Thought Art

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Everything posted by Thought Art

  1. @Yimpa Yeah, I don't want you to leave. I think, I should have communicated better. I interpreted the post as trolly, but, if you didn't mean it that way I am sorry. @Natasha Tori Maru Interesting perspective. We are one, that is for sure. A direct insight into that oneness I find tends to increase the desire to develop the respect for oneself and other. This is part of the reason I made the post.
  2. @Yimpa Okay, my apologies.
  3. @Princess Arabia Thanks for clarifying because I thought you meant reply to every comment as well. What you say makes sense. Interesting to consider. I have to think about that.
  4. I personally use it often. I watched the video until just after the Ad. It’s pretty logical up to that point. If it starts to break down because you purposely distort it, that is interesting but doesn’t to me mean it’s stupid or not useful. It offers lots of nuance naturally. It clearly offered plenty of nuance from the beginning. Guiding Alex to decide for himself. But, if you force it into limitations and then complain of inconsistency ignoring its offered nuance, recognition of ethical complexities, and it’s contextual awareness demonstrated early on… that’s not really fault of the AI. That’s on you. It’s far more accurate than a person. It’s also not meant to think for you.
  5. This is a question I want to ask everyone here, Mods, users, Leo, Myself. I mean, if it’s a personal development forum what are we doing here? Where are we headed? I think as Mods we can do better respecting each other as mods, and mods to users. I say this because I see it, have felt it in the past in conflict with mods, users, etc and my own shortcomings in these areas. Ideally, this forum and its regulars grow to a level of maturity and consciousness this place reflects the work and purpose of personal development, spiritual work. We come here saying we are interested in these subjects. But, are we blossoming? Can we smell the sweet nectar of Wisdom amongst us?
  6. @Kinjal Oh yeah? Tell us more about that if you want. @Nemra Definitely important that we as users of the forum have proper expectations that this is a casual chat room about these topics surrounding personal development. Each of us relate to the forum differently, are in different seasons of life etc. You bring up good points. I can do better with grasping context before responding. I’d like to see better grammar too. Though, I don’t expect perfection.
  7. @Something Funny When I worked in accounting it was necessary. But, it likely can be distracting depending on how you use it. For example having 2 things at once.
  8. @Davino Good question Davino. I like when we seek clarity. That’s a good reminder.
  9. @Princess Arabia Hmm, that’s a fair point. It’s good practice though in my opinion not to do that. So I shared my perspective. I think it would be a mistake to think I’m telling him how to act respectful. However, we can each work to communicate that as we communicate here. I think a distinction can be made between what my post is about, and a general request not to do something on the forum that I think muddies threads. There is no need to quote the entire multiple paragraphs to then write a sentence. The quote feature is great when you are responding to something specific.
  10. @AerisVahnEphelia Good point about not making multiple posts. I will work on that. I noticed it when I did it but I will improve. With your regards to saying I was being disrespectful towards you. I think you know I wasn't. Please don't gaslight or insinuate violence towards me or other members of the forum. I did provide a warning for that. Again, conflict and disagreement is not the same as disrespect. Holding each other accountable to forum etiquette is not disrespect. However, these things can be done in disrespectful ways. I invite anyone feeling disrespected to me to let me know so I can discuss it and reflect. I respect the members of this forum. I respect myself. I have conflicts with myself and others. This is part of being a group/ system. My comment on your post was matter of fact, and because I am looking to cultivate a thread that is more focused and down to earth on how we interact on the forum, not these grand concepts of good and evil. Though, I acknowledge those contemplations as worth in other containers. You are calling what I am promoting a "dream". I disagree. The forum has guidelines and we are very lenient towards you guys (Leo is lenient towards us) because we (he knows) know that growth takes time. This thread, and others I will create each month will be designed to remind us of what we should already know, or intuit as students of spiritual and personal development. If we don't already know these things, then this will be for those interested or who find value in learning these things. Of course, people are free to choose how they act. This forum does have guidelines. It does have a purpose. People should ask themselves if they are interested in the purpose of the forum.
  11. @Inliytened1 Hey man, I noticed you quoted my entire initial thread comment. I think when people do that is muddies up threads. Perhaps single @ me or whoever instead of quoting such a long line of text.
  12. @puporing Perhaps a direct and respectful communication with that person could help things. I wouldn’t take Criticism of Christians are an insult to you personally. But, given what I know about you I can understand how that is challenging. What could you do to establish a more respectful line of communication?
  13. @AerisVahnEphelia This is some broad contemplations you are doing. However, we can bring things home and down to our interactions on a normal human level. We generally have a good sense of common sense in what is a respectful interaction or approach to another.
  14. @Davino That is worth contemplating. How do you show respect through text and media on a forum? How do you show disrespect through text and media on a forum? Start to take notice of how you feel when reading people’s interactions, and reflecting on your own. Was that respectful? What is respect? Why be respectful? What do I lose or gain from being respectful?
  15. Drinking some Pu’erh working on my life purpose. I feel like I’ve achieved the next step of my life purpose. I’ll share it here soon.
  16. @Yimpa Hey man, I hid your post because it’s essentially trolling my thread. I know you like to be funny. But, going forward if you could not post trolly pithy, silly posts on my threads especially of more serious nature that would be ideal. We all use the forum. It’s also these types of silly responses which have little value. People know what respectful behaviour is. They also know what it’s not. It’s just they often find themselves in a state of agitation or goofiness. Essentially, low quality consciousness. Please…
  17. @Inliytened1 Respect isn't about control. In this case, it's setting an example, as Mods we should do that. It's about the conversation, and holding space for respect for one another. And, really anyone on the forum. It's also, inherently challenging at times.
  18. @Davino Speaking with it often really helped me iron out neuroticism and self doubt. It’s very Cognitive healthy. ChatGPT text and advanced voice chat. Speaking to it I can be as advanced in my thinking as I please. Can’t do that with most humans.
  20. @Miguel1 Honestly, I’m not overly impressed with a lot of the stuff I see here. I’m not overly impressed with anyone on earth right now though. Been feeling disillusioned lately. More just focused on myself and my work and purpose. I just feel like there is so much thick garbage in the social matrix right now. I can only focus on myself. I
  21. Haha welcome to planet earth… a bunch of Psychologically damaged people surviving to escape. I even cringe at myself right now.