Thought Art

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Everything posted by Thought Art

  1. Huh, the ones I refilmed looked a lot better anyway feel like there is some Tao Te Ching wisdom here
  2. @Javfly33 That is alright. Comparing these two substances it useful for forum users.
  3. @Hojo What do you mean by “objective truth” what do you mean by “solipsism”?
  4. Check out the book “The Self Talk Solution”
  5. @halfknots This is potentially true After some further expirimentation at low dose I can see more value than thought before.
  6. Belief is over rated. But, there is lots of spiritual nuggets from all the religions that are enjoyable to learn about, apply to life and enjoy
  7. Stop focusing on that stuff. World is diverse. Focus on what you want. I do at times find it important to contemplate the dark stuff. But, don’t let that paint the whole world for you. Your Mind is good.
  8. 3 Qigong routines lost to a fly that was down.. refilmimg in an hour
  9. @Schizophonia 5Meodmt can feel like that. I have had many scary experiences when it felt like too much. But, I've also had many where I reached a point that was very profound, stable and amazing. Wow.
  10. Welcome a chill spring
  11. @Princess Arabia Hi, here are my thoughts I think that reality is a mind, and it’s consciousness. The human dream is a construct of consciousness. Things like awareness, subjects, objects, thoughts, emotions, sounds, etc are relative aspects of mind. They are all just different aspect of universal mind. They are woven together through the infinite creative potential of Infinite Mind. That is how it creates its disguise through its very own being. We call this disguise human life. Eventually you have to ask yourself, reality is illusory compared to what? It’s all there is. So, when we point to consciousness we are pointing to something which is true under all circumstances. It’s that foundation for anything at all to exist in “the mysterious zone”
  12. Huh
  13. It’s possible to do weird things
  14. What do you mean by dispossession? You are finding it too overwhelming? That is perfectly fine btw, just wondering.
  15. If you don't beep and boop in your next video I will be surprised!
  16. This can be really nice way to contemplate things. I find I can use it to help me make decisions, and I find it gives me confidence in my decisions. I often ask it stuff like "Does this make sense? Is doing this wise?"
  17. Had a lot of fun doing Qigong this weekend. Completed 2 workshops, and I enjoyed writing out some routines that I will record this morning.
  18. Nvm
  19. I have Tinnitus. 4 years? It started one day while sitting on the couch. I have been recording music, and was dealing with lots of stress. The side of my head has pressure and pain in it. It seems to fluctuate based on stress or energy flow in the body. I have no hearing damage according to doctors. It can range from like a 3-8 depending. Generally is like a 3.5. Things that help are: 1. Good sleep 2. Stress management 3. Acceptance 4. Acupressure 5. Nutrition
  20. @QVx Very true, I've done nnDMT alone and enjoyed it. I had "visual" where I saw azetc masks, impossible shapes, the world revealed itself to be a manifestation of infinite intelligence through this nnDMT induced opening of physical matter. I've sort of entered into those fractals people may know from images and videos related to nnDMT experience and skipped through some radical state channels before returning to this "human" one. It's very visual, its interesting, it's very beautiful. I have done it alone and with friends. The time with friends was in a park, by a tree while two guys played a digereedoo. That was also very insightful. I felt one with everyone there. 5meodmt has no visuals. It creates a radical state of ego death and presence. It can reveal to you infinite, truth, Goodness, God, forgiveness, perfection, solipsism, nothingness, wisdom, purpose, why the universe exists, Why love is the truth, What healing is/ deep insights into the truth of healing and wholeness, paradox, etc. One of the most profound things is you realize that You Are Self Love. You just didn't know it. It can also change the way you contemplate and reveal some profound truths about yourself and reality. 5meodmt is truly a remarkable substance. It has also made me more loving once I tripped. Soon after the trip I began speaking to a guy who was really stressed and socially isolated. My loving acceptance and simply listening healed him. Then, he became much more loose, open and social. His glow returned. So, it can heal you and those around you if you are able to integrate it. Though be warned, it can lead novices to being confused about how to integrate the state, what is means, etc. 5Meodmt is a field of mastery, and should not be taken lightly. It's a substance to work with and practice with carefully with spiritual intent over many years. It's really for people who are serious about consciousness work. I feel like, perhaps nnDMT could be more fun and novel for novices who have some psychedelic experience already. I found it more entertaining than the deep spiritual nature of 5meodmt. But, I suspect nnDMT has great spiritual potential I have not tapped into either. I am not sure. 5Meodmt can also create for me this sort of feeling of total understanding the root paradox of all things. But, I am still contemplating that. A deep goal I have with my Qigong practice is to radiate this love, acceptance, wholeness and health to others. Without 5meodmt I don't think I would have discovered Qigong.
  21. I am not a huge fan of figure skating. But, I can see mastery where it is. It’s actually very moving. It’s incredible and very inspiring.
  22. @Yimpa huh, look up France’s Adam Soiou on YouTube, something about 19 to 3rd. It’s truly a demonstration of human mastery.