Thought Art

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Everything posted by Thought Art

  1. I second this! I'd add journaling, and exercises like morning pages and Bullet Journals
  2. Martin Luther King, Gandhi.... I think there is room for subcultures, but also systemic change. It's not true that it doesn't work. Also movements like Extinction Rebellion are growing around the world and have actually accomplished a lot, and who knows what we will change in the future. Creating your own world? How are you going to do that when we are so connected to the entirety of the planet. Covid 19 still affects everyone. I like this thread. Following.
  3. Hmm, Journalism am I right? aha Thank you!
  4. I would say his videos on Spiral Dynamics, corruption, collective ego, etc all these videos are just that!
  5. Anyone take a recent, up to date online marketing course that actually saw them get results?
  6. @fridjonk Thanks, I've read this!
  7. @Soulbass Okay thanks! The private vs public, do you mean like a blog or vlog vs having a journal you keep to yourself? hehe, also, is that Tim Hortons in your photo?
  8. @from chaos into self Some important concepts I've learned are: Transference: When we 'project' events, relationships, and our own beliefs onto our lives instead of seeing reality 'how it is' (When the Past is present -David Richo) And our Shadow: The good and bad suppressed parts of ourselves we feel we can't express because of our social upbringing. (Mirror Mask and Shadow By David Richo) It's mostly because we grew up unconsciously, raised by those who were neurotic. Ego's are like mirrors. Basically, theres a false self and a true self. Our 'Ego' is not bad, or inherently neurotic (You can have healthy ego). The Ego is pragmatic, or functional. It's just, we want to develop a level of awareness that we can develop a healthy relationship and union with reality. We must become mystics. Also, context is super important. I am realizing my 'Ego" and whether its needy, neurotic, 'Toward' or 'Away from' Depends on context. Sometimes I am a leader, clear headed and compassionate. Sometimes I am a devil and want to fuck you over because you lied to me. Persistance is key... then I branch this into other teachings...self love. Great book is "The Mystic Path to Cosmic Power" By Howard Vernon.
  9. @Nate0068 I like the book The Magic Of Your Personal Mind Power by Howard Vernon. It's got lists, and a way of presentation that I found shattered these beliefs that I have to act a certain way for women to like me. Also, The Way of The Superior Man was a good book. It basically pointed out why my relationships weren't working and why women 'lied' to me ahah
  10. Check the finding life purpose section of the course its in there. Lets play? You wan't to be a streamer? Do that then! Tell us more about your experience and what you are valuing and why you want to do what you do.
  11. @March Okay Will do, There is a Tonne... a tonne of pressure in the left side of my had and the acuptuncutre points are really painful. Only on the side of the ringing.
  12. My life purpose and medium of choice is music. But a year and a half ago I developed tinnitus in my life ear. I feel scared and upset because whenever I am practicing there is fear, and I can't really write or create like I used to.... Looking for advice from my other self.
  13. I think online right now the click through rate for facebook ads is like 1 out of every 200 people
  14. As an outsider I was really moved by Andrew Yang. I think he would have been a good one. Because of Marketing, is it really... REALLY a democracy?
  15. Digital Type writer! Very Cool!@Soulbass I made a video talking about my thoughts on journalling. Let me know if I can leave this here. Can you guys let me know what you think? Go hard. Why to Journal - reMarkable Tablet as (Part of) a distraction free Commonplace book / If you have ADHD ( I have discovered newer e- ink tablets that may make better more intuitive Common Place Books). Also unique benefits to writing by hand! I still have much to learn and share!
  16. @acidgoofy I Like this comment. Seems to be what I need right now. Theres many many many causes. We don't know yet why my head rings. There is no hearing loss. But there is a strong sensation of energy. and the acupunture/ pressure points on and around the left ear where it is centralized is really sore and full of pressure. this is a new discovery of the past few days. The right side which has no ringing has no pressure. I have tried acupuncture. I believe I could continue and see if it does reap any results. It happened EXACTLY with an energetic insights that was very exciting. As well during a time when I was not sleeping enough and going through deep anxiety/ stress on myself to perform. I also held my breath and didn't breath properly at the time. I also had a minor head injury 2 weeks before. It's sometimes a pulsatile wring. a lot of pressu. But, centralized on he left side. Ahah, healthy venting. Thanks !
  17. Love the power of metaphor. Is there a spiritual metaphor thread? These can be Enlightening!
  18. Psychocybernetics by Maxwell Maltz is a book about changing self image. good exercises too!
  19. You are right! Well, negative motivation doesn't work long term. But, we can only start from our level of development and awareness. In the beginning for like 99% of people we start out on a spiritual path because we are looking to avoid suffering, stop self sabotaging, etc. But, as we grow... in my experience anyway as we come less neurotic, less needy... once our nervous systems are working properly and we have developed our maps of reality well... Our motivations can change and become more positive, more based on our own internal values. We also should realize that we are all born into the same system. This system is neurotic... and we are all here for a reason. To become our own Gurus and live our best lives. It's important to respect where people are on their journeys as well. Lemme know what you think! Side note: Sounds like something he covers really well in the life purpose course. Check it out if you havent!
  20. Sounds Effective! I do similar stuff. You seem to know it works. What do you really want from us?
  21. @The Don I was diagnosed with adhd at like age 6. You can work on your memory. Look up exercises for focus and memory, look up Ryder Carroll (invented the Bullet Journal Method) He has ADHD too. You aren't alone! message if you wanna chat more about it.
  22. What systems and strategies do you folks use for your commonplace books? Thought Art
  23. @IJB063 What Version of One Note are you using? Thanks for your reply! Great Stuff
  24. Hey guys, I am just getting into learning Kriya Supreme Fire, Can anyone tell me about their experience with Khechari as well as link me to any resources on how to do it properly? Thanks!