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Everything posted by TrustTheProcess

  1. @Akemrelax 10 seconds in and I can't watch this stupidity
  2. @Bodigger If there is a statue of someone whose primary accomplishment was related to slavery or genocide, they should not be venerated. Stage green is having a field day with this and are taking it a bit far going after Jefferson, washington, etc, but confederate soldiers and columbus are actually a different story.
  3. This is how leo ends every video when the camera stops rolling
  4. @Roy just wondering, who is a us politician that you appreciate, what stage would you put them at, and why?
  5. @Leo Gura lol, I don't think so, I think it is stage orange appealing to green because they are starting to see who is winning the "culture war"
  6. @Serotoninluv I'm in the same boat lol
  7. @Consept It's crazy how the worse judgement you have, the more confident you seem to be. lol
  8. I'm pretty surprised you feel this way based on many of your teachings and older videos at least. I think as someone who has a tendency to be highly cerebral, meditation has been critical in helping me to dissociate from my chimp brain-- even an "intellectual" chimp brain is still a chimp brain. I've found that sometimes the key to enjoying life and even gaining deeper insights, counterintuitively, has been to learn to not engage with my mind and just be present. you don't think so? Even deeply intellectual people like Ken Wilbur swear by it and talk about the benefits of meditation in improving clarity of thought and elevating consciousness... I am very nooby in terms of pursuing enlightenment admittedly(I have just began a kriya yoga practice within the past month or so), but the way I conceptualize it is that trying trying to awaken without a solid meditation practice is like trying to build a castle without a strong foundation.
  9. @Serotoninluv I think stage green is bout to go hard on Biden no matter what lol.
  10. @Leo Gura What does stage green evil look like? Isn't it just demonizing people at other stages?
  11. @Leo Gura lol, Everyone is doing whatever is best for their survival agenda, of course... my question is whether you think that Tucker intentionally tries to deceive his viewers... like does he really care about "elites" abusing their power, but being so blinded by his right wingdom that he actually thinks trump isn't corrupt... or does he know, but not care. with cnn, I really feel like they are too blinded in their bias to even see democratic corruption, but tucker strikes me differently
  12. @Leo Gura what do you think about this documentary?
  13. yeah, get out of everyone else's business. There's a reason people in the middle east don't burn south korean flags.
  14. @Husseinisdoingfine I don't think it is necessarily fair to characterize populism as very low consciousness... of course, there's limitations to it if it is treated like an ideology and you demonize "elites"... but I think we need to swing towards more populism in that the government needs to operate more to serve the interests of the masses rather than the corporate donors. we will see more of it as we head to stage green... anyway, I was mainly wondering if y'all think that Tucker genuinely cares about bringing more power to the people or if he is just rolling with a script to get a check and knows it is bs.