Thought Art

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Everything posted by Thought Art

  1. @Someone here I mean no offense. Stay well! It might as well be horseshit until you actually awaken. I hope when you awaken you’ll go “Horseshit!!! I get it!”
  2. When you Actually have an awakening your not gonna be like “oh it was nothing wow” You’re gonna be like “Oh my fucking God”
  3. Consciousness might as well be nothing. Sure, But it's not nothing, paradoxically. It's One. It's Infinity. Infinity is not nothing, It's really just itself.
  4. @Someone here ? That made no sense to me Recontextualized physical reality (aka Consciousness) We clearly are on a different page. Which, is normal. When I say consciousness I am saying a complete opposite of Physical reality. Gonna go play guitar and sing. Peace!
  5. @Osaid Consciousness. Pure Being. Now. You could say it's nothing. But, You could say it's something. You could be wrong, you could be right. You Are.
  6. @Someone here Yeah? Well, look at your hands. Look at the room around you. You're just ignoring what is obvious. Consciousness. Ironically, labelling actuality "Nothingness"
  7. (I may have misunderstood you lol) We are not denying Creation, but you are not grasping the paradoxical nature of Creation which I for one, point too. The paradox is profound. Leo explains it better than I.. Something like God had to create itself before it existed. Because, even non-existence and before God was always actually a part of God. God created itself with literally nothing. God had to create itself before it existed. God Created itself. This stupid buddhist framing of "Nothing".. Yeah, thats nice but it's just a facet. Pointing to nothingness I think it important. But, when you look at your hands and the room you are in, which is this. Which is something, i guess you could say... The actual qualia and subjective experience you have is God. It's not nothing. It's God. God is a shape shifter. Compared to an object it's nothing because it has no finite qualities, except paradoxically when it does. So, you could say reality is nothing, but nothing is paradoxically something.
  8. @Ishanga No, forget particles and big bangs. That's all back story. It's really just consciousness. It's not nothing. It's just consciousness and God. All this other stuff like "It's nothing" or "It's particals and big bangs, and then people and then this" is all back story and dream stuff.
  9. Logic this. You can make a sound logical argument but it doesn’t bare awakening and realization. Even saying it’s nothing because it’s unborn and doesn’t die is a finite take, a partial perspective and lacks the nuance of actual realization into immortality, infinite and reality being consciousness. Consciousness is reality, immortality, God, Truth etc. It is also “born” in finite ways when it’s taking the shape of something that is “born”. Consciousness isn’t really nothing. But it’s also not different from nothing. There’s a sneaky duality between something vs nothing in your logic as well. Which, consciousness explains very well.
  10. I be knocking out that stress bb 😤
  11. Hi everyone, I created a Qigong for spring routine you may like. Would love to hear your feedback if you give it a try. Peace!
  12. Good work Speaking of which, is a good idea to donate if you get value from Leo’s work and the forum.
  13. 5meodmt is so powerful I wouldn’t do that
  14. @Lucasxp64 I think scripts exist, an AI could probably make one as well and then translate it and then speak it
  15. Yeah Loved you all a long, long while Looked down into a deep, dark well Called all your names They echoed down for miles and miles And all that other mystical, well, never-you-mind Loved them all through many a lifetime Some are gone but some still strong Some are weird as hell but we love 'em Some are one trick ponies but we embrace 'em 'Cause I've always had a soft spot for repetition Wooh, loved you all a long, long while Looked down into a deep, dark well Called all your names They echoed down for miles and miles And all that other mystical, well, never-you-mind Loved you all a long, long time Looked long into the length of a tunnel Called all your names And we was tripping out 'cause we needed a way out And all them other crystalline mystic rationalizations Loved them all right down to my soul Looked well into the depth of a hole Pondered perpetual motion in the echo Just like the song if the repeats were long Loved you all a long, long while Looked down into a deep, dark well Called all your names They echoed down for miles and miles And all that other mystical, well, never-you-mind Loved you all a long, long while And I'd give my left, nevermind, for one big synchronized smile Some are one trick ponies but so am I Round 'em up into a mixed bag bundle of love now, yeah Loved them all a long, long tick And it's four, five, six Prevent your schtick Throw them at the wall in a mixed bag and see if they stick Then give 'em a glass of water Give 'em a cherry pie Wooh, loved you all a long, long while Looked down into a deep, dark well Called all your names They echoed down for miles and miles And all that other mystical, well, never-you-mind
  16. @digitalkaine There is some truth to LOA. Developing healthy self image, taking action on your goals, believing in yourself, knowing what you want, bring creative, law of resonance, this is all good LOA stuff. I do think that Peter Ralston's book The Art of Mastery and his explanation about effective interaction is a more solid core operating system than using new age ideas and LOA. But, LOA is a generally real phenomena when used intelligently with common sense, and practical day to day habits like managing your finances well. Sounds like you've had some success with moving beyond limiting beliefs, self image and manifesting what you want in life.