Thought Art

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Everything posted by Thought Art

  1. Thanks for sharing that. I don't really know the truth. I wonder if I put a bunch of people with degrees with nutrition in a room who would agree. The thing is, I've seen people with high levels of education saying many things which conflict with one another. I am not convinced nutrition in the west is a mature science. I think eating balanced is the best approach. I am still exploring what that means for me. The problem with Veganism is that it is an identity and a belief system. There is also a lot of social pressure as it's a highly social affair. ie approval from other vegans. I also think the bias towards death is something the Vegans should question. I've recently been reading a book called Cosmic Nutrition by Mantak Chia. I think it offers a lot of interesting ideas around nutrition. I think there are solid principles to follow, such as seasonal eating, eating balanced, eating the right proportions and balancing Yin and Yang. Meat is fine to eat, but from this model it is considered extreme Yang. I still have to explore what this means in more detail, but I think the way you eat matters and not creating some sort of identity or idealogy around it. I think if you clearly define health as Mantak Chia does in the book you can then work to eat and live accordingly to the principles of effective interaction around health, nutrition, and ecology.
  2. Infinity, is it a trap? I don't know. But, I recently had an experience that had me question everything. It felt like a trap at the time but it also was the truest thing I ever understood and it was hard.
  3. To me idealogy is something I've learned to avoid. Generally, I don't eat meat. But, Feel fine if I eat it or don't eat it as long as I am eating well.
  4. Let’s bring some maturity guys. What is a conscious conversation about this topic look like?
  5. Could someone be vegan and healthy?
  6. I wish to simply be well and wish well to others
  7. Brian Johnson just shared this on YouTube. I thought it was funny. Of course, it doesn’t explain all illness or lack of health. But, for many people I think this is true. It’s true if we don’t set the intention to develop a system of healthy habits in Mind, Body, Spirit that we will needlessly suffer. We suffer more than just from the potential for disease. But, because we don’t address our minds we think toxic low quality thoughts. Because we don’t address our mental models we have largely dysfunctional mental models. Our thoughts and mental models are largely grossly inaccurate/ partial interpretation of what is taking this. This can affect many areas of your life to how you feel daily, what you think of yourself and others and how you relate to your overall relation to each area of your life. I think as well that our thoughts play a key role in our mental health or lack thereof. Unless we develop a system of habits to address our thinking from various levels we will forever be trapped in thoughts of illness, negative emotions, thinking negatively about self, a thing, an event, etc separation, arbitrary thinking, limited thinking, thinking that is unaware of the principles of effective interaction , and a misunderstanding of reality in deep fundamental ways that are impossible without addressing thought largely as a construct. Thought is a construct of our minds but because we are so caught in this construction so deeply we forget that it is a construct. More than just words, the mental maps, models, levels and capacity for deep abstraction on multiple levels are your thoughts in part. I digress, We want to eat well, exercise well, sleep well, have good sex, enjoy exercise, love myself , live in divine balance, etc, This is the essence of life. Live healthily. I am not trying to be perfect I am trying to be well.
  8. Wondering if anyone has any knowledge or opinion on Damien Echols and his Royal Science of Angels. Things like 'Magick' Talismans, etc are outside of my paradigm.... I will have to do more research but just curious of what people think. There are so many spiritual schools. I want to explore even the ones I think are BS (like this). Is tarot just wishful thinking/ guided contemplation?
  9. @JoshB I’ve decided to not speak about it in general to others. Even those who are spiritual. Eventually from Actualized you may reach a point where there is simply no one who can understand you.
  10. How I want to approach this topic is sort of like how El Salvador solved their gang crime issue. They did massive sweep putting gangs in jail. However, unfortunately some people who may not have been in gangs were jailed too. People judge El Salvador for this. However, life is harsh and when it comes to saving a country sacrifices also results for the greater good of everyone. My point is, I am aware I can’t serve everyone. But, I can with my growing understanding help many. When I provide some of the most powerful practices, concepts and ideas for living a joyful life for most people some people won’t be able to take the advice. That doesn’t mean I will just cower down and be like “oh someone disagrees with me” well, maybe they have some truth but I went and studied this for a decade and I will continue to. I can’t help everyone but my Qigong is helping people. Recently my Qigong video was shared on the suicide anonymous UK Website. My Qigong video is at the bottom. Try it out and see how Qigong can be a useful tool in your life.
  11. @Exystem is it stealing?
  12. @Happy Lizard George Leonard’s book if I remember is more stories of mastery, the types of pursuing mastery/ skills develop and is sort of a big picture book. It’s motivating and paints a good picture on why you should develop mastery. Peter Ralston’s is far more deep in that it breaks down Mastery into its components and basis everything around the idea of effective interaction as the basis of mastery. Peter’s book will teach you deeply how your mind works, the differences between how you think it should be vs how it actually is. Peter’s book and it’s focus on the principles of Effective Interaction is a life changer for those willing to read and study it. Both books address different aspects of mastery, as would Robert Greenes book
  13. I see it will be 45+ degrees the next week or so in Las Vegas. How are you handling that sort of heat?
  14. @Leo Gura Also, what I am saying is not “willing” something. That would be to misunderstand what I mean. I did not “will” away my depression or suicidal thoughts. I experienced the ups and downs and worked away at it slowly and patiently for years. Almost a decade now. I studied books, experimenting with techniques, had set backs, plenty of them but I keep going. I feel as if I am building a health mind, body and spirit and sense of life purpose. That helps.
  15. @Leo Gura Well, it’s perhaps not universally true under all circumstances. But, right living is useful for those who are out of wack due to wrong living thinking acting… I’ve acknowledged already the nuanced nature of this subject. If you neglect your mind, body, spirit you will feel like shit. Of course harsh external circumstances and past play a role in this. I am not promoting to feel good all the time either. But, yeah there are circumstances which are terrible and I’m not saying that the suffering is someone’s fault. It’s not. It’s a nuanced subject and I promote multiple perspectives and nuanced understanding of the individual/ collective nature of the thing. As someone who has, at this time largely cured my own suicidal ideation I can say that these things work. Building a healthy mind body and lifestyle is a major part of feeling good for those whose depression is not of deep chemical, physical or harsh life circumstances that are unavoidable and helpless. I think it’s wrong to promote helplessness as a universal thing, but it’s also wrong to promote that these things would fix everyone. Each person’s situation will be unique. I continue to contemplate.
  16. @Leo Gura Nice man, happy to hear
  17. I think spiritual gain could be seen as the opposite of material gain
  18. When the night has come And the land is dark And the moon is the only light we'll see No, I won't be afraid Oh, I won't be afraid Just as long as you stand Stand by me So darlin', darlin', stand by me Oh, stand by me Oh, stand Stand by me, stand by me If the sky that we look upon Should tumble and fall Or the mountain should crumble to the sea I won't cry, I won't cry No, I won't shed a tear Just as long as you stand Stand by me And darlin', darlin', stand by me Oh, stand by me Oh, stand now Stand by me, stand by me And darlin', darlin', stand by me Oh, stand by me Oh, stand now Stand by me, stand by me Whenever you're in trouble won't you stand by me Oh, stand by me Won't you stand by
  19. In order to be mentally healthy and enjoy life you just simply need to do the right things. People over complicate this. 1. Self Love 2. Ground and center yourself 3. clean your environment 4. Invest in a healthy meal and clean water 5. Do some of my Qigong routines 6. call friends, family, and hotlines 7. Accept that this too shall pass 8. Let time do it’s work 9. Once grounded decide to simply observe your life, finances, habits, challenges, mistakes, difficulties, fears etc objectively and focus on solving them objectively. Practice self compassion, it’s okay to feel bad and down. It’s okay to have movements of pain, doubt, fear and self hatred. This too shall pass. You are loved by the universe my friends. Trust. Feeling good is something you can learn to do. It’s not a matter of worth, or other peoples opinions, etc.