Thought Art

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Everything posted by Thought Art

  1. @r0ckyreed Your bubble of experience or mine?
  2. I like Arcadefires album Funeral. A good mix of classical music and rock
  3. @Hardkill I wasn't trying to judge him. Just noting how dangerous it is to become dogmatic and entrenched in a belief system.
  4. Tantra is actually ammoral
  5. I would say he is centred around orange but has elements of green and yellow. At least now days. I really like Tyler, I will be doing one of his online courses here soon.
  6. True. Have your own place, be respectful. People aren't going to understand you changing.
  7. In the relative domain yes and no: - human can commit suicide - a rock can't in the absolute sense no
  8. Forgiving Ourselves Totally If you can filter through some of the christian dogma it's honestly really helping me.
  9. I agree. A lot of us have so many things to develop and work on before we even bother thinking about taking powerful substances. The risks are high, and there is so much else in life to explore and work on. Don't forget the in it's history is much more than psychedelics and pursuing the deepest awakenings humanly possible.
  10. Oh boi, Where is Jesus when you need him most? For me this is why Sex should be embraced in religion instead of stigmatized. The more sex is brought into the spirituality, such as in Tantra then it can be fully embraced as part of the spiritual practice. I think this would limit sex scandals or deviant behaviour as people would have the skillsets to control their sexual energy. The bigger organizations get the more messy everything becomes. (my comments are half baked here. wondering what you think)
  11. Hmmm, Idk about that Yeah it makes no sense that it's just 'you' or just 'me' when there is a world and forum full of people. Teaching people it's just them and giving them psychedelics ahaha. I wonder what can go wrong? All that exists for me is this bubble of experience. I am just kidding. But, honestly be careful with how you interpret things. Only you can figure out what is true.
  12. @r0ckyreed I mean libraries are free? It seems almost trivial. I think amazon prime lets you take out 10 books a month for 10 dollars a month if you own a kindle or maybe even laptop and phone.
  13. One time I was thinking about music and how I was thinking about how I was going to go about my next musical project. Right in front of house 222 was a bag of guitar picks. I don't really believe in fate though..
  14. I wonder about this too. I've experienced what seems to be synchronicities in my life. I mean, isn't the planet happening to rotate perfectly around a sun a synchronicity?
  15. @rayamonoes Ah man, 5meodmt is so nice though Sorry to hear you find it's not for you.
  16. If you are vaping do you need a different vape piece or oil pipe for each substance? Or can you clean them and use them? Like if I wanted to vape 5mo MALT and DMT in the same pipe or dab rig?
  17. Someone sent me Z library. It feels like a low integrity way of stealing money from hard working authors. I haven't used it yet.
  18. I don't think it's a core interest. Well, perhaps but what most people call truth is pseudo truth or, what relative truths they can use to maintain or better their survival. Most people are selfish I think.
  19. Right now I am using a silicon dab rig with a torch.
  20. Hmm, if you want to read up more on what the Tao symbol means you can read about in in more depth in this book: Cosmic Nutrition It explains Taoist understanding of the universe and holistic human health and has a really deep and interesting chapter on Yin Yang theory. @Arzack Be careful you don't seem to fully understand hand the Tao symbol is used.
  21. 5MEODMT Safety Sheet (In progress feel free to offer critiques) 5meodmt trips are unlikely mushrooms, LSD or weed. In my experiences the route of entry, dosage, internal state going into the trip and the setting can play a big role in the overall safety and experience of the substance. Best Practices 1. Trip in an empty room or on your bed with no breakables like glass, sharp corners like heaters etc. It's good to trip on a yoga mat, with a blanket and some pillows in my opinion. I enjoy feeling safe, and having something to hug when the love gets good and maybe I need to cry. 2. If tripping around other people let them know what you are doing. Do not involved others in the trip. They will have no idea what you are doing and will likely be startled. You may no longer have boundaries but they still do. Remember no one else can tell what you are going through. 3. Lay down and do not move during the trip. Stay inside. Always trip inside so you have as much control over variables as possible. As much as it may seem that reality has completely disappeared it hasn't and you will be right back. 4. Always properly weigh and measure dosages. Do not get cocky, though experimentation is okay. 5. Avoid chronically tripping. Multiple trips, especially when vaping in a single setting is okay imo but it shouldn't be done more than once a week, or once every two weeks max. Come back down to earth. I know it may be challenging as the love or insights are so profound that you may just want to live in that space. However, use these insights to fuel your contemplation, meditation, Qigong, yoga or other spiritual practices. 6. I recommend you journal and record dosages, trip times, insights, reactions, mistakes, errors or problems so that you are bringing more conscious intention into the trip. Treat tripping as if you were a scientist. 7. Remember that it is just a trip. You will be back, you still have responsibilities and you should not make any life changing decisions for at least 2 weeks after a trip. 8. Always start with a low does. Personally vaping is my preferred way to trip. I am not a fan of taking a full 20mg all at once. Take 3mg, 3 mg, 5mg, 5mg, 7mg over the course of 3-5minutes. This is how I personally found the best way to stay relatively grounded and to avoid disorientation while tripping alone. 9. If vaping with a dab-rig I recommend using a silicon dab rig as the glass ones are easily knocked over or dropped. (avoid all breakables) 10. Completely give in to the experience, Relax and lay back. It's all Good. 11. Plan your trips 1-2 weeks in advanced and stick to the schedule you give yourself. The best way I have found to avoid potential overuse is to be very strict in setting a distanced schedule giving you time to integrate any previous trips and to ensure you are showing the substance the respect is demands from you. (in progress) Risks Or Dangers 1. Overwhelming fear. Though most of my trips have been very kind and benevolent I have had one trip that was absolute terror. I ran out into my front yard and onto the side walk and then ran right back into my house. I know this was a 'foolish' reaction. However, It's important to remember that this substance is powerful and I was tripping by myself. I was quiet, no one notice or was harmed. 2. Pulling people into your trips. Don't. Trip by yourself or with a trip sitter with pre-agreed upon tripping rules. 3. Walking or moving around. Don't. Stay sitting or laying down. Yes, reality looks beautiful and amazing and you may really want to hold on to reality as you are being sucked into infinity. However, by tripping you are saying to yourself you are ready to fully commit to laying down and being still. WARNING: Even with a strong intention I have found that while vaping I have no memory of my intention before the trip and have walked around in the past. This is no longer an issue however, but when I first had my deepest breakthroughs it was very disorienting for me. (in progress)