Thought Art

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Everything posted by Thought Art

  1. @Moksha Yeah, but knowing that doesn't mean you can't 'identify' with your career choice.
  2. Tai chi/ Kung fu are not powerful compared to muay thai/ BJJ. But, they are useful for developing inner clarity and more nuanced set of movement. Sounds like your mind that need developing more than the ability to beat others up. I love doing Muay Thai and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu I have trained and won BJJ tournaments. Personally think BJJ is my fav martial art. I personally found combat sport to be spiritual. Just in a different context. Martial Arts are great for self esteem. Meditation, yoga, Qigong are part of developing a balanced mature mind as well. Martial Arts = Yang Restorative practice (Tai Chi, Qigong, Yoga, meditation) = Yin You likely wont train every single day, but 3 or 4 times a week max. Which means you have time for both things. Good to have both.
  3. So much... Ever hear the saying don't talk about politics and religion? ahaha Also, People simply hold you to a higher standard.
  4. It's gonna be a hard pill to swallow. The reality of being in wage slavery is, you have very little freedom or energy. So, focus on cleaning up first. This app will help you.
  5. This would be a cool video idea
  6. Shouldn't this post be in the spiritual category? Can't you folks in Germany just do a day trip to holland?
  7. @SLuxy Is there a way I can read that without downloading it
  8. Some of these movements may help. When trauma is stored in the body Qigong has shown to help people work through it. Use at own risk this is not a prescription but I use this practice to help me move through my own trauma. A book I recommend is How to Hack Your Vagus Nerve
  9. Yeah, but using your logic you are undermining your own argument. I am just saying what is true for me. I've experienced and know I am nothing. Reality is infinite intelligence. So, it knows itself prior to being a me or a you. Enough games. This was fun.
  10. @The0Self No I think you are wrong. I would have to use a socratic method here as to what these terms mean to you.
  11. @Jakuchu I like this, but it seems to not take into account infinity. I think it never ends. No longer longing is part of liberation Realizing you are without end is another
  12. @The0Self I've realized I don't exist I've seen this. I may be a young fool but I've grocked something about infinity and Love at this point. I've seen "between the click of the light and the start of the dream" I know it's my true nature. I know no Buddha, but have seen things... Been places... Where no cars go.
  13. He has his own lifestyle. All kids are your kids.
  14. Do the work Don't put a cap on things Don't make sloppy distinctions There is no one Buddha, you can become a Buddha.
  15. @The0Self Yeah, you are GONE. Yet, you can still learn to master that state. I've seen people cry and and cry. From the outside it looks bad but, usually they are so happy they were able to just let go. I didn't know this but many retreat centres for 5meo actually have trained body guards to restrain people if needed. They hire ex professional football players etc. These reactions happen because you are entering a state so deep that it literally kills you. All your mental limitations can disappear and it's such a radically new state you be act foolish. But man, does it feel good to be completely free. Once you fully accept the death, and understand you are coming back and make sense of the experience epistemologically and metaphysically... The more problems you have and stupid ideas in your head going into the trip, the higher the chance of a freakout or weird reaction. But, when a hit goes well. It's total perfection. Absolute acceptance. Infinity. A true "Thank you"
  16. @Enlightenment Okay, sure... But doing some LSD or a high dose of one psychedelic is not doing over 150 different kinds or doing 5meo. Radically different. There is both state and structure we are dealing with here. I am not saying Leo or Yang is right or wrong. I think everyone is full of shit in some way.
  17. @Adamq8 And there is more than one book. Meditation is one, a specific technique of meditation another, and another. Same with psychedelics.. many different compounds and molecules and states, and insights etc
  18. I have grocked some thing I am 99% sure are absolutely true. Yet, I am still young, immature and have self deception as I transcend old paradigms that are based in delusion. I see insights as a degree of accuracy. As I mature and develop life mastery I will trust my insights more and more as the result show it.