you should take apple cider vinegar or betaine HCL before a meal, this helped my friend and her parents get off of antacids which they used for decades. I have about 40 more personal examples how his advice helped people I know heal their health problems naturally instead of with pills. I think it is terrible to be censoring information that does not agree with the world health organization. we have a right to research alternative methods of healing and do what we want with our bodies. this also extends to health advice that other ethnic groups support such as native American medicine, Ayurvedic, Chinese medicine etc. people have a right to be able to have access to alternative healthcare information
  10. I had a lunch infection and my doctor prescribed me 250mg of azithromycin to be taken for a week. what are some things I can implement to restore my gut back to normal and increase gut diversity?
  11. @Leo Gura how close are you to finishing
  12. he hasn't posted a video in like 2 months. even a new blog post would suffice for now lol. does anyone know if he has a video coming up soon?
  13. @Leo Gura when is it coming?!?!?!?! also how much will it cost - the same as life purpose course?
  14. when are these courses coming out
  15. wait what??? Leo's working on a manifesting course?? where did he say that