Thought Art

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Everything posted by Thought Art

  1. Prospecting - Navigating Psychedelics - Consumers&utm_content=LLA - Consumer Course Visitors - Last 180 Here is an interesting psychedelic integration course I came to find.
  2. Yea music therapy, I thought about studying this too. They offer it at Acadia university. I've worked alongside music therapists while I worked with autistic children. It seems like a decent gig!
  3. Made a short video sharing my experience with
  4. No They are videos and a book list
  5. What makes you special to only need 1?
  6. I think raising a little person into an adult and teaching them all the life lessons I wish I had growing up will be nice.
  7. Honestly sounds like a good thing. You can deeply contemplate this for yourself and make the decision I think is best.
  8. No longer in use eh?
  9. Those of you who consider yourself great long term planners would you be willing to talk to me about how your mind works? What skills have you installed, what habits do you have?
  10. I am just noting my direct experiences. Whether or not I am 'attached' I don't think matters. You are here in a limited form with laws and rules. It may be a dream. But, for not it's this type of dream. Can you operate in it? Can you predict it? No. You note the rules of reality as you experience it. God has chosen all of this. But, I as an ego am not aware of any of it
  11. I can understand this. However, it is arbitrary because everything exists yet the planet is finite. So, why create such a harsh reality that is Soooo long, and soooo challenging, and soooo unforgiving where most people won't experience self actualizing. Is that love? I don't know. I see the love more and more but I am just saying. Got could leave the devil in the field of potential with it's infinite intelligence. I realize that God I need to forgive God, and myself. But I struggle with that.
  12. Depends on how you approach it. But, developing a mindset of service is important. Got somewhere you want to work? Maybe you need to start by washing the floor, or dishes, or doing basic admin work part time, or just going to events and meeting people. Sometimes you just need to just into the stream and provide value whether it pays you right away or not. Don't think so much like you are convincing, but finding a way to serve.
  13. A vial of hope and a vial of pain In the light they both looked the same Poured them out on into the world On every boy and every girl It's in the neon Bible, the neon Bible Not much chance for survival If the neon Bible is right Take the poison of your age Don't lick your fingers when you turn the page What I know is what you know is right In the city it's the only light It's the neon Bible, the neon Bible Not much chance for survival If the Neon Bible is right Oh God! well look at you now! Oh, you lost it but you don't know how In the light of a golden calf Oh God, I had to laugh Take the poison of your age Don't lick your fingers when you turn the page It was wrong but you said it was right In the future I will read at night In the neon Bible, the neon Bible Not much chance for survival If the Neon Bible is true
  14. I've been watching this episode and re-listening to it when I walk around. I think this is one of the best episodes and I find it helps remind me of my inner sage. It's a great episode for orienting yourself around the idea of working toward becoming a wise person. I know I want to be wise but find time and time again as I go through my own maturing process that I act foolishly. I love that I have access to this wisdom that is provided in such an aesthetically pleasing way. I realize now that more than Life purpose, that Wisdom, inner clarity and cosmic understanding it key to a good life. I think purpose comes with that. I think that everyday we can pick away at becoming more wise. I notice that a part of me wants to be wise and a part of me wants to be foolish The inner sage and the inner child Which one do we listen to? We sit at the helm of our own ship, steering through the storm of life Is our rudder in operation? Leo tells us to ask ourselves "What is the wisest way for me to live life?" and I think that is the best question and we need to have the willingness to ask ourselves again and again. "What is the wisest decision to make in every decision that I am in?" I think these questions can be important to ask ourselves more often. I think that a life lived from this question would be a life well lived in the long run. Though, it might not be the 'easiest path'... and we all have varying degrees of foolishness and our own unique intelligences. I look forward to growing towards this community being of high wisdom! I think is just so young right now. I can't wait until we have all grown much wiser in the next 10-20 years.
  15. I feel uncomfortable seeing you make states like this. "No need to reinvent the wheel" Doesn't work in a nutritional context imo. It also isn't agreed among many scientist whether cutting sugar works so linearly. It might be more nuanced as to the types of sugar, as well as the whole diet itself as certain foods change how the body relates to what is it in at the time. Plant based nutrition, for those can consume it are skinny... Have you see a fruitarian? Anyway, just thinking out loud
  16. You can't and you can destroy relationships doing so. Everything needs context and containers. Let people come to you, not you going to look to change others. Who the fuck are you to wake anyone up?
  17. I like this. All this God talk is really a waste of time. Except too scaffold and orient a mind into openness and receptivity of experience. I think spirituality done right is rather mundane and ordinary. Sure, there are exciting mystical states etc which are amazing But, regular or human life is God too, you just didn't know.
  18. Maybe it's the right counter intuitive move that my life purpose is music but I take accounting. I am 25, I have time and I keep practicing my music. I need to build a solid life foundation. Music and this dream career I have in mind I think is possible. I've seen the potential of what knocking on all the doors can do. I've gotten on some stages and that has been great. But, to take it to the next level is going to require a total overhaul in my skill set and mastery overall. I have a plan that can work. I just need to hone in, keep my focus and not self sabotage. That is a weakness, and I will weed out the weeds 1. I think accounting and developing my understanding of personal finances is crucial for artists and anyone looking to be successful in life 2. Doing tasks that require a high level of detail like my accounting assignments is so so so important to developing the attention to detail 3. The program is teaching me that reality doesn't give a shit if I am depressed or not. Reality will pass me by if I just sit on the side lines depressed and anxious running fears in my head about all the bad shit that could/ will happen to me if I pursue my life purpose. Reality isn't going to wait for my mental health to improve 4. Studying account shows me why my results have been so poor in life. Without a solid grasp of accounting and project planning you can't really develop and execute a solid life purpose imo because you are really playing this great balancing act and that requires skill, systems thinking and attention to detail. Once you are making financial decisions and having to follow government regulations things start getting really complex. Even if you are an artist these things are still important Maybe it's overkill, I don't know but I think it's the best thing for me right now given my circumstances.
  19. I notice now I am a few months into my accounting program just how complicated reality is. Learning the deepest teachings, or watching videos etc is not enough. You need direct experience and 1000's of hours of it. I don't know if my life purpose is possible as I continue to see the way life works. But, know this. You only get out of life what you put in. I know my accounting knowledge isn't where I would like it to be despite all my studying. I admit accounting and math is not my passion or strength but I know it's an important business/ life skill. I kind of suck at attention to detail, so this is good practice for me. Go learn!
  20. Luckily it's an 8 month program. I thought it would be a good basic skill that was really practical and foundational to developing the skills, discipline and attention to detail I will need to be successful in life. It is boring and tedious, but that is the point. I need the skills in these areas. I don't think people realize when they starting thinking about life purpose just how much they are getting themselves into. The skill set you need to be independent and powerful creator in the world I think requires a robust set of practical skills combined with the right mindset. It is deep. I don't know what the future holds for me. I am working to develop enough inner clarity, financial mastery and independence over the coming years. This is only going to come if I am really on top of myself. I need to basically incorporate my life. I sense that my art wont be paying the bills any time soon and that my life is worth more than life purpose in the end. I need to look out for myself, but with the long term intention of being able to serve others. I help others when I help myself. Maybe it was a foolish decision. It's painful, boring, I hate it. My artist mind explodes with anger, depression and fury at how dry and boring it all is. However, It's also beautiful and inspiring for my rational systems thinking mind which I deeply desire to develop. So, I will persist through it. It's useful and practical knowledge to understand how accounting works and payroll systems. In order to run my own business I need more and more exposure to the inner workings of business and I think finance because it's math and boring people shy away from it. However, I have a long term plan with it. I know I need that type of training that an accountant has. Working, using systems, boring, grinding type of work. But there is also the attention to detail, problem solving, systems, math, remembering of legislation etc... I think that is useful because whenever you are trying to create a business, project, event, etc you need to know how these things work and have experience working with them to be able to plan, make accurate projections and operating decisions. I find by studying accounting I am seeing how this part works. I want to be a high level strategic thinker. I can't do that without more knowledge and direct skills. Accounting is boring but also very very very revealing into what humans do and how record keeping works. It's really amazing. I am on a life long learning path. We will see what comes of it all. I felt a big change and maturation today. I ain't going to make millions of dollars not learning accounting right now I think if I am honest. It's useful. But, a pain in the ass I am not going to be an accountant in the long term. I need to develop the perfect toolbox for creating my life. I need more skills! So, I am getting them even if I am unsure and even if I do it imperfectly, or resist, or wine and complain. I am educating myself for fucks sakes ahaha.
  21. Could be. My ego wants it's dream but, alas I am surviving as an animal on a rock in space. I can still create, but not in a God like manner I think as Leo says. Maybe some of you rich people can ahaha And ultimately only I can decide what God is, or the nature of God. I know it's love. But, I am still working on it. And, it is what it is regardless of what I think.