Thought Art

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Everything posted by Thought Art

  1. It's a useless notion. I mean, its infinite but it's still pretty finite for the REST of our lives which is all we ever know.
  2. This does not add up. If there is just me, then why roads? Why countries? Why jobs? Why schools? Why space? why time? Why other people? Why boring ass parking lots and stores? Nah, it aint just me. Just GOD which is me but not just me.. No, if reality was perfect it would be. That's it. I think reality is perfect, but my life has been full of suffering and loss. So, is god a sadistic kink? What is going on? But, then again I am imagining all these things right now.
  3. This statement is clearly false. Not lack of desire. We both know the amount of variables in peoples lives. Talk to me in 10 years..
  4. I've read "Trust God, but also ensured your horse is tied up correctly" I am really saying, Okay if you are infinitely creative you don't need to even allow ME, to be able to make poor decisions or etc. So God only forgives us because it created a reality with no one around to judge it that includes a lot of evil and suffering. It's not really forgiving. This doesn't fully add up for me yet, though I see what you mean in other states I've been in. God let me shit in the pool. Why? It's not really forgiving God just gets a get out of jail free card despite allowing all the suffering. Why create me with these thoughts, parents, experiences etc. I have more work to do.
  5. I am ready to embody these truths. I find the embodiment of this challenging.
  6. (: I am more than half way through my 200hr teacher training!
  7. Leo Gura and Jordan Peterson on the carnivore diet! Very interesting you both suffer from a similar gut condition.
  8. It depends if you want to also have a dream career you are working toward.
  9. Follow your intuition! journal about it
  10. Maybe she just feels introverted sometimes
  11. I remember as a kid the thought of both death and eternal life seem impossible to reconcile due the the sense of fear they both inspired in me at the time.
  12. What happens when you die exactly? I have listen to Leo talk about death, and read a few things but nothing seems satisfying because I have only memories and experiences of being this one human. No one around me seems to have experience being other people. The universe is so harsh and cruel, why would death be anything different? Why would it be infinite love? Why is this reality I am living so harsh, long, cruel, scary and miserable? Yet, it also contains so much beauty and possibility. Is death anything to worry about in your opinion? I now I fear getting older, I fear missed opportunities, I fear my present dealing with poor judgements of my past. I have lived life so foolishly I wish I could just start over. This is sort of a cruel existential bind I find myself in. What is death? How can I use death to make life more livable? I feel a lot of fear, a lack of trust and fear of uncertainty with the universe these days. It doesn't seem like a friendly love. It's so, brute. In order to learn anything in this universe we must give so much time to things. But, its not for anything. I find myself suffering so much lately, and for what? Just to die one day? So, what is it?
  13. This is true! Humans live a long as time. We change slowly. The more this dawns on me the more it makes me realize just how lucky I am and how profound balance and clear thinking is in life. I feel sad for the man or women who abuses others, or those who throw their lives away. I want everyone to have the chance to experience healthy relationships and self love. I think everyone deserves this, but it appears some of us simply cannot do that anymore and transcending this life may be the best thing. This reality is so absolute and it seems harsh. Harsh for us all here in eternity ahah. Do you think that God really wanted to do those harmful things? That is was the spiritual agreement? Or, is that just something that happens given our freedom as humans? Both maybe.
  14. You need to look at it on a case by case basis. Really, I think we want prevention by ensuring a great education system that teaches about mental health, consent, relationships, life mastery etc. Maybe it would be better to put people to death in some cases, and in some cases the people can be reformed they can help others to reform. I know of ex gang members, drugs addicts, con artists etc who get reformed and then help stop crimes and reform others.
  15. Imagining that these people have to experience reality, and their victims makes me sad.
  16. I have been struggling with the idea of age and the time and effort it takes to really master something, and the odds that that pursuit will work out. This is tough stuff. I am 25 now, and I realize that I will only get older as I go through life. Life purpose is still important to me, but first I think I need stability and a better income, clearer mind, and more self love. I feel kind of scared of reality right now tbh. But, I will persist. The pursuit of music is inherently enjoyable, so enjoy that and maybe read some books on self image to improve that aspect!
  17. I think it's easy to get lost in relativism when pursuing higher understanding. Yes, rape is wrong, so is sex with underaged people. Though, at the highest perspective that may be different and it may be relative and all Gods Love.. We are all here living and want to be safe and have a good time on earth. Rape destroys peoples minds, so does being molested. This is sad. I think Shame and cultural stigma surrounding sex is a strangeloop and contributing factor to the problems of sexual abuse. Sex is important to humans. I assume with Me Too and other movements all around the world that humanity will continue to clean up its sexuality as it matures.
  18. Try going to social events and getting involved in projects with people. I think life needs to be danced with. I also took the life purpose course. I think I found my life purpose, but it isn't tangible for me given my circumstances. So now I am just working to develop basic survival. Another purpose will come. I have a purpose to teach qigong as well, which I can see as being promising once I have more life mastery. I am also beginning to accept that life is sort of just repetitive and mundane. I am here, I can't escape. I have to live now.
  19. @fopylo You won't serve forever. Enjoy the ride of life!
  20. It is a dream. But, anything outside of the dreams continuity is a "?" and we need to take full responsibility for the dream we are in. Most of the constraints and actions we will make in our lives that earn our livings will be interacting with and understanding other beings who are complex, have their own locus of control and are mysterious when outside of our experience. I am currently studying accounting. So, I am observing the practical architecture that exists for finance to be possible. It is very beautiful. It is a social construction that to me is really impressive we as humans are able to cooperate this well. I guess I am just cooperating with myself. When taking into account systems thinking, physics, survival, social sciences, etc.. It's interesting to be learning this skill. I invented other because I am other... But relative to how I experience and live as this person... Other seem to exist. As, how else would this experienced be happening given the last video you made about being useful to society even be possible? We are part of a massive web of supply chains, marketing channels, information channels. How do you handle this paradox? So, be mindful here. I think there is some important distinctions to be made here. There is a difference between a dream Leo, and your life in it's importance and weight. Why is that? I can perhaps see the metaphysical implications of consciousness as the backdrop of the dream... But it is here and it is very real for people in survival mode I think. I worry people become irresponsible when they think it is a dream in that way. --- Lately I've been thinking about this
  21. I also think that gathering tools that help limit the amount of choices you have in creation are useful. I like the book the addiction formula for that. Sometimes we also need to take an inner look at ourselves. A great book for doing a deeper reflection of our selves as artists is The Artists Way. I go through ups and downs of writers block. I have found that there is not really writers block though. What you need to do is just create everyday without too much focus on the outcome. Get it to the point where the 15 minutes is simply enjoyable and you are flowing in the creativity and joy of the music. From there you naturally want to get better and improve. Follow your bliss and build structure around the bliss to flesh it out!
  22. I feel like I went through a similar phase of trying to prove my enlightenment to others. I realized after the fact at showing emotions and awakening are largely private affairs (for me personally). I also realize that enlightenment alone wont solve all my mental health problems. But, being more integral in my life processes and not needing to share anything with anyone is helping me really come inside. I don't know where I am headed. I suffer from anxiety, trauma and self image problems. So, I think dealing with these more basic problems through a combination of western and eastern methods is key. Enlightenment for me is all about my state. There is awakenings, insights, etc to be had which hold many fruit. But, I am personally focusing on developing a clear mind before trying to teach others or prove my development. I am what I am. I am never gonna look to you and ask "am I enlightened?" I know when I am, and when I am not. This work is so fucking deep, tricky and maze like. Good luck. Am I am a novice, a fool and unwell. However, I have all the tools and resources right now in my life and I am using them. Hope you are doing well Just sharing my thoughts on this and my experiences ahah
  23. This is a bazar thread? Is this just anger because you thought Leo misunderstood something small? Are you actually angry about that? It's okay. Leo also seems to have corrected you as to what a capital gains tax is to him. Except Capital gains is actually a word that means different things in different contexts. A google search suggests that as I see different definitions in different financial areas.