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Everything posted by TrustTheProcess

  1. @Onemanwolfpac lol, you should consider educating yourself on the history and sociology of race in America.
  2. @IJB063 Stage Green. We will see more and more within the next century. The fact that someone like Sanders, who essentially was campaigning on those kinds of reforms, was able to have so much traction makes it pretty clear it is only a matter of time. Right now, the establishment is resisting it, but they are swimming against the current. All systems have inertia, but systems are also constantly changing.
  3. @IJB063 Bureaucracy needs to be reformed to be more efficient. It needs to be reformed to serve the people rather than serving corporate donors. We need to start to hold law makers to be more accountable to use our tax payer money for productive things rather than things like endless wars and fossil fuel subsidies.
  4. @IJB063 Invest in infrastructure of black and lower income communities. Invest in their education. Improve their access to healthcare(including mental health). Reform the prison system. Equal outcome isn't really tangible, but there needs to be an effort for equal opportunity.
  5. In this vid, Ram Das says that he gave his guru 1200 micrograms and he was unaffected. I am seriously skeptical. Wondering what y'all think? This shit is insane if it is real.
  6. @dinone lol, that is basically what it is though.
  7. I think it should be a system of rehabilitation. If you treat people like animals, they are going to act more like animals. Prisons are breeding grounds for stage red consciousness. Obviously, not all can be rehabilitated, but most can.
  8. @rlc Homie, it's just that... your criticism of green has the same vibe as a devout catholic in the 1700s criticizing Voltaire. You're gonna get so stuck criticizing and finger pointing green that you won't be able to grow through the stage and learn the lessons from it so you can get to yellow. Anyway, the whole point is that police need to be held accountable when they abuse their power and that they need to be trained better. That is all.
  9. The paradigm of American policing needs to change. Blacks in America are targeted more by cops and are subjected to more brutality than white counterparts. It isn't simply a cops vs civilian thing. Right now, the paradigm is not to keep communities safe(as it should be), it is primarily to maintain "order" in practice. This manifests in brutality in many cases. And @Leo Gura I don't think dealing with assholes all day is a valid excuse to be callous/abusive at all. When you are a cop, you are signing up to keep people safe. There needs to be a better standards and more accountability.
  10. Yes, stage Blue can be very in touch with God. Intensely so sometimes. Spiritual blue people just interpret their relationship with God and spiritual experiences in different ways than say a spiritual green or yellow.
  11. Hey y'all I am wondering why I do not see as many enlightened women as there are enlightened men. I know that there is Mother Theresa, but I do not know of any other than that. Ken Wilber has a video where he implied that most spiritual techniques are not suited for women. Wondering what your thoughts are on that as well.
  12. I second this
  13. @Dutch guy @Meta-Man Thanks, I missed that one. I def am interested in learning about enlightenment from the more feminine perspective. @Leo Gura would you say that there are about as many enlightened women out there as there are enlightened men, but it is just that they do not have as much of a following as the men?
  14. I think it can be a tool for self inquiry and consciousness work, but I personally agree with @KingCrimson on this one. It is way too easy for me to get carried away, especially because I have a history of abusing it. Different strokes for different folks though. It could work with you.
  15. Do y'all think that Trump is conscious that he is lying, or is he genuinely sold on them?
  16. Hey y'all, This is going to be a really intense summer for me. I want to know if there's any specific tips that you all have for clearing brain fog and having lasting energy and clarity. I have not worked out in a really long time and my diet is not really the best at the moment. Here is what I am thinking though, I'd love to hear your thoughts: Exercising-- not sure what to do... I used to be a gym bro, but now I pretty much only want to exercise for energy and mental clarity benefits. which workouts do you suggest for this purpose? Diet-- I want to start to eat at least 24 ounces of power greens per day, pasture raised eggs, and blueberry smoothies in the morning. 8 hours of sleep nootropics- so I just did some research-- I ordered lion's mane, Rhodiola Rosea, L-Theanine, and Bacopa Monniera.
  17. Ok, so I understand that all beliefs are only "true" relative to the subjective frame of reference of the person/group who hold the belief. To the ancient greeks, the universe was literally made up of earth, wind, fire, and water. To a modern chemist, it is made up of atoms, and quarks or whatever. Both perspectives have elements of "truth" and elements of falsehood. The only objective is absolute Truth. My question to the forum is the following: How can we really tell which frame of reference is relatively more "true" and less false? If all perspectives are wrong relative to the absolute, what makes a climate change denier less right than a climate scientist? What makes Bernie Sanders more "right" than Trump? What standards are we using? How can we use these standards? Is it fair to tell a climate change denier or conspiracy theorist that they are "wrong" when everything is fundamentally subjective and illusory? I guess you could say that the climate change scientist is operating from a higher stage of development on the spiral, but even the application of spiral dynamics and the categorization of levels of consciousness is untenable in the end. Really itching for Relativity part 2
  18. @Amit Brother, look at Trump's track record. Look at who he chooses his advisors to be. Trump is clearly choosing the interests of corporations over the interest of the American people. Lobbyists have had influence in American politics for a very long time and will continue to for a while, but this level of corporate influence in the executive branch is simply unprecedented. He is regressing our society. You are entitled to your perspective though.
  19. @Amit Sanders lost to Biden because America is not conscious enough to elect a stage green politician yet. we got a few more election cycles and phases of growth. Yes, Joe Biden is corrupt. This article does not seem to be implying that Biden is more corrupt than trump... it explicitely states the opposite in fact. The article was just exposing Biden's corruption which is fair. There are degrees of corruption though and simply put, trump takes the cake. What is the swamp? It isn't a shady cabal of lizard people pulling the strings in the background. It isn't globalist elites. The swamp is big money interests such as the fossil fuel industry, pharmaceutical industry, insurance industry, banking industry. Trump literally has lobbyists(cute word for representatives big corporations send to buy influence in the government) in his cabinet serving as his advisors. Look at trump's track record above^. This is an unprecedented level of corruption in modern American politics.
  20. @Amit @RendHeaven @TrynaBeTurquoise Trump's Cabinet Secretaries: Health and human services: Alex Azar-pharmaceutical lobbyist Department of defense: weapons manufacturer lobbyist Environmental protection agency: Coal lobbyist Department of interior: Oil lobbyist Department of labor: Walmart corporate lawyer Department of Education: Charter school lobbyist(Betsy DeVoss) Here:s a good documentary on Charter Schools and how they screwed over Michigan's public schools(The DeVoss family is known specifically in Michigan for this-- they literally made billions off this scam) Instances of corruption(only a few): Increased military budget by over $120 billion. We already had a bigger army than the next 12 countries in earth. (By the way it would only cost 30 billion to end homelessness) Defund public education, infrastructure. 61% of his tax break benefits went to people who make over $420k per year. Took bribes from Saudis through his hotels and signed weapons deals with them. Saudis literally arm groups like al qaeda. Used tax payer money as leverage to try to pressure foreign country into giving him information on his personal political rival. Trying to cut programs such as social security and medicaid. Increasing fossil fuel subsidies. NOTE: I am not judging Trump, his lobbyists, or all of their shenanigans and corruption. Just stating facts
  21. There are many great yoga, breath work, and diet resources online. Those will get you energy up and chakras in order. Also, visualization and shadow work help. key mindset: it isn't bout improving confidence, it's more about dissolving the barriers that inhibit you from realizing your true inner-nature which is inherently confident, courageous, and passionate about life.
  22. late green/early yellow vibes