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Everything posted by TrustTheProcess

  1. @Epikur lol, ok, I am actually curious. Can you please just lay down every criticism you have of democrats?
  2. If Trump wins electorally but not the popular vote... I think those riots in June are going to look like a care bear festival compared to what would be coming.
  3. @Apparition of Jack He is honestly at pre-operational levels of cognition. 13 is too generous. I would say like 6 or 7.
  4. @Forestluv @Leo Gura I was just boutta ask. Do you think that Turner would have a shot in 2024?
  5. @Artsu lol, I'd def start here. This website gives a pretty good condensed overview of the model: I highly suggest reading the book by Don Beck and Chris Cohen. It is not a difficult read.
  6. If only everyone could just be a chad like you, then there would be no radical left, cultural marxist Bernie supporters trying to ruin our beautiful society. smh...
  7. really fascinating video. very healthy purple
  8. This post actually got me thinking. Intellectually, I understand that Trump became what he is due to his upbringing, socialization, and other things that are out of his control... I have a level of compassion for him in that respect... but affectively, it is challenging for me to fully love and accept him for what he is.
  9. nice find, you should put this in the yellow mega thread
  10. I second this
  11. So,in Leo's democracy video, he mentioned that part of the problem with the internet is that now, there is less cultural cohesion and there is not a clear, relatively uniform narrative that pretty much every american follows like in the 80's or whatever. While the internet is a good thing because it has potential to expose you to different perspectives and it speeds up the transmission of ideas and progression of public discourse, the down side is that most people are using the internet strictly to find sources of media that suit their survival agenda and locking themselves in those echo chambers. This makes it so easy to get radicalized and brainwashed by all kinds of ideologies. On top of that, the precedent that Trump set by dismissing anything the media reports that goes against his survival agenda as "fake news" is incredibly dangerous. Now, I'd say a majority of right wingers pretty much feel comfortable dismissing anything they hear that does not reinforce their world view as "marxist fake news" or whatever. How the fuck can we dig ourselves out of this mess??
  12. Vaush has his flaws, but he is significantly less problematic than pretty much every conservative commentator that I've seen
  13. @iceprincess healthy stage blue government and social paradigm
  14. @Kross oof, I would suggest cutting wheat, rice, butter out. Potatoes are good. more veggies, fruits, beans, lentils. It prob won't taste as good, but that'll improve your mental energy and you'll find it to be worth it. Also, start exercising. Just start with jump roping and pushups. you will see a difference if you do just these 2 things... also, jacking off excessively is not ideal for energy either... lol
  15. I'd prob stay with this diet and start amping up the muscle building workouts. I suggest body weight initially(pull ups, push ups, dips) and then weighted body weight when they are too easy. It is the best for joint health. Check in with your progress after a few months and if you are satisfied with your performance, gains, and mental clarity, I don't see why you would need to change your diet. If you feel like you aren't getting results you want though, I would then look into adding more protein.
  16. @Average Investor honestly, that looks pretty good for optimal energy and consciousness work. Not sure about muscle mass though tbh. Just wondering, what time do you drink your smoothie and eat dinner?
  17. @Annoynymous ok, maybe it is, but what specific points do you have issues with? it seems pretty solid to me
  18. @Annoynymous do you have specific arguments against the points brought up in the video?
  19. I am really curious as to why America invaded Iraq. For a while, I assumed that it was simply because it benefitted the military industrial complex and fossil fuel industry. Now, while I am sure there is a partial truth to that, it feels like this feels a bit too simplistic. I am wondering your thoughts and if you had more resources/book suggestions on it
  20. looks like a solid list