Thought Art

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Everything posted by Thought Art

  1. @AdeptusPsychonautica Hey man, I kindly don't think your being fully honest with that comment. It was a pretty personal video attacking him and his followers. You literally claimed victory you, Leo 0. Which is fine, I don't lose sleep knowing you think we are crazy and that you dislike us. I think you read into what you wanted to see with Leos comments on the dangers of psychedelics. Leo has amazing insights, I mean. You see them when you watch his videos that aren't about psychedelics for example. It's profound shit, but maybe you don't resonate with it which is fine. We also generally like you too. I do at least. We love the work Leo has created. If he didn't create the work which we find has value we wouldn't watch it. Obviously, you start to like someone who gives you a lot of value. It only makes sense. Also, a lot of people here are very young. Don't sink to trolls level you know? Just because you like a teacher or teaching, doesn't mean you are mature yet. People are at different areas in their growth.
  2. We all will sometimes. Because, we are in a process of learning. Mistakes are going to happen. A lot. What doesn't make sense in one light, might in another. Most people here who are advancing and maturing now have a 10-20+ year time horizon for them contemplating and discovering what is true for themselves. Not, believe what Leo said in a video for the rest of their lives. At this point as a student of Leo and the information age as a whole it's just so glaringly obvious that any one source is just way to limited. You gotta put in thousands of hours into figuring out things for yourself in the end.
  3. I don't think this is exactly what is happening. It's more nuanced and sprawling and contextual. Leo admits he is prone to error and self deception, and we all experience this is our lives everyday. I think what we see in Leo is the quality, and accuracy, and depth of his work compared to most people and gurus. What I like about Leos work is that he encourages you read from many different sources, try different technques and triangulate and discover things for yourself. This isn't supposed to be mindless zombies listening to a master tell them what to think. But, finding a teacher or many teachers is crucial for people to being thinking for themselves. To me that is the beauty of being here. Take what works for you, simply leave the rest. It's your life to create.
  4. Do you know this as an absolute truth which you have verified? What if you can die, while keep the body alive? (you can, I've done it a bunch) There are also many types and degrees of awakening and mystical insight. The great thing about this, if you just have try the tools offered here and see for yourself. Arguing with yourself in the relative domain like we are doing here is tertiary.
  5. No, I have. Look around you. This is God right now. I sense you feel frustrated and scared right now. I don't know,. I don't feel scared. I am doing what I enjoy, having these conversation with people I love.
  6. Yes, use this to explore how minds work, how we learn in groups and the difficulty consensus creating. Let us be grateful for how our governments and institutions in our social matrix work at all. Let's become grounded leaders and make this world a better place. This work is very personal, implicit understanding vs explicit understanding. When we don't all share the same experiential and epistemological histories, conflicts are bound to happen.
  7. I mean, you are literally here awake talking to me right now. Look at your hands. Realizing your God isn't that amazing, it's pretty mundane. It's a recontextualization in part. It's just what has already been the case. Absolute truth is terrifying because we are used to thinking God is somewhere else. I have realized it. Doesn't make you special because, It's already around you all the time. The problem is your mind is trained and caught in petty dualities and illusion. Which, are only possible because of absolute truth, which is the counterintuitive nature of all this. We are the truth, each of us having this conversation which I think is really neat and funny. Even if you are deluded, you exist and the delusion is part of absolute truth. It's just a relative thing happening within truth. Which is why we talk so much about self deception here. No, he did twist it in my opinion. You just don't see it the way I do. He used editing and his own biased opinion to twist something, like psymposia on martin ball. Hack job. He could have raised his points without it being a battle for victory, tearing down someone else ahah I think anyway. Over Leo's hundreds of trips, he is bound to make errors. Just like when you studying accounting you are bound to make errors. Doesn't mean accounting is false.
  8. I think so in some way too. I really like Adeptus and he shared a humbling critique, though I personally feel he distorted and attacked Leo and everyone on the forum and doesn't see the work or the people here in the same way I do. We are stepping out into the dark, exploring reality. It's what it is.
  9. @wildflower He isn't wrong. God does not need to awaken to itself. It sleep and dreams lives for entertainment. You are that right now. The you think the intelligence that is the entire universe... all the complexity you see around you everyday is somehow dumb and can't wake itself up? That to me is the insanity. But, you are right. It probably does sound insane depending on your world view.
  10. Welcome to a forum where we discuss this stuff. But, please be polite. Take a breathing and come back. @fi1ghtclub You too. Humble yourself. Sarcastic attacks aren't necessary or going to get us anywhere. I think we can ask questions respectfully.
  11. @Inliytened1 It's good. I think this thread is turning into a waste of time. It's like speaking to a shrub. You don't need to pursue truth, or find it interesting if you don't like it. But, exploring relative vs absolute truth, society, science, mystiscm, life purpose, systems thinking, etc is my jam. I guess when what you know takes hours to explain people who haven't actually listened to you will just shit on you. I remember a teacher asking me "would you like to be the smartest person in the world, but you could never share what you know with anyone?" I am starting to see that is the case for most geniuses in our society. A fool can't see the value in what you are trying to share with people. This really isn't about Ego folks. Just, explore reality how you would like to. You don't need to be here. There is other fun stuff in life to explore. But, Truth is a fun and meaningful pursuit for a lot of us on the forum. It's not about Leo, but what become deep thinkings and powerful creators who are deeply loving and conscious can do for the world.
  12. The information here is more nuanced and complex than Adeptus made it out to be. He really made a hit piece given his own biases in my opinion. Leo made true, general statements about the dangers of psychedelics. Adeptus took what Leo was saying as proof of his delusion. As if all his insights were delusional. Leo shares a lot of pretty beautiful insights in his 'experiments in consciousness' videos that really inspired and healed me. Spiritual powers are real, you can develop them if you put in years of practice. Go to a few tantra festivals and you will see... Would you like an infinite orgasm? Find a Tantric priest/ priestess lol. Blew my mind the first time. Scientists, average people are wrong all the time. Being wrong, self correcting is part of the process. Leo shared he was experimenting with something, sharing his process and it didn't work out the way he thought it would. Leo is young, he can still develop this stuff through Qigong or other practices. The confusion around what is real, what is not real is literally what we are all doing here in part. We are exploring the frontiers of truth. Expect mistakes, expect conflict, expect inflated egos and mistakes. But, persist. It'll be worth it. Everyone wins here when the truth is actually revealed, I think. You can't believe anyone but decide for yourself... Because, you are God. There is no one else to turn to. We can explore truth, mystisim, science etc without attacking one another. There are 10's of thousands of listeners and millions over the years. To blame Leo for someone death I think is not fair. However, I think there is more we can do to ensure we all stay grounded, avoid dangerous ideal and cult ideologies. Become your own soverign person, stop giving your power to others. Learn from as many sources as possible, leave no stone unturned. All information is incomplete.
  13. @impulse9 Sharing a stupid meme/ comic isn't really high quality information to make a point. So, your kind of like, falling into your own trap.
  14. This is so deep. I am learning it's going to take years of direct experience to really begin to even comprehend how deep this goes. A lot of people are like floating driftwood. Be an anchor. or a tree with deep roots, over looking the shrubs.
  15. Surely you enjoy being a suffering victim too much to enjoy life. Kindly hehe. Something I think we must notice on our journey is how much we love our suffering and negativity. admiting this we can move on to higher experience.
  16. Start using this app imo: It will guide you through this. Keep the Car running!
  17. Maybe it just isn't for you. Go find a way to enjoy life instead. Truth is here in this present moment regardless. It's not going anywhere. The focus should be on building a good life and enjoying what is here. Truth helps you do that imo, but it takes work and emotional labour.
  18. Isn't that change? It's a complex system
  19. In my opinion this is only the beginning. You can cultivate a juicy, honey like joy through the cultivation of toaist meditation practice. The truth is not dissatisfaction. I don't think that is the point. You are the only one who can cultivate your inner garden, and you can. Life is not just dissatisfaction. Every insight recorded is happening at a part in your path. Don't HOLD on to any one truth or insight. There are many. The other aspects make sense, impermanence, they are not you... And in some way any materialistic sensation is dissatisfying which is why we want to improve our state.
  20. Thinking long term, you will have many partners and leaning experiences.
  21. Lol, I edited the wrong thread.
  22. @RMQualtrough Ahaha, the looks I get doing Qigong sometimes
  23. @Ferretab There are a lot of factors that go into making life beautiful. Brain wave state is one factor, but there are many more. Like your beliefs, ability to inner smile and your Qi flow and quality. The whole nervous system needs to be address not just the brain waves. Like, doing things you enjoy, developing healthy relationships and taking yourself on dates or adventures to find the beauty in life. I like reading Howard Vernon for this reason. I recommend his book "There is a way out". Tasty short nuggets of wisdom.