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Everything posted by TrustTheProcess

  1. Mental illness is a social construction.
  2. @Onemanwolfpac Lol, you have no idea how complex the issues you have brought up are. I don't think you are ready to seriously dissect and understand them. Good luck on your journey brother.
  3. diff spiritual teachers have different styles and approaches. Some personality types may resonate with leo's style and others may resonate more with Matt's. Also, I will say that while Leo's teachings can be highly cerebral at times, I feel that Leo has def been speaking more from the heart in his recent vids.
  4. Ate a very potent edible and had an anxiety attack... found this vid... changed my life.
  5. bro, that last video fucked my brain so hard. I have never heard or seen a deeper analysis of history or politics in my life. The fact that it was done without planning and in high school teacher language... Leo is seriously one of the best in the world.
  6. true, that's why we can't just look police reform as an isolated issue. That sounds like a disaster. If we want to increase training standards, I think it would also make sense to also implement serious criminal justice reform(end war on drugs), increase education spending, increase infrastructure spending, and increase spending on fighting homelessness and poverty. These policies would decrease the need for so many police officers. I think initially, there would be more upfront costs, but downstream, it actually saves money.
  7. Hey y'all, So, I used to be that one green dude would bully his blue relatives at the thanksgiving dinner table. As I am moving up to late green/early yellow, I am realizing how foolish I was. I am getting pretty good at framing green in a way that orange can digest. I can vividly recall how I thought at stage orange and how I was able to see the limitations of orange for myself, so I think that this helps. I have gotten some of my orange friends(young college kids) to start to see the truth in green and even open up to the progressive movement. My question is... How can you help blue evolve to higher stages? Is it possible to package green(like Bernie Sanders) in a way that blue would understand? Would you first have to sell orange to blue? If so, how would you do that? Sometimes, it really feels like I am talking to an npc when I talk to a blue person(all tier 1s seem like npcs to an extent tbh, but still orange and green at least respect logical arguments and seem to think less rigidly). This could be due to the fact that I have evolved from blue so long ago and feel more disconnected from that paradigm. I get where they are coming from and their value systems and world views. Just wondering how a stage yellow person would try to work with blue and attempt to move them up the spiral.
  8. I just rewatched Leo's stage green vid. I think what I'm trying to do is turn more people in society green simply because of my ego and I think green is "better". I am realizing that while I am getting better at dissecting the limitations of green on paper, in practice, I still have a shit ton of green impulses. Imma focus on being honest with myself and actively work harder to become yellow. thanks homie?
  9. @Serotoninluv @Apparition of Jack Thanks for the advice y'all!
  10. @Leo Gura game shark is like 5 MeO DMT
  11. @Amit Healthy green transcends and includes orange. Green people are typically not your stereotypical lazy hippie.
  12. very beautiful example of libertarian economic logic.
  13. Just out of genuine curiosity. Ik that there are trump supporters on this site. Why did you vote for Trump in 2016, or why are you still going to vote for Trump in 2020? What stage of development would you say that you are/were at? I know that many voted for trump in 2016, but ave since changed their mind. What made you change your mind in this case?
  14. Y'all, I am privileged to have grown up in America. I have been very conscious that I am only able to enjoy the standard of living that I do at the expense of essentially slave-like conditions of people in other distant countries. It is so easy for many of us to not consider this because we don't have to face it... but it is happening as we speak. Nobody would tolerate an American working under the conditions of millions of the workers in countries like China or Bangladesh. The foundation of the US economy has always been built on the backs of slavery... My question is: How can we take tangible steps to creating a more compassionate system? It seems as though our entire structure is based on this exploitation... Will automation alleviate this problem? Will globalization alleviate this problem? If so how and when do y'all think?
  15. One day we'll all link up, eat a couple grams and have a more fruitful convo about trump. Anyway, good luck on your journey homie!
  16. @Dutch guy So, you'd vote for Bernie Sanders then?
  17. @Dutch guy I mean at the end of the day, you are entitled to your opinion I guess... I am actually so curious to know what attracted you to spirituality/this site though
  18. @Dutch guy I mean, there was def a fair share of corporate influence and corruption in the Obama administration... Obama just did not say such cartoonishly silly things all the time the way trump does though. You say it is because Obama is too "calculated". When you are running the most powerful country on Earth, you should prob be calculated and thoughtful about what you say...
  19. Lol, I didn't hear that one
  20. Interesting perspective. Can I ask what got you into spirituality/non-duality?
  21. You can pick a single study(or video or article) that can "prove" just about anything. It is valuable to look at the big picture of data and critically assess from that standpoint... Cherry picking studies(or videos/articles) that reaffirms ones worldview and simply dismissing those that are against ones world view as fake news without any serious thought is not very helpful.
  22. M4A saves money and improves public health outcomes. the us is the only developed nation on earth without socialized healthcare. We spend twice as much and are not even in the top 30 countries in terms of health outcomes. Of course, the us is diverse, socialized healthcare here prob won't look like how it looks in Denmark, but that isn't an excuse to continue to allow our current corrupt, dysfunctional system to exist as it does.