Thought Art

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Everything posted by Thought Art

  1. Weird my response disappeared. I basically said that learning online is a viable option for many forms of Yoga: Kundalini, Tantra, Pranayama, Hathaway. And for many forms of Qigong and meditation. In person can be great as well. My intro to Kyra was videos Sadhguru had on YouTube. @Panteranegra Thank you!
  2. @Javfly33 Good points. I do think that video makes things way easier than with a book. Books are such a slow and uncertain way compared to video. I admit, I have only done a little bit of Krya from books on Leo's book list. And, ironically to your post I have done some Krya from Sadghuru's videos on youtube. But, I have found Kundalini Yoga and Pranayama to be very powerful, essentially psychedelic experiences. They also do a lot of good for the energy. I learn these online. Though, my introduction to Kundalini Yoga was in person. I can't comment fully to Yoga being the ultimate device to awakening because, I just find that epistemically slippery. I pull from Qigong, Yoga, Shamanic practices, psychedelics, etc. I am not really that interested in one path only. I do think that in person instruction is very valuable, maybe even more so at times. But, that being said I think plenty of people learn Yoga of various forms, Qigong of various forms, Breathwork of various forms, meditation of various forms with their phone, you tube, online courses. In person is valuable as well. But, there is pros and cons to each medium.
  3. @Javfly33 I take courses online is a great way to learn. Depends on technique you are learning.
  4. My musical abilities grow.
  5. @Leo Gura Yeah, but the guys needs to take a first step. These numbers can offer him more local resources.
  6. I would start with small steps like calling 988 or whatever number is relevant in your area. Get the help you need.
  7. Part of the problem we face when we feel down is our mind creates imaginary obstacles. You can use apps like better help or others, you can look into free group therapy sessions. You can do things at the same time. Find some kind of low stress job, while doing therapy a couple times a week. You would be amazed simply how much YOU deciding to take proactive steps for your situation is healing. Like: 1. Making a plan 2. Finding therapy groups or affordable therapy 3. Putting debt Into a debt repayment calculator 4. Doing some compassionate journaling 5. Getting enough sleep regularly, eating well, self compassion, Studies show that simply deciding and booking a therapy session is healing. You can find cheap or free ones to start. You can even use ChatGPT or similar. Debt can be really stressful, but it’s something that can feel a lot better when you face it with a plan and accept its reality. Give it time. Make small consistent efforts.
  8. @Tristan12 I found psychedelics helped as part of a larger system. Therapy, Qigong, journaling, self help books, environment, audiobooks, relationships, job changes, etc
  9. @Tristan12 I fell into the trap of thinking psychedelics would heal me years ago. But, they don't. They can show you glimpses of peace, wellbeing, trust, etc which can act as guideposts. There is not magic pill here. We need to focus on holistic solutions, systems, and slow painful progress over years and decades of work. That being said, you can start seeing results sooner than later. This is going to take the right set of tools. Don't rely on these substances alone. You got this. Take a long term approach.
  10. Just survived a little ego backlash. I move to often to have such a large phsyical book Library. I am switching to a Kobo Sage.
  11. Ive been burned by these things. I’d be careful. Do you have 10k to potentially lose? It can be worth researching other companies, courses, offerings, reaching out to their students, etc. I’m now very wary of these types of courses. Not that the information or coaching is bad, but the marketing to get you in the door. I don’t know you, the program or your industry/ target market. Watch Leo’s video on how to not get scammed and screwed. Have you had any paying clients at all before?
  12. Honestly, I’m dealing with some black pill stuff atm.
  13. @Jowblob Interesting. I find breathwork to be pretty powerful though, so I am not sure yet. There are a lot of techqniues out there.
  14. Does it really? Or, are you referring to the entire 8 branches of Yoga. Does yoga make you face hard truths? What about Yoga is making you walk the talk that extremely difficult psychedelic trip doesn't also? Both tools and techniques can be extremely challenging. How, does Yoga make someone "walk their talk?".
  15. I actually bet that is false. Do some yoga, or meditate and feel the effects. Then, go to work or speak to your parents, or whatever. I guarantee your state will change and this idea they are permanent is a fantasy. Really, though... It's a development of a system of spiritual techniques and maturity that creates change.
  16. Well, your brain is full of chemicals. And, many chemicals aren't psychedelic or psychoactive at all. Essentially, from a chemical perspective you are simply altering chemicals in the brain through Kyra Yoga. In terms of accessing higher/ altered states of consciousness Leo has decided that psychedelics are his preferred spiritual tool. Psychedelics have been used for thousands of years as spiritual tools. Just like Yoga, meditation, Qigong, etc... There isn't just one type of tool that is the correct spiritual tool. Notice as well there is clear distinctions in the types of chemical ingested. Different chemicals can be psychedelic, Opiate, dissociative etc. Yet, there are specific psychedelic compounds which offer very reliable and powerful spiritual experiences. Just like not all breathing is the same, not all posture is the same, not all movement is the same, etc not all compounds are the same.
  17. @Javfly33 Meth isn’t a psychedelic 😵‍💫
  18. Wherever you are today. Keep going.
  19. @Natasha Tori Maru I do my best, fail as I do.
  20. @Natasha Tori Maru Interesting perspective. We are one, that is for sure. A direct insight into that oneness I find tends to increase the desire to develop the respect for oneself and other. This is part of the reason I made the post.