Thought Art

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Everything posted by Thought Art

  1. @Nivsch You are very biased I think. 40ish hostages is terrible… a thousand murdered is terrible… ….hundreds of thousands starving and 30,000 dead is a whole other level. I continue to study the history of this situation from multiple perspectives. What happened in 1948? What has been the realist in Palestine for the last 70 years? Every terrorist, every nation that commits genocide, every murderer, conman, thief, rapist, etc had good intentions.
  2. Actualized also teaches to do what you can do for hours and enjoy paradox
  3. Learn self defence in mind, body, soul and finance But, forgive those wicked who would harm you in such ways. Or, those who have. Defend, protect and use discernment. But, forgive. Peace of mind is number one goal.
  4. The Tao leader Looks beyond friend and foe, Profit and loss Fame and disgrace And therefore prevails (Tao, 56)
  5. I am the general of my own life. I am focused on maturity, financial mastery and in favor of skillful living and long term thinking. My 20's were a messy period for me. I am 28 now, and entering my 30's. My 30's will be marked by career and business growth, spiritual embodyiment and debt free living. Success can grow from failure. Misery from happiness Who knows what lies Beneath the surface? Complaint and conflict Can turn to good Morale can shift From high to low, People have long been confused About causation The Tao Leader is Just, but not judgemental Honest, but not hurtful Straightforward, but not inflexible Bright, but not flamboyant. (Tao, 58)
  6. Should be done playfully
  7. Funny, I had spent some time around an old Christian man the last couple months. He did often complain about the woke. Also, I see more clearly how conservative mind works. Though, many conservatives have a lot going for them as well. Assuming they are a quality conservative.
  8. Funny how a simple thing like losing my hair can bother me this much. I don’t reaaaaally like how I look in the mirror. So, that’s part of my process now. Also, friends like to comment like “See you have a fresh shaved head” haha
  9. How about no. Go out and meet a girl. Go meet a bunch.
  10. People on here are all different. Most of us are full of shit to some degree and lack experience in many areas of life. Awakening is one line of development. There are different lines of development and types of development.
  11. Kratom is highly addictive and not ideal for this work I think
  12. It is simply being. Reality is Mind, Top down
  13. Usain Bolt vs Stephen Hawking without a wheel chair Zack Efron vs Leo Gura in a wrestling match Just me and my guard turtle Look, everything is perfect. Each life has its own unique experience which is beautiful in the eyes of infinity. An important part of this work is facing the truth and living in balance and harmony with what is. We want to relate to what is effectively. Your DNA and upbringing matter in how you relate with reality. Your gifts and limitations are unique to you. You are capable of growth in many ways and reality is multifaceted enough for you to develop a happy healthy life style. Also, be wary. You are probably more handsome/ beautiful than you think you are. Get direct experience instead of betting on your current self image. Love yourself however you are and enjoy life.
  14. Inner strength and power of mind. The ability to see clearly, to be loving. Be mature, have good work ethic. Be of service and come from a place of respect. Do self inquiry, question thoughts. Realize dualistic reality is a set of relationships, and they can be understood and interacted with effectively with the correct level of education.
  15. You don't need to be the hottest guys. Because if you are average, or below average there is a sea of girls that are average or below average as well, who may be great girlfriends and wives. You can find someone you match with in terms of value. Getting a girl is really very natural if you try. Now, sleeping with a girl way above your sexual value is another thing. When Leo said in his video if you find you are a Dwarf in the RPG of life, play as the best Dwarf and don't get butthurt by the Elves. They have their own challenges. Be the best you you can be.
  16. @shree lol
  17. @k-ahmadzadeh should be fine looks wise.