Thought Art

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Everything posted by Thought Art

  1. Personally, I think climate change and it's implications are to be taken seriously. Do I think humanity's level of understanding and globalization can be used to save our sorry asses in the long run? Yes. I think any work that can be done to mitigate the suffering of others is worth doing. I also think that humanity has never been in a situation with such a wicked problem. Past civilizations have destroyed their own ecology and died out because of it. Our current situation has it's own unique complexities that, though similar to past problems (information ecological problems have been around forever) we now depend on a highly sophisticated and complex global supply chain. Disruptions can ruin businesses, industries, etc... The more connected we are the more we depend on the whole global being in balance. Which, is problematic because now the whole thing is in deep threat of being put out of balance. See, I have a respect for Leo and his intelligence here. But, I am not sold. I think this is a real problem and should be taken very seriously. I don't suspect Leo is actually down playing that Climate change is a threat to our survival. We need to respect our environment I think if we want to last as a species. If anything, Globalization makes us more fragile in many ways just as it makes us more resilient and mature in others. We can't know anything from this thread ultimately. We need to observe this situation over the coming years. There is little we can do as individuals. We need to be sovereign and grounded in how we go about understanding large systemic issues. We are no where near ready to switch from burning fossil fuels as the world infrastructure is build on it, the creation of green energies also has a high carbon and environmental load, much of the world continues to eat meat, and so many developing countires need to clear cut the very lungs of our planet to feed their families. There are so many systemic problems all compounding at once. This isn't a "just suck the c02 out kind of problem imo. I kind of think it is magical thinking to think that all these various nations will all these complex survival needs are going to be able to agree and come together on this problem. You are not going to create a machine big enough to suck all the C02 out. (I mean, what do I know)... But, anyway. I am just a qigong teacher and a musician. I would love to sing a song to make the world fall in love and work together. But, that is unlikely ahahah. Maybe I can make people dance and ease their pain. That is what I am here to do. To spread self love and to ease pain. We have many people on the front lines working for human rights and to protect our environment. There is so much stress and fear in our population. We need to clean up our information ecology at the same time we clean up our environment. I just bought lunch out today at the story, and just threw out 3 containers and a plastic bag of single use plastic. I need to get my own universe in order before I can really preach out the rest of the world. I don't know enough to make any definitive statements on really anything in reality as of yet. The more I learn the more ignorant I realize I am. I also realize how ignorant and fragmented even the wisest of us are. So, I take everything I learn with a grain of salt. We are all basicaly children in the 'eyes' of the universe. Even Intellectual mountain Leo. Thought I don't know what Leo knows, who claims he doesn't have his own consciousness. I still don't know what that means yet. You mean the video of yourself? 'Bitch, stay humble' - Kendrick Lamar At the end of the day, I just don't want to see it at my windowsill 'cuz the tide is high, and it's rising still... and I DON'T WANNA SEE IT AT MY WINDOWSILL!'
  2. I know. We will let God show us. We will show ourself. Life needs to be experienced.
  3. Hey, I don't know what I don't know. Not trying to out think God. But, from my perspective there are billions of God, walking around with all these problems. Man, this whole thing is loaded.
  4. @Leo Gura I've caught glimpses of this. I am still very selfish and myopic. Give me time. I have to come to all these insights and understandings in my own time. Though, perhaps you already know this.
  5. @Leo Gura I will observe and expand outwards. Time will tell. Systems thinking is very difficult. I hope you got a good accurate beed on it when it comes to climate...
  6. There are too many factors here for me to know one way or the other. I am concerned. You make good points about self correction mechanisms. All it takes is a few hot days to destroy entire cities or countries infrastructure, crops, etc A 4 day heat wave just killed 800 people in Canada and destroyed a whole town. I know that is one small incident in the massive climate system, but it makes me wonder what could happen as we move far beyond the tipping point. Sure, we can make changes while we have this relative stability. But, if we wait to long... I just wonder. We can only make these changes as we are now. But, if things go south... I suspect our human creativity might be at its end when we can't feed people, hydrate them or keep them cool enough to keep our economies going. But, I agree we have so much information and technology now I can't foresee what will happen. C02 is not even the whole story. There are so many delicate systems all around the planet which are being destroyed all at once which is how we are currently all eating and living our lives. I don't think it's that easy and I am surprised you are thinking, or sharing with me a one size solution to this wicked problem. -- thoughts Tell it to the brazilions destory their own rainforests (which we all need to survive) that there are easy solutions we all just need to come together. Each countries needs for survival are so twisted.. I really think this is a big deal. I am okay with being wrong, I am okay with my myopic short sightedness being corrected. At this point, I realize being wrong is my normal state. I am aware we have the capabilities radically change our environment etc, but I also suspect it's not easy. Hopefully the suffering gets people on board. Yet, still people are dying who refuse to get vaccinated. Leaders all around the world are still arguing, fighting one another, not agreeing on how to move forward, holding on to old systems. There are too many moving pieces here. I am stepping in a radical not knowing when it comes to climate change. And, the point I made with the Bananas is more so that things can be loss, and can't be brought back. I am sure we can make some tasty new bananas and I am surprised we haven't already. I suspect it's not as easy as you are making it to be. There is so much complexity taking place. Maybe you make a tastier banana but ruin the soil... Ultimately time will tell and I look forward to seeing this problem being solved. I hope you are right. I personally think what we are being called to do on a collective level is akin to turning a tanker ship on a dime. I don't think it's going to happen. We have build way to much infrastructure on systems that are bound to bottom out and self destruct. Let it be a lesson for me to understand how systems work. I am fine with being wrong. I will continue to study and observe over time. I think the problem goes well beyond technical capability... It's a problem of education, habit, localized and distributed survival needs, consciousness just as much as it is infrastructure and technology.
  7. I hope so, I just think that there may be aspects that COULD get beyond the reach of any human intervention and auto correction. I have such little understanding of it tbh, I just am seeing a pattern here. There is a term in the systems thinking book I can't recall as I am studying at the library, but its something like the 'positive feedback loop' That gets out of control. Like, the runaway green house on Venus for example. It's a wicked problem involving the whole species with so many threads of human survival and culture running through it. Perhaps it can be stopped. But I fear a lot of suffering and death and war will result from all of this. The US is already going through a social rot that threatens a lot of things I think. I think the world governments a business have the ability to make things right. But, no amount of suffering will bring back the delicious banana, or heal a broken relationship, or make you 20 years younger. Some things are beyond our ability to control. I just hope we can as a collective, or whatever change before so much is lost.
  8. This reminds me of my friends who decide to quit smoking weed by throwing it out, or just 'once they finish their supply'. In my country weed is legal and you can buy it at any time. So, it's time to change. I love distraction free technology which is why I use my remarkable for journaling and contemplation Changing the technology you use is important but you need to change your internal operating system and that is only going to happen through emotional labour. I am working on this. I just quit smoking weed, and now I breaking free of my distraction addiction. I would recommend the fabulous app, but you don't have a smart phone.
  9. From my western paradigm and growing up it seems that most people feel the opposite. With all the dual how could it be non-dual? But, they miss the point
  10. Yes, I mean there appear to me anyway, to be many schools of psychology throughout human history. Why is that surprising to you? It is all one. But, this One, has a lot of complexity too it that needs to be addressed beyond non-dual understanding. It think non-duality as a paradigm and school of thought if over applied quickly becomes a prison and antithetical to its own self. It should, and ultimately does include EVERYTHING. Which includes human psychology, survival, self image, beliefs, etc I don't think I am the only person in existence, or the only being as I am here, dualistically manifest within the one whole. There appears to be with whole social matrix and survival game taking place on a mass scale. Enlightenment could be viewed a vertical progress, transcendence, non-duality, seeing the oneness that we are all at our true core... but you still need to learn to think which is why I appreciate western psychology. My favourite Bon Iver Lyrics is "Gnosis ain't gonna buy you no groceries"
  11. Decide for yourself. You don't really need to lower how you feel just because the person next to you is having a bad day. You can protect your own energy as state as the sovergien being you are. Doesn't mean you need to be a dick to others. As long as you aren't abusing others, teachings, etc you are fine. If you find you are making mistakes, hurting others, lying, abusing, playing ego games... then reflect on that and do the work. I don't think any of us are completely free of zen devil (or just regular devil behaviour) like its an on or off swtich. The ego is way to complex. We work on it over time. This is why spiritual identities are problematic because you will likely fail to meet your own expectations of yourself in certain times and contexts. Just focus on doing the work imo. Be a real person. Connor Murphy made his living as a youtuber who made prank videos, and took his shirt off in front of women. The guy clearly wasn't going to become an enlightened master in a day. People need to look at his background to really understand why he went the way he did. There was no way he was going to go about spirituality in the same way he had built his whole career and success. Thought, naturally, that is how he went about it. He didn't understand what psychedelics where as he went about them like he would in the gym, etc... He needed to craft his gourd, but he didn't and got the donkey dick to the intestines. These teachings are a lot for anyone. We will all likely lose our footing, misapply things, make mistakes etc.. Ideally however, we have the integrity and maturity to self reflection and not drag everyone else down with us anymore than we did during our confusion. Connor has no foundation of maturity. It was like giving a shot gun to a toddler. I am wishing Connor well, and hopefully he learns from all of this and becomes a mature human being over the next 10 years. Being a Zen devil is a real risk and it is more likely that we are Zen Devils than we are fully enlightened or God realized. So, yes. Take that very seriously, and avoid building a spiritual identity. But, keep moving forward. The fruits of spiritual progress are there for you in the end I think. We were, and we are all devils. I am not really into Devil shaming, but devil loving. Applied intelligently that is.
  12. @Nahm Yeah, but they are real for those who are drowning in them. One must gain mastery over their minds!
  13. This feeling trapped feeling is something I can relate to. I feel like my mind is free by I have so many constraints of physical reality and the needs of survival in this social matrix. It can be heart breaking.
  14. I am aware of this. It's a complicated set of systems.
  15. That is great! I find the more I practice and the deeper I go I am going through paradigm changes. I was also skeptical at first, but it's pretty self evident if you just put the time in! Great to hear
  16. There are plenty of books on this and entire schools of psychology around changing your entire inner dialogue. Leo has man books on his book list.
  17. Hmmm, I don't agree but with what you say above, but there is nothing wrong with trying out being with a man
  18. Maybe just try it out??
  19. Great thread! I want to see more like this
  20. Maybe find a balance of doing the guided meditations (Have you tried headspace?) and your solo meditations. If you keep practicing the more skillful you get from doing the guided ones should help you improve your solos. You wont get stuck if you keep working on it. I used headspace for about 40 minutes a day for a year and now I can go pretty deep solo. It's like training wheels. Also, that is what meditation is on some level. Getting to observe your own mind and it's patterns. I am not sure I fully understand your situation but I will respond more if you do
  21. Adding a short Yin yoga or Qigong set to help you balance your in and yang energies could be useful. I find when I meditate after a good Qigong set at night I am off to have the deepest sleep.
  22. You can take those fluffy inclinations and make them real. Lots of people are doing it. There are so many spiritual businesses out there that never even heard of
  23. Women don't owe men sex, I think that is a given... No one is saying that. But, men speaking about how they understand women as they are doing pickup is different. It's probably an uncomfortable conversation for many women but, men do pickup and discuss their game. I think it's a good thing that men understand female psychology as long as they aren't being abusive. Don't confused 'Game language' phrases like 'reward and punishment' nuance is important here. Women do however have a psychology and not all women want the same thing, it depends on the context.
  24. He does say in some videos that he doesn't recommend weed as a tool for personal growth but understands some people are drawn to it
  25. Try getting someone with severe autism to fully awaken, or an ant or a dog. We all have different capacities and inclinations of how to progress spiritually. I think God realization is one path, but there are many out there I think have fruit.