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Everything posted by TrustTheProcess

  1. So I have a lot of respect for Islam and based on what I have read on it, there is a lot of wisdom in it. I don't have a very comprehensive understanding of Islam admittedly, but based on my limited knowledge of its history, I don't think that Mohammed was fully enlightened. That said, he was an incredible social engineer and very critical for social and spiritual development in the middle east. What do you guys think about his SD spread?
  2. @Leo Gura Another question, out of curiosity, when would you say that stage blue, orange, and green came into existence?
  3. @Leo Gura Would you consider him to be an example of a red/purple mystic then? Also, I'm curious to know where you would put Jesus and Buddha.
  4. This dude has really good sociological analysis on his channel, check him out. He def has some triggering going on at times, but he is super rational and makes good points in many of his videos and debates. Really refreshing form of green.
  5. So, I just watched Leo's Bernie vlog and I have to say that it was really refreshing. I def feel like the green side of myself was starting to get caught up in and indulge in the Kulinski/Jimmy Dore echo chamber of putting the blame on the "Elites". Leo def made some good points of the media just wanting to maximize profit and telling the attention deficit masses what they want to hear so they can maximize viewership... I can see that to an extent. I'm sure that most commentators on like cnn and fox news for example don't necessarily wake up and think about how to push propaganda and serve the corporations... But... if the leadership of those media companies are orange and their prime motive is to maximize profit, wouldn't they also see Bernie /progressives as a threat to their profit and their "Billionaire Friends" and thus have a bias against him for that reason as well. Why wouldn't they want to use their power to deliberately paint him and his values in a negative light? I think that the way that they report is more than just appealing to the base's values. I think Leo briefly mentioned that there is a level of truth to that in his video, but my question is to what extent is propaganda deliberately being manufactured by these media outlets to actually sculpt the public's perspective? Also, I am very curious as to why you think that the united states is not as developed as Scandinavia for example? I am not very familiar with the history of that region. What kinds of historic life conditions enabled green to flourish more over there relative to the US?
  6. @Nivsch Sure, here is my approach: the key is to not connect the dots for other people. Rather, make it easier for them to connect the dots for themselves. Ask questions, don't be judgmental. Be genuinely curious to get to the bottom of how and why they think the way that they do. Allow their reasons and world view to unravel-- not only in front of your own eyes, but in front of their own eyes too, many have never actually deeply considered their beliefs. Sometimes, just asking questions will get people upset because they think you are making them look stupid... this can actually be a good sign in some cases because they at least subconsciously know that there is some kind of structural flaw in their paradigm. If this happens, just insist that you are just tryna learn more about their perspective(as you get more yellow, it will be more genuine). I can't stress the importance of giving off a non-judgmental vibe enough... that is so critical. Between the questions, I don't get triggered. Even if a lot of what they are saying is ignorant af, try to pick out the shred of truth in it and say something like "I can see that there is some truth in what you are saying, but have you considered that_________". and let the convo carry from there and sprinkle some facts if you sense that their guard is down and they are interested in hearing what you have to say... this is the sweet spot. For a quick example if I have a friend who was an orange type saying "I don't get why people want free handouts in this country. The only thing that will get you anywhere in life is hard work. People are just so lazy." Rather than getting triggered and immediately dismissing what was just said as being unconscious and dumb, I would say something like "I def agree with you that hard work is definitely important for being a functional and successful member in society, but have you considered the importance of access to high quality public schools for success?" "yeah, but its possible to make it out of bad situations and bad neighborhoods... many have done it" "Sure, I agree, many have done it, but it is statistically much less likely to have the opportunity for a successful and financially stable life if you attend an underfunded school. Are you aware that America is the only developed country that allocates resources to public schools based on property taxes in the area?" etc etc etc You can't demonize someone into green. You can't judge someone into green. You can't bring someone into green based on pure logic. You can make green presentable, put green on the table for them and if they are ready to pick it up, they will. the traditional sjw approach is like trying to shove green down orange's throat, but that just pushes them away from it. Also, don't expect to enlighten someone green on the spot lol, but you will start to get them to see the limitations of their values and world view and get the ball rolling. Hope that helped!!
  7. Green, like other tier 1 stages, has a tendency to demonize and judge other stages. These tendencies are emotional reactions. What ends up happening when you demonize someone for holding their values and worldview is that it elicits an ego response that triggers antibodies in the lower staged person and makes them more defensive and cling even harder to their own values and worldview. It reinforces in their mind that it is actually stage green values that are the devil and makes it even harder for them to grow out of blue/orange. This is part of the reason that Trump got elected. This is why Ben Shapiro and Jordan Peterson have developed so much influence in recent years. A yellow approach would understand that not all see the world in the same light and would operate from a more compassionate frame of reference. They would expend energy to help the lower stages see limitations of their world view rather than the knee jerk demonizing and sjw or morally-superior academic elitist vibe that many greenies exude. I believe that this approach is much more efficient in raising levels of consciousness. I have realized this in my personal life. As I have blossomed to have more yellow in my spread, I have been much more successful in planting green seeds into many of my orange friends and family members.
  8. Yes, but a yellow leader would be able to mobilize the society to green in a cleaner way than a pure green leader would.
  9. @Husseinisdoingfine Why Japan or Lebanon?
  10. Hey y'all, So I watched Leo's conscious politics videos about 6 months ago and I def learned a lot about the philosophy behind politics and policy. I am wondering though. What would a stage yellow or turquoise politician look like if they got voted into congress in modern America? I assume that they would be trying to integrate and speak to all of the values of the rest of the spiral, but what would that approach potentially look like while operating within a broader blue/orange organization? Let's say that the yellow politician wants to propose a policy to restructure education for example, how would he/she package that in a way that blue, orange, and green would approve?
  11. @Leo Gura Thanks for the clarification!
  12. For some background on myself. I grew up in a blue christian environment, evolved to orange and was atheist in my teens, and now, my spirituality is pretty green with touches of turquoise thanks to some of Leo's videos and a handful of non-dual experiences I've had. I think I have a pretty good idea of what spirituality looks like in the feminine stages(Purple, Blue, Green, Turquoise), but I am wondering what spirituality looks like in the masculine stages(red, orange, yellow). Also, I think in a video, Leo mentioned that one can be enlightened at any stage. I am having trouble conceptualizing how a stage blue monk for example who is prejudice against gay people can realize oneness.
  13. Hey guys, I was wondering if you had any sources/ideas for ethical investing. I like the idea of having passive income streams , but do not want contribute to exploiting other people in the process. I want to invest in things that will not only get me a decent return, but would also be improving society and people's lives. I would appreciate the help!
  14. Would that mean that it would be possible for say a red warlord who orders troops to rape and pillage villages or an orange oil ceo who lobbies to maximize profits without regard for externalities or a judgmental sjw type green to be enlightened? I thought enlightenment was the dissolution of the self, dissolution of the illusory perception of separation, dissolution of the neurotic impulse to survive-- living in pure harmony with what is(Reminder-- I am speaking from a spiritual frame of reference with a green center of gravity). Holding racist beliefs, raping and pillaging villages, general orange corporate activity, and mean green sjw shenanigans for example seem to be deeply rooted in survival and separation. If I have it all wrong, I would like to learn more and have more of an explanation than just "you're stage green, you'll grow out of it" or a video or other resource. I'd love to see an in depth tier 2 perspective on this.
  15. Marianne is awesome! I hope Bernie implements her department of peace idea and considers her as the secretary.