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Everything posted by TrustTheProcess

  1. I think everyone is scrambling for Lebanon because it is a strategic location... everyone is tryna get something out of it... France, China, Russia. That said, I think that they are far less corrupt than the actual Lebanese government.
  2. @Husseinisdoingfine You can't just jump from capitalism to a truly egalitarian globalized economic system. It may be possible to have a democratic socialist system, but at the moment, we don't even have the material conditions to do so. Social democracy seems to be the most logical next step as we enter stage green. Personally, I think that we will never have a purely socialist system(the same way we have never seen a purely capitalist system). I think it is more likely to have a globalized soc democratic system with the floor of poverty being raised as technology and efficiency improves. Marx is one of the most brilliant social philosophers in history... that said, I think it is best to take his insights with a grain of salt and to not hyper-idealize the ism attached to him.
  3. It is very important to keep in mind that people are the way they are as a result of their environment.
  4. Weed withdrawals won't kill you, but it will give you brain fog, depression, anxiety, insomnia, lack of appetite, etc. It will affect you on a physiological level.
  5. I think Kyle is more fair than Jimmy and Krystal. He even said he would vote for Joe and sobered up after the protesting started and trump went cray.
  6. I think even stage green and yellow can find a lot of value in his material to get their finances in check... that said, I would not peg him above orange at all.
  7. I think you need to be at least solidly green to get it.
  8. @humanProcess .............. lol rule of thumb: anyone who doesn't understand the difference between sex/gender, anyone who uses the term "cultural marxism", anyone who uses the term "western civilization"... is a pseudo-intellectual. He has some valid understandings of psychology on an individual scale... he needs to stay in his lane and not say stupid shit all the time on things he doesn't understand. He just doesn't get how society functions on a macro scale.
  9. @Epikur From your article: "This research originally claimed that within the study's sample, more gender equality in a country is linked with a lower proportion of women studying STEM fields. The study and its results received significant coverage in non-academic media outlets.[6][7][8][9] However, separate Harvard researchers were unable to recreate the data reported in the study, and in December 2019, a correction was issued to the original paper.[10][11][12] The correction outlined that the authors had created a previously undisclosed and unvalidated method to measure "propensity" of women and men to attain a higher degree in STEM, as opposed to the originally claimed measurement of "women’s share of STEM degrees".[11][10][13] However, even incorporating the newly disclosed method, the investigating researchers could not recreate all the results presented." -From the first paragraph of your Wikipedia link Also, I just want to say that I am a pre medical student in america and a majority of my peers are women. lol
  10. @Don Wei yeah, you gotta get your finances in line so that you can free yourself up to pursue spirituality harder. There are a lot of books and content on the internet that you could learn from. Overall, my biggest suggestion is to get good at marketing and have a highly valuable product.
  11. Guarantee that Jordan Peterson could never stand in a debate against a serious academic... maybe he can get away with an sjw journalist or a college freshman who just took soc 101...
  12. This is the dumbest video on the internet
  13. my imagination is not that flexible... Tim Pool is honestly the biggest joke on youtube at this point.... still trying to say he is liberal and making a living by triggering conservatives and feeding them their candy so they can justify their worldview lmao
  14. The most infp song ever lol
  15. @DrewNows ... I am going to pretend that you are trolling so that I can go to sleep at night.
  16. 1. In that post, I was only clarifying gates's quote about how improving healthcare and reproductive services would inevitably lead to a slower growth and even decrease in population 2. On this video... a. he said that if someone develops a biological weapon, they would pick a deadly one... He didn't say that he would pick it lmao. b. Given our current practices of animal cultivation, another disease is inevitable. All that Gates was saying was that the next time a pandemic happens, countries like america would follow New Zealand and South Korea's example and be quick and more proactive to contain the outbreak and not just try to sweep it under the rug and call it a liberal hoax like our current administration. Don't let the scary music fool you lmao. I have allowed myself to explore many clips like this and they are all garbage.
  17. Hey y'all, I just want to get some suggestions for films to watch. I would appreciate it!
  18. it has whatever meaning you want to project onto it.
  19. @Dany Balan pot smoking hippie socialists are far less problematic than people who don't think women should vote
  20. So If I say that eating dirt detoxifies your kidneys, and someone wants some kind of data/evidence to support this, would you say that that person is afraid to think for themselves? There is def dogma in science, but there is also value in conducting experiments.
  21. @Epikur lol, I actually do, but that is besides the point. Rioting is the result of unstable living conditions.... it isn't what evil anarchists do who want to serve the left's agenda or whatever
  22. It is all about framing. you can fabricate a toxic world view by picking and choosing partial truths and excluding things that contextualize your atomized frame to serve your ideology. You can show instances of rioting... and say "OH MY GOD THIS IS WHAT THE LEFT WANTS.!!! BERNIE AND AOC WANT ANARCHY". 1. Nobody in congress supports rioting 2. Rioting is the byproduct of social dysfunction. Tim Pool never addresses this and just delegitimizes the entire movement as some "radical agenda". 3. over 95% of protesters are peaceful and a vast majority of rioting ended in June. I am more worried about excess use of police force(which Tim conveniently glosses over)