Thought Art

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Everything posted by Thought Art

  1. No. There are just different states. It's not one vs the other. You simply cannot speak as if you understand psychedelics if you are not experienced. You are not experienced unless you have done at least 100 trips. It's like, being skilled in any field. You must practice. Don't speak as if you know something when you don't. I don't see it as one-upmanship.
  2. @Lauritz I think Yang is full of shit, kindly ahah You are not meditating your way to a 5meodmt trip.
  3. Yeah, people think psychedelics are just drugs or a quick fix. No, they are a serious field of mastery. I've learned this and plan on mastering it over the next 50 years.
  4. @Javfly33 The tolerance is about 6 minutes, so you can vape bit by bit instead of going head first. But still, it takes time to wrap your head around what it happening. The Love and presence is so much, and the infinite head space takes mastery.
  5. @TheLoneSage I don't doubt he understand meditation but 2 trips is not enough. It's like, you can't even get your bairings at that point. I don't really trust Yang yet either. That is just my bias. Anyone can talk about something. I will watch later I think I have seen these.
  6. Personally, I would go beyond chakras to acupressure and meridians points in general. There are three verticals merdians, and the chakras of just one of them.
  7. No, but they will show you something you can't see unless you look there. My opinion is if used wisely, will make you a much more spiritual person than if you didn't. They are medicine, tools and a way of seeing Truths you can't see with most other practices. Also, in the western world we don't have time to meditate for hour and hours. They can really be a miracle.
  8. People eat Watch your biases Even us plant based still kill animals or are part of supply chains that are cruel. "oooo poor dolphins" meanwhile... billions of live stock.. "DOLPHINS!!!!
  9. @Javfly33 Everyone has different reactions. Screaming is normal, or moaning, crying, puking it happens to people. It's a radical state and it scares people and it's a lot to handle. Some people are very peaceful, roll around and relax. It also depends on the trip and the thoughts you are having during the trip. It's such a radically different headspace to navigate it is difficult sometimes. You aren't really in control if you go too deep or as you go deeper than you've ever gone things can happen. Always be careful. These reactions can happen to you. You can judge them... But Leo doesn't vape it. If you did, you would understand. Going from snorting to vaping was so radically different and deeper for me I had no idea what to expect. As I am going about mastering the substance, I've run into a few glitches. Personally, I've never made sounds... But have had other strange reactions mostly out of fear or radical openness. This stuff does take a lot of maturity. So, really look at yourself. This.Stuff.IS.Not.A.Joke. It's a powerful took. Use it with respect.
  10. I mean, it's just crazy. I hear Biden or someone say one thing, and the way this guy twists and distorts reality... They have no systems thinking or understanding of the nuances of what they are talking about. Fox news is a cancer in the mind of US people. The blurring and distorting of reality that is taking place all over north America is tough. It's not News. It's information being distorted and filtered through a limited bias. There is so much I want to say about this. But, I think a life purpose on creating a clean unbiased news information source could be a good one. Can you report information through a non-biased lens yet still entertain people and keep them attracted to you? (if posting this here is inappropriate let me know and I can hide)
  11. Shouldn't this be in the spiritual category? Nice, looking forward to learning about it.
  12. I get that I am imagining him. Just, so much about life seems chance or trivial to me at this point. I still don't really know. Not at this state of consciousness anyway.
  13. @Javfly33 It may have to do with being infinity, But I am still wrapping my head around it. Why would I reincarnate as a human or even in this universe or this planet after death? I mean if I have infinity I will never experience everything anyway. So, idk. Strange.
  14. Nice, I am currently practicing and training to teach Holden Qigong and just started training under a Tai Chi master here in my city. There are some Falun Dafa folk here too, I may check it out but it seems a bit strange to me. I am not interested in it's ideology just the Qigong.
  15. Someone created a strange post about aliens and demons with regards to psychedelic views of Qigong practitioners. I just wanted to say that Qigong has nothing to do with aliens or demons or strange outlandish belief systems. Qigong is about created a healthy balanced internal state. That is it. Sure, we do energy work which to many people it outlandish but there is not strange demons or anything like that. Qigong is the basis for traditional Chinese medicine. My schooling of Qigong is pro western and traditional science. It is pro high mature use of psychedelics as part of your inner alchemy practice. This guy making this strange outlandish claims in the name of Qigong doesn't know what he is saying. I just wanted to correct this.
  16. I have heard of others saying that got tinnitus from the shot as well. I feel normal after mine. one more to go.
  17. Tell them about spiral dynamics This got me laid once no word of a lie We actually became fuck buddies and we still talk now days Thanks Leo
  18. @EnergyGem Yeah, Falun Dafa has some strange dogma
  19. @EnergyGem Well, I personally don't believe in demons or these forces. But, to each their own. Those belief in my opinion have nothing to do with Qigong. On DMT people experience all kind of trippy shit. Well, I have experienced spirits so who knows. Your previous post though was saying things beyond dmt trips I thought.