Thought Art

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Everything posted by Thought Art

  1. I am on the fence about pursuing music and creativity or diving in and learning computer programming, marketing, business, data analytics. Looking for people to dive deep and discuss how coding, programming, big data etc can be used to raise awareness and improve humanity!
  2. Is/ Does anyone: Do any one these resonate with you? Which ones? 1. hypersensitive? 2. an Old soul/ old for their age? 3. Hyper emotional 4. Big heart for humanity 5. Thinks super fast/ talks faster than most people 6. Think in images that you try to explain to others but can't because the image is far to much information to really put into words easily 7. Working through emotions scars, traumas, fears, neediness 8. Know that you are a devil, and that you have a shadow. That... oddly enough your trying to love and understand/ transcend. 9. Are obsessed with understanding human nature, and giving back 10. Struggling to find your own unique way through life (this one is likely a given) 11. BONUS: Concerned about the climate IS THAT YOU?!
  3. Today I was at a funeral and I was reminded by some Christians symbology: 1. Christ is on the cross, christians pray to the death and immense suffering of their prophet, why? To me that seems related to the idea that Christian's egos are ultimately resisting their true identity. 2. Why do christians symbolically eat the body of christ? Drink his Blood?
  4. Hey, I am interested in this! Down to work this out because I work with similar emotions. What is the context? Story? What's going on internally and externally?
  5. @Mircan I've really been on mine lately, and I've made a lot of progress and have learned more than I can say here: Thought: 1. I learned that I need to be persistent 2. A good book for the work we are doing by opening our hearts is Michael Singer - Untethered Soul 3. I really like Leo's video on Self Love 4. I often put my hand on my heart and say " I love you" or "I forgive you" to myself. Especially during meditation, or just when I notice negative chatter I put my hand on my hear and tell myself "I love you" 5. noticing and working on things like: Transference, envy, neediness, 6. Expect to make mistakes 7. Be radically open 8. I listened to a really good guided meditation in the App Fabulous that helped a lot 9. Letting go Letting go Letting go 10. Neti Neti 11. Gratitude exercise 12. A visualization/ meditation created by Vishen Lakhiani called 'The 6 Phase' I am still learning. There is so much work to do. But, I can honestly say its pretty amazing how much we can grow when we persist. Anyway all I can say for now.
  6. @Scholar There is for sure, try searching on Amazon! I found the book Peace in Times of War to be helpful as well as the book Non-violent Communication
  7. @actualizing25 My earlier experiences were in Amsterdam! Truffles!
  8. How does the idea of purity hold up to our actions, given the relativity of most of what we think, do, consume, create, etc? For example: Eating meat even though it causes an awareness to suffer IE slaughtering the animal...? Vs eating a vegetable which doesn't. How do we measure the purity of a teacher? Or of a teaching. By purity I mean closest to Truth and the Good and God.
  9. @Conscious life Are you being a jokester?
  10. @electroBeam I like how this comment wedged into my head and the ideas it gave me. I don't have a vision board but it's something I am looking into. And no, I don't think it was exactly 'spiritual conditioning' but I see your point. You are right. I fell in love with music and video and it was my main focus and love, and I poured a lot of time into mastering it. I would have mystical experiences or like 'Downloads' as complete songs. It was really a interesting time creating the songs. Now that muse I was following has moved onto something bigger. All the while exploring reality through books. I did a bunch of really cool stuff with music and video... organizing photographers, graphic designers, volunteers..., got a grant, started a business, relationships, first clients yada yada and really pushing my entrepreneur muscles. It was like, an early taste of business and doing work that effects my community. The bug has bit me and it's becoming clear that Music is actually really limited. I think everyone has a different thing they do, or spiritually connect with. I am taking Leo's life purpose course and I am reading books, trying things, and I think what I am really struggling with is my identity, dreams, interests are at a cross road. Learning to code has been really fun. IT lights me up!
  11. @Serotoninluv @remember You are right. I don't think we should exist in power hierarchy when we think of our spirituality, if thats what you mean't? Also, Yes. I don't know what to expect yet from being on the actualized forum. But, I am not part of any spiritual school, I am a student of truth. Also, I know little and I am a life long learner. I agree its more complex than simply have spirituality being vertical and psychology being horizontal. All models are relative and limited, yet can be useful even if somewhat inaccurate to how we see reality once we have developed further and understand the whole inner work maze of life. I got the model from a book about the relationship between western psychology and eastern spirituality. For me, spirituality being vertical has to do with letting go and transcending, the enlightening aspects of spiritual practice. Which of course is more nuanced. developed through meditation. beingness. And the horizontal has to do with our ego and how it interacts in relationship to other. So, shadow work, working on your neurotic symptoms, self image. This involves talk therapy, counciling. intellect. East - Vertical work West - Horizontal Work I know all dualities collapse.
  12. @Nahm I think so. I sometimes get these huge rushes of love and joy and creativity as my mind explodes with images of potential apps or, businesses, platforms surrounding technology. I've been working through confusion for a few years now. And, yeah I am starting to realize it really sparks me up inside... I think big picture thinking is a strength of mine and I think as I develop more experience and hard skills that I can provide a great gift for humans.
  13. 1. Purity is equal to unconditional love? But to do that is going to take an understanding of nothingness and selflessness. But, ahah obviously the paradoxical self love...? Basically, as God, I am trying to understand myself better. There seems to be a lot of relativity taking place, and a lot of bullshit everywhere. I am only interested in the highest teachings. The highest and nothing else will do. Thats why I've been listening to you. 2. I know you are a part of me. And to me you seem to represent the greatest... stream... your work represents a warm stream... in a cold ocean. How I treat others can vary, and how I manifest can vary. There is not I and other and just being. 3. This is an interesting point. How does Dirt trust that what looks like light, isnt really more dirt?
  14. Hey glad I discovered this video! I am going to have to check out the book as for the video and how I felt as a view: I found it a little hard to follow. If I was in the same room I'd ask you to speak slower, and clearer. I also found the music outside my taste for this kind of content. I almost wonder if there are frameworks out their to use, or ways of being clearer or more concise with the information. Almost like being more musical and speaking quality with a greater intent. Also I did not finish the video Edit: all as someone who is also working on presenting information I replied as if I would watch myself Much love! Staying posted for more videos
  15. @Preety_India Psychology is horizontal Spirituality is vertical
  16. @Rasheed Could rap as a global phenomenon have any strangeloop like qualities? Also I am wary as calling rap red, when I think it along the spectrum.
  17. @Nahm That was like a Gong!
  18. Um, It's new and new things take time. relative
  19. A good book is I think "Peace In Times of War" by Pema Chodron Look up the concept of Shenpa and @Leo Gura's comment is great too. Reminds me of : The untethered soul by Michael Singer which may help you to dive deeper into his point. Because its so simply said it likely won't cut deep, but is pretty much the thing. You create the anger yourself. Develop unattachment. Work on your self image. Contemplate what thoughts are. Notice how your heart works and how it handles your emotional energy. Self love. Make mistakes and integrate. Make persistent and continue effort each day. Maybe reading Non-Violent Communication by Marshell Rosenburg Phd. could give you a framework to work from too because it breaks down what I found to be the elements of communication and emotions in how we communicate. Thought: 1. Realize how your personality changes with context 2. Research the concept of transference Leo has great episodes on anger, trolls, judgement, devilry, survival etc that are worth watching and completing. I've found that by feeling my anger, allowing thoughts to express themselves on certain notebooks with my reMarkable Tablet, remembering self love and it's my absolute right to make mistakes when angry, or to express anger (counter intuitive point that helps remove needless guilt as I work towards self mastery)... has helped me to understand my anger better. I think the most important thing is to gain awareness of the anger, to work towards understanding my desires, my identity, the things my ego identifies with, areas in my thoughts in which I am mean to myself, double standards, fears, defenses, insecurities..... Good luck! and much love! I still have much to learn and a lot more territory to explore.
  20. @Leo Gura Is purity equal to nothingness? When I am pure, I will see you as an equal. Regardless of your past I would love you. If I was pure would I see others as myself? If I was pure, would this mean I have freed myself of transference? How does purity manifest in a human when we have animal instincts?
  21. I personally 'over' buy books. I am also trying to map together a world understanding that allows me to Achieve my life purpose and live the best life possible. So, when I struggle with relationships I buy a book on relationships for example. Leo's list is great, and as you are developing your map take note of where Leo's booklist fits in the map of human existence and possibility. Thought: 1. Buy books relevant to the things you are interested in general 2. Buy books that answer questions you have, 3. Buy books about your dreams, things you liked to achieve. 4. Buy books that lay down programming for future self help books (I listed some I used) 5. Take risks when buying books 6. Read books counter to your opinions 7. Buy books that prep you for reading other books 8. Read books that focus on key areas of your life 9. Read books that are literature but use metaphor for expanding your big picture 10. Consider the 80/20 rule so you can focus on the key books that you will need. 11. Use apps like headway, 12min, and others that allow you to read/listen to microbooks that summarize the key points of books. This allows you to quick gain key insights of 5-10 books easily each week. 12. Read books that could potentially act as multipliers, worm holes, gateways, skeletal structures to in your life. Here are 3 books that I think will aid in peoples programming on how they choose books: 1. The Magic Of Your Personal Brain Power by Howard Vernon 2. The Code of the Extraordinary mind by Vishen Lakhiani 3. The First 20 hours: How to learn anything fast by Josh Kaufman In my opinion each book is worth looking up and reading because they lay down different frameworks for reading and personal growth. I'd love to go into greater detail about these books and how they have helped me! Hope this comment is of interest,