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About TrustTheProcess

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  • Birthday 05/19/1994

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    Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
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  1. Good content and good example of stage yellow shooting from the hip
  2. This channel is textbook yellow. really good tier 2 social, cultural analysis.
  3. I been thinking a lot about the current geopolitical turbulence we've been having. Ukraine War, Israel Palestine war, Houthis cutting off trade, China eying Taiwan... I am concerned for the US regardless of who is going to be president over the next 4 years... but the possibility that Trump wins is kinda stressing me out. Him inheriting our domestic and geopolitical situation... Even if Trump loses, the amount of internal instability in our country from him continuing to spread conspiracy theories that are now precedented as being a part of the mainstream Republican Party platform more or less. But this time, he had 4 years to plan a scenario like this... The fact there's no accountability for him and for all the people in our government and media who validated his explicitly treasonous acts and promoted the lies that led up to it. We are going to eat shit no matter what it feels like. The consequences of either trump winning or trump losing would create so much internal and international instability... The fact I am seeing people still defend him. Like the main people on fox still defend him. It is genuinely disturbing that he can literally do nothing wrong in the eyes of at least 33% of our country. And the more accountability he gets, the more he leverages that to deepen loyalty. "They're only going after me because I'm anti establishment. I'm not a sellout like the fake republicans. look at this double standard-- where's hunter?? They are after me because I'm the only thing stopping your from George Soros poisoning the blood of our country with immigrants"... THEY EAT THAT SHIT UP DUDE. AM I EXPECTING TOO MUCH.... ISN'T THIS COMMON SENSE???? THAT HE IS AN EXTREME CHARLATAN???? and... the stakes are so high on every level right now, domestic and globally. having someone as president whose top priorities are being popular, winning at all costs, being better than everyone else. Having someone who has committed acts of treason against the United States not be held accountable by the government/media and still being able to run for office again. I can't predict the future, but one thing I know is the next 365 are going to be something else... History will be made.
  4. would someone like tony soprano classify or is he just stage red? the distinction between narcissism/sociopathy and stage red are not clear to me…
  5. @Hardkill it’s precisely the degree of state interference itself that is inhibiting them from having the level of democracy and freedom that europe has though.
  6. @Leo Gura Why are you so certain early educational/life exp related to gender identity contributes to an increase in trans people and “gender confusion” but don’t think early educational/life exp related to sexuality contributes to an increase in gay people? i think one’s educational and social environment will always play a role in shaping kids world view, brain circuitry, and even hormonal profile in the long term. Note: I am not against gay or trans people and advocate for their rights and inclusion within society. Just an inconsistency i noticed
  7. Shit is crazy good y'all... especially spiral dynamics analysis, which 3.5 was pretty underwhelming on. Here is an example you guys might like:
  8. @Leo Gura you can have a conservative who has certain stage yellow tendencies. still, i think people i have met in this category tend to have some major green blind spots, which would make it hard to fully characterize them as “stage yellow”. it is a false equivalency to say that trying to map conservativism vs liberalism on spiral dynamics is comparable to trying to map sexuality or personality types to stages. conservativism and liberalism are based in values that do in fact map onto spiral dynamics, with liberal/progressive values mapping higher than conservative values
  9. Hi y'all, So much conflicting and partial/politically-charged discourse on the causes of inflation. Can someone help me better understand why inflation is getting worse and how Biden's policies may be contributing to it+ how he could do better? I am def not sold on the republican solution of more tax cuts plus less social security, healthcare, infrastructure, education, and childcare.... Also, I understand that this is a global issue as well. Shit is too complicated to fully wrap my head around and it is not my domain of expertise.
  10. @Leo Gura Serious question: where does the space rat alien thing fit into this? Also, you have had like 4 paradigm-shattering realizations over the past 6 months... don't you think it'd be wise to work on integration before trying to dig deeper?
  11. @OBEler it's like trying to make a stage coral course for a stage green audience. Sure, maybe coral is more advanced and "important", but you need to be pragmatic and meet people where they are at before they can even begin to process coral. Like-- I am sure more experienced, grounded, and wiser like sadhguru and ralston are holding back their full power levels to be tactical and optimize their impact/reach.
  12. @Leo Gura Dude... can you please consider being pragmatic and tactical. Before making a full course on this new thing that you just discovered 4 days ago and putting all of the other courses on hold, why not commit to getting a better grip on this new thing first and finishing the less extremely advanced courses? I have no idea if you are full of shit or not tbh... regardless, if you want to be efficient in working on expanding the consciousness of humanity, you should consider first making courses on things that you have more of a grip on and more experience/thought in. Also, you need to be more conscious of where your audience is at. Then 5 years from now, you can drop an alien infinity tantra course or whatever
  13. Leo… how specifically is Alien God distinct from God? why characterize it as “alien”? this seems like a conceptual projection… also where does the space rat kangaroo alien fit into all of this? do you think there can be alien god within alien god within alien god in a strange loop did this new consciousness allow you to tap into some dimension or occult perception to realize your house was haunted? please elaborate
  14. lol, I did-- just wanted some good starting points/suggestions from y'all Thanks!