Thought Art

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Everything posted by Thought Art

  1. @WonderSeeker The more you meditate the more the become aware of what is there beneath the surface. There is indeed a dark side of the mind when it comes to meditation
  2. I am trying to can an understanding of how deep people are going into breathing exercises here on the forum. Are you doing things like breath of fire, pranayama, kriya Supreme Fire, etc in your daily practice?
  3. I think so. I've read in some books like The Mystic Path To Cosmic Power by Vernon Howard that each dip precedes a rise to a new level. also this
  4. Pretty sure you can keep learning new things throughout your whole life. You know, years ago they believed that you can't run or be an athlete at age 60... which isn't true I know lots of great cyclists in there 60s (though the definitely are not young). I think we can keep learning and in fact as long as we use our life long learning to increase our health, ability to learn, eat properly, get the body working etc... I think we can keep learning all through life. Not sure what the plateau is because most 20-25 year olds are not successful, but can do so later in life. Charles Bukowski didn't start writing till he was 35 and drank heavily his whole life. I don't think he found success until his 50s.... Keep Going!
  5. They might be! I nearly knocked over my clothing bin while "pretending" the energy I was feeling was shooting out of my arms. I almost knocked my clothing bin over and it scared the crap out of me. I will keep working on my energy and my body.
  6. Finish the course and do the work. It’s a process.
  7. So, I’ve done lots of 5meo, deep trips and low doses. I have had ‘insights’ but none I’d say were ‘God’ and I definitely haven’t had any healing. perhaps it’s changed my relationship to my thinking in subtle ways but I’m feeling increasingly skepticial that 5meo is what it’s claimed to be. feels kinda numb, freaky, feels like death more than “God”... if I hadn’t watched Leo’s videos what would I have though? Also, I’m not sure what about Martin Ball makes him liberated or God... he seems like a normal person who likes to have psychedelic experiences, but has built an ideology around it as ‘non-dual’ which isn’t true because it’s a dualistic notion to begin with.
  8. From my current situation I'd say: Get good with money and become a high earner early. Then building your dreams is a lot easier.
  9. You are a prophet sent to correct humanities going forward into a new age: what do you share?
  10. Just moved into a new place. I am creating a scared space and looking to make sure the energies in the space promote clarity and well being... looking to/for: 1. Tips on energy clearing 2. Products, common household items I could consider 3. Colour recommendations etc
  11. Life purpose is this funny intangible thing. How did you come to terms with realizing you didn't have the right life purpose, or as you developed and got to know yourself, reality and to develop realistic expectations did you reorganize your life? Right now I am realizing how under developed I am, and I am wondering just how deep my lack of understand of reality and myself is, despite working on myself for many years.
  12. @Meta-Man Nice stuff! Thank you!
  13. How much of the “work” we do in society is even valuable? How much of it is simply to earn money. Do we need to work as much as we do? In the way we are? System seems odd to me, I can’t figure it out yet.
  14. (Brain dump... Good Post!) IMO Self Help Books are written by a wide variety of people from a wide variety of backgrounds. It really depends on how and why you read them, as well as the individual books themselves. It is up to us as self actualizers to pick great books, and to be constantly becoming aware of what books and information are out there. We also need to take a holistic approach to our self education. Skill Acquisition and behavioural change are difficult, but luckily I read books on them and then I was able to develop strategies, find mentors, research apps and practices etc in order to make these changes real. Books are the mapping and expanding element of self actualizing, but they are not the same thing as doing the work. But if you don't educate yourself you can't really think the thoughts I will as a reader. Your models of reality will be thinner within those contextual frameworks. There are so many interesting and unique formats to self help books out there. Some are more technical than others, and because of the sheer diversity of self help books if you look hard enough you will find some books are more story based, and others are more dry and scientific. Some of my favourites find a balance of both. 1. Self help books are different and should considered on a case by base basis 2. When we develop our self learning programs we learn to research books based on relative complexity and difficulty depending on our needs 3. Books will not create habits, and behaviour change is more complex than simply reading the book 4. Books provide great maps for understanding the world around us. As we read more, especially high quality self help books we can actually improve our lives drastically. It was reading self help that got me on festival stages and my last job! 5. Different behaviours are changed in different ways, reading books has lead to some very important behaviour change in my life ( But it also takes emotional labour, which I read about and it helped me to develop emotional labour) 6. I made sure to read books early on the frame worked how to read books, and then to apply them in real life. 7. Great Books for how to learn to use books are Polymath, The First 20 hours and Code Of the Extraordinary Mind
  15. Sometimes I, especially when I’m low I just sprawl out. Not ashamed of feeling low, lost or confused. Once I make it through this, just gets me closer to being my greatest version. Thanks everyone for your insights.
  16. My mind likes to create illusions that things are impossible to do. What do you folks do to re-establish a clear and positive mindset?
  17. @Nick_98 Thanks Nic, im doing the work here on myself, the forum is one way I am working through this low. I’ve already done so much amazing stuff in my life and I will continue to. But, I’m feeling confused and lost right now. And even having some suicidal thoughts (I was deeeeeeeeeeply depressed a few years ago, I get the flashbacks now and then)
  18. I have been thoroughly enjoy David R Hawkins Books Truth Vs Falslehood and Transcending the Levels Of Consciousness. But, the whole muscle stress test element (which is key to the calibration) seems as if it is rife with the potential of self deception and bias. How can we trust that the people being stressed tested aren’t biased? Did he stress test large groups or just him and his friends?
  19. Also, just so y’all know: it was reading books I taught myself music theory and song writing and the art of social interaction that I used to get myself on 2 festival stages and an massive stage in front of 500 people. Your not a statistic but if your paper thin epistemology and victim mindset is gonna stop you then that’s fine. I faced fear, pushed hard and I do speed read and have a high level of reading comprehension. I also made sure in my early 20’s to make study on life long learning and I’m actively building my infrastructure for teaching myself the rest of my life. reading books also got me hired as a Systems Policy Officer at a non-profit. I ended up leaving recently and I’ve been focused on turning into my spirit and doing a deeper working on my spiritual development as being a spiritual developed and integral person is important for my music brand. Engramn is my name. Folks, reading books is not the same as emotional mastery. This work of life purpose and creating our own paths comes from the heart and sometimes despite reading, we have emotional lows and downs and attachments. I have more emotional growth, and spiritual purification needed. I’m not afraid I can’t make money but, my consciousness is sacred and I’m resisting surrendering it others while I’m out here visioning and planning and reading. I will get whatever I want in life because I’m a genius and I work my ass off. So can you. So are you. I also know I have a short amount of time on earth. My vision is beautiful and if I pull it off it’s gonna mean a lot to a lot of people. I’m meant to do this. To follow my heart and increase consciousness of others with my music. As many artists have done for me I will do. “Light a candle for the kids jesus Christ don’t keep it hid” - arcadefire and , also it’s relative. Maybe it’s not music in the end. There’s a reason I resonate with Leo’s work because I’m an integral thinker who is passionate about consciousness, purpose and humanity.
  20. Thanks Everyone for your guidance on this. I’m feeling better! I am finding clarity. all my life I’ve had these dips. Usually after them good things come that I never could have expected. You all mean the word to me. Leo you know I love you! Thanks Everyone.
  21. @Leo Gura Thank you Leo. I have a long time horizon I just get discouraged and confused. This whole thread started by the realization and caution of my self deceptions. fuck, I’ve only got one life. My life purpose is making deep insights beautiful to ignite the spirit of humanity to self actualize. As of right now, being a professional musician seems intangible. It seems impossible and I feel frustrated. I have a lot of fear, and mental walls creating inhibition in some contexts where I could take action. What could I do today, that is a direct action that can help me find clarity? I’m not interesting in spending much more time in this apathetic state. This low I’m in... it’s challenging. I want to serve God and Humanity. My love burns so bright and sometimes the weight of everything is too much. Arcadefire is my hero... the song Intervention saved my life... ”the kings taken back the throne the useless seed is sown when they say their cutting off the phone, I’m tell em your not home... hear the soldier grown we’ll go it alone!”
  22. @AlwaysBeNice Yeah idk. I love reading and learning. I’m a polymath.
  23. @Leo Gura Leo, no one is making it as a musician around me. Even the most successful people in my province... even they they make 400,000+ in gross revenue they themselves are pocketing about 30,000. I’ve watched your videos, I’ve put in the work, played festivals, etc. I feel suicidal about it because it matters to me and part of me is dying. But, I’m not seeing how I’m going to make money. Another life coach totally shit all over me when I told her this is what I wanted (I bailed on her afterwards, but she had a point). I’m a hard working person. I’ve worked my ass over the past few years. Mastering my craft, reading books, fucking putting myself out there and facing huge amounts of fear, working through limiting beliefs. I also did the entire life purpose course and I study self learning. I don’t believe you that I can make money from music. At least not this year, or in the next few years. God, I’m praying to you to send me a sign and show me you haven’t been wasting my time with these songs and visions. Maybe I’m just crazy. But, I thought God was writing the songs and I was the mouthpiece.
  24. @AlwaysBeNice Thank You, I want to impact the world. I want to free my consciousness. I’m going through a mixture of ego backlash and uncertainty. I’m not convinced God is gonna help me other than me helping myself. Like, some of these books on metaphysics etc... if they are only for people who are financially free to read them maybe it’s just imaginative masterbation. Am I just Deceiving myself thinking God is leading the way, and that books like Course In Miracles is really somehow magic? doing 5meodmt I thought everything In reality was going to change, or for me to no longer be attached or confused. But, I feel more confused and attached then ever. 5meodmt is not going to liberate you. Having enough money to sit around reading and being an artist will.