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Everything posted by TrustTheProcess

  1. Hey y'all, So I actually consider myself to be a pretty empathetic person. It is just that at times, I struggle with expressing it in emotionally connective ways. For example, if one of my friends comes up to me and is bummed out, I tend to automatically try to give advice to help them solve their problem... rather than immediately trying to say something to put them at ease. So for example: One of my friends is having some problems planning her future. She just graduated college, has no idea what to do with her life. So naturally my first instinct was "I don't mean to invalidate your perspective, but just realize that you are not alone. nobody has everything figured out at 22."... even though there was truth to that, it felt like too much of a male brained approach and tone. She even was real with me and said that while she k new I was right, it didn't make her feel better. How do I get better at tapping into that warm feminine style of empathy?
  2. @Leo Gura that seems way too generous...
  3. @Scholar
  4. @-Tim- lol, I really don't feel like engaging any further with this discussion... I will just leave it at this: Yes, of course some countries are more socially developed than others... nobody denies that. just because America happens to be more developed than say saudi arabia does not mean that America is the pinnacle of what human development can be. Similar to how while the romans were relatively more developed than the barbarians, the romans had a shit ton of problems. Nobody here hates white people or wants white people to feel guilty. you can isolate a few instances of toxic stage green in america and demonize the entire stage as being backwards based on only those isolated bits of toxicity. You won't learn or grow much by doing that though
  5. wow, it seems like dutch guy helped you transcend to stage coral
  6. @-Tim-–Kruger_effect
  7. @IJB063 haha, I am for differing opinions, I am ok with blue and orange ideas being available on youtube... that said, people saying that blacks are genetically inferior due to their skull shapes with nearly 1 million followers. some 14 year old sees that... do you not see how that is problematic? you can't just have unrestricted free speech bucko. there is nuance and someone needs to draw the line. it isn't a good option to throw your hands up and say "well if the standard of where the line is is so relative... then there should be no line". It needs to be well thought out and the youtube terms of service is if you decide to look into it.
  8. not a good analogy, a drunken jq conspiracy theorist is more than welcome to host his own private event where a bunch of other ignorant white supremacists can congregate and spew their verbal diarrhea. it isn't like youtube is banning ben shapiro, JP, and whoever else is sharing blue/orange content... they aren't actively spreading dangerous beliefs with their platforms... youtube is purging actual white supremacists and it is their right to do so... ik you don't agree, but they have the legal right to do so.
  9. @-Tim- Welp, my man did suggest shit like Moroccans are genetically inferior... just sayin. also, nobody... literally nobody in this forum tried to make whites feel guilty or bad... that is just dutch guy's victim mentality and ignorance.
  10. why? youtube is literally a private company. There is nothing stopping TrumpTube from being made. I thought you were a libertarian... Isn't trying to make youtube public a bit too socialist for ya?
  11. @IJB063 racist, white nationalists are free to go and make TrumpTube. if youtube does not feel like racist and homophobic content aligns with their values, they are free to kick users who post that shit off their platform
  12. @IJB063 they are a private company... If I am hosting a private event on private property and some asshole comes to my party drunk as fuck yelling racial slurs and sharing conspiracy theories with children, I am calling security. that is a violation of the TOS
  13. That was some tier 2 level planning right there
  14. @Epikur this vid is a criticism from below.... also, they only used vaush's first debate, against sargon which was his worst debate yet
  15. less evolved= more simplistic, more black and white, more egocentric, more contracted scope It is not just leo. there is a reason why professionals of history, sociology, economics, political science, psychology tend to have a heavy left wing bias across the board and would agree that right wing belief systems are less developed even if they don't necessarily know about sd... those kinds of belief systems simply don't hold up against nuanced academic discourse... yes, even that is just a perspective, but some perspectives are less contracted and encompass more perspectives than others, and thus relatively more truthful... In order for you to realize this, it would require you to surrender your ego and put your world view on the chopping block... just consider that perhaps you really don't know shit about anything. Try to actively see the limitations in your own worldview before trying to point out the holes in others and use that as justification to maintain your own perspective without bothering to honestly assess it critically. I wish you luck on your journey man.
  16. thanks for sharing, good stuff!
  17. @Artsu mbti at least is related to cognitive functions/thought processing, not necessarily behavior. This is partially why the 16 personalities test is trash. it has a heavy bias to map women to f and men to t for this reason
  18. @Artsu Masculine compassion: left brain bias, solving a problem, shifting perspectives, etc Feminine compassion: right brain bias, giving validation, directly comforting, acceptance, etc