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Everything posted by TrustTheProcess
TrustTheProcess replied to Robi Steel's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
lol, you are entitled to your perspective... The reason why it is so mind blowing is because part of the mission of actualized.org is to facilitate the development of spiritual intelligence and thus decrease levels of ego density. Trump does not stand for high consciousness values. He stands for fear, ego, and deception... now your going to say "well... well... biden, hillary, corrupt democrats!!!" yes, they are corrupt as well. there are different degrees of corruption and if you can't tell that Trump is on a different tier of corruption and ego density... idek what to say. good luck on your journey. -
TrustTheProcess replied to Robi Steel's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
No, Trump doesn't give a shit about our country. he just uses buzz words he thinks sound good on fox and other right wing news networks and compiles them with nazi rhetorical approaches to appeal to his scared stage blue following and keep them under his control-- https://www.favreau.info/misc/14-points-fascism.php His level of lies and deception is on a different plane... always talking about "draining the swamp"... never actually talking about what the fucking swamp is from his perspective... another example of repeating a buzzword he prob heard tucker carlson say... meanwhile, his entire cabinet are literally corporate lobbyists. He talks about how bernie wants to turn this country communist with his socialist policies... meanwhile this dumbass straight up socialized the entire stock market with trillions of dollars to keep his numbers looking pretty while leaving millions to eat shit without healthcare and student loan debt to worry about. lol, it Ain't just left leaning media... it isn't just "THEM".... I notice you use this type of language a lot... all media does what it takes to catch eyeballs for profit. it happens that we are in the midst of a stage green evolution and about 50% are for it and around 50% are against it. -
TrustTheProcess replied to Onemanwolfpac's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
lol, you don't know what marxism is. -
TrustTheProcess replied to Robi Steel's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
this is what it feels like trying to explain stage green to stage blue/orange -
Why did america fall so hard to corporatism and is just now beginning to blossom green seriously relative to other developed nations? Like what economic or social reasons specifically?
TrustTheProcess replied to Akemrelax's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Akemrelax lol, I think the video def applies on a broad scale to anyone who considers "big gubbermint" to be a problem... not just anarchists -
TrustTheProcess replied to Enlightenment's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
ok, so why are there more fatherless households? you realize that during the civil rights era, the black marriage rate was comparable to the whites? **hint, systemic racism in the criminal justice system smh -
TrustTheProcess replied to TrustTheProcess's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Epikur yeah, it would def make sense that our "world police" paradigm has contributed to inhibiting our development -
TrustTheProcess replied to Enlightenment's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
honestly, I think anyone who says the 13/50 argument is really not ready to have serious discussions or get real solutions to the table. it seems like it is a way for blue/orange white people to justify their preconceived biases, alleviate themselves of guilt and social responsibility and frame things in a "pick yourself up by the bootstraps" manner. -
TrustTheProcess replied to TrustTheProcess's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Hank Galaxy Brain Thanks for sharing, interesting take! It is still interesting though that it seems that the American constitution was more developed from an sd perspective than others and we have still been slow. -
TrustTheProcess replied to TrustTheProcess's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Epikur America has been slow to grow out of stage orange and go into stage green. Our country literally doesn't even have universal healthcare and we are the richest country on earth. 3 people own more wealth than the bottom 50%. -
TrustTheProcess replied to TrustTheProcess's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Leo Gura what do you feel led to America clinging on to christian fundamentalism longer than say denmark? also, ik that this is a very complex issue, but isn't fundamentalism a byproduct of stage blue consciousness? I don't think that it is just the other way around. Of course, religious ideologies add inertia to stage blue, but it seems at one point, other countries, like canada for example were about as religious as us. Why are we so slow to fully embrace secularism? It is also interesting that our constitution was a pretty orange document and more relatively developed than others relative to that time period. One would think that we would have advanced faster. -
TrustTheProcess replied to Robi Steel's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
That is because the right wing ideology is not as developed as the left wing ideology. from a tier 2 perspective, this is clear as day. you don't understand how diverse marxism is and you don't understand how necessary aspects of marxism are for any modern society to function. 1. if your differing opinion is that black people are poor because they are lazy, but refuse to acknowledge systemic problems that lead to poverty in the black community, i hate to break it to ya, you are at least reinforcing racism. Of course stage green is going to be triggered by that. 2. who are the people that have an allergic reaction to people trying to decrease military funding, increase infrastructure, increase education spending, and increase taxes on the top .1% of income and labelling them as "Murderous marxists who want to turn america to Venezuela"? another strawman, 95% of progressives are not "anti white"... this is your own victim mindset ironically. it isn't a blind hatred of trump... it is more like a hatred for the status quo of corporatism and deception that he is a caricature of Ironically, you just created a boogieman earlier by labelling marxists as "murderous"... go watch fox news for 5 seconds and you will see how they demonize "the left" and try to manufacture a worldview where bernie sanders(and even joe biden at times lol) is Mao Zedong. lol, funny how right wingers didn't complain when education was defunded. funny how defunding education and healthcare and other social safety nets systemically reproduces poverty and by extension criminality. if we invested more money into infrastructure and education, we wouldn't need so much goddamn police spending. ... lol, I don't feel like this even needs to have anything said about it. 1. a majority of the republican party I would say does not have a favorable opinion towards lgbt community... Whether jenner supports them or "small gubbermint" or whatever is not is relevent. 2. whether trump is racist or not is irrelevent, his policies reinforce systems that reproduce poverty in black communities. 3. just because we are "one of the least racist countries" doesn't mean there aren't a shit ton of racism that needs to be addressed systemically. -
Do you guys think that "journalists" like Tucker Carlson act and report in good faith? He always tries to frame things as "dem elites trying to screw the working class over", but apparently every time Trump passes legislation that transfers wealth to the top 1% like his tax cuts, he switches to covering transgender issues.
TrustTheProcess replied to Robi Steel's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
lol lol, no. American progressives are more about getting rid of money in politics, universal healthcare, making high quality education more accessible, getting out of wars, ending mass incarceration... the opposite of the current status quo that trump is propagating. that is why progressives are triggered by trump, republicans, and even establishment dems like biden and pelosi. it seems that you are isolating instances of stage green stupidity and strawmanning progressives as being limited to that stupidity. you are blinded from accepting the truth in the progressive movement. -
TrustTheProcess replied to Nak Khid's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Husseinisdoingfine I think anyone who adheres to labels like "socialists" is ideological... that said, he has excellent stage green economic analysis imo. -
TrustTheProcess replied to Extreme Z7's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
This is 4chan tier shitposting -
TrustTheProcess replied to Parththakkar12's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
we need balance between science and spirituality/mysticism... sometimes, one is better at solving problems than another. sometimes, you need to use a combo of both. in any case, it is not wise to dogmatically marginalize either one. -
@Serotoninluv lol, awesome example of red->blue
TrustTheProcess replied to Jay Ray's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
this is a good answer imo -
all of those things have a healthy amount of red in them;)
TrustTheProcess replied to Parththakkar12's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@DrewNows -
TrustTheProcess posted a topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I am wondering if anyone can share examples of stage blue enlightened people. I can conceptually understand that it is possible and I have read up on it, but I think it would be useful to see like video footage or interviews with them. -
TrustTheProcess replied to Leo Gura's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
Vaush seems pretty authentic to me. -
TrustTheProcess replied to Extreme Z7's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Serotoninluv good point. The externalities of his message and actions need to be accounted for regardless of his intentions.