Thought Art

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Everything posted by Thought Art

  1. @GreenWoods I actually think Salvia really scared this person and they are in a survival response to psychedelics. Let's just leave it.
  2. Yes. Let each of us see this a possibility in ourselves. I trust Martin Ball's opinion on these substances. They are pretty different. I am open minded to trying it if I am in a safe enough setting in the next 50 years. But, I don't wan to take any more risk than something like 5meo already has for the time being as a I mature. It's unwise in my opinion to try one substance and to discount all others. That is my opinion and I am done with this conversation. Good luck.
  3. @impulse9 It's interesting for me to point out to others, that imo this is what doubling down on ignorance looks like. There is not one edge... I am open minded to trying salvia.. But, I've read works from people like Martin Ball who are very experienced in 5meo and salvia. He says 5meo is the crown Jewel and that salvia is (not only dangerous) but a low vibrational trip..
  4. @GreenWoods It's very common for people to misuse Oneness. The mind has to over time, with feedback and direct experience and deliberate intention make finer distinctions in the face of seeming paradoxes. Especially as reality is meaningless, it's real tough to reconcile this stuff.
  5. @impulse9 Well, that doesn't change anything from my perspective. Trying one substance and then saying none of the others work is just foolish. You can admit that right? It's okay and proper imo, to just say "I don't know" I am still learning myself. I have plenty of hours of different spiritual practices to pursue, books to read, things to contemplate. If I go around saying "none of this works" I wont get anywhere.
  6. @impulse9 Well, first of all realize you don't have the reference experiences of 5meo etc. So, I would personally like to see some humility in you. Second of all, spirituality is a pretty personally thing so. It's fine you have your practices, tools and models but don't tell other their tools don't work if you haven't even tried them. 5Meo has opened up a whole new world for me so.. just check yourself. Also, I think you are screwing with what Leo is saying there. Leo is a major advocate of using these tools for curing mental health problems, enlightenment experiences and more. You are just factually wrong on that.... There is a huge difference between meditation and psychedelics. If you haven't tried them you don't have the reference experiences and should either keep your mouth shut or speak with some humility. Don't speak about things which you have no experience. There isn't one psychedelic experience there is a lot of room and difference between them. My opinion is to simply gain experience and stop playing games. Use all the tools and develop an experiential repertoire of the landscape we are in. Enough of this entities thing too imo. But, if you like that that is cool.
  7. They interview an ex KGB agent who uses Qi/ mind reading practices/ turning off other peoples nervous systems etc Hm, there is a book that documents a lot of these intelligence agencies using these practices I will try to dig it up.
  8. I agree. I think they are a foundational tool for radical spiritual development. I am a huge advocate for the safe and mature use of these substances. They should be used maturely, and with safe time intervals between trips to integrate. Always use proper protocols. Mistakes may happen as you learn how they work. Bad trips happen, fear can happen, confusion can happen. So space things out and always use a journal to record everything. Do not fall into the trap of Zen devilry and abuse of these tools. Make sure you read up on safety protocols and if you are new to using them ask a many questions as you can before you trip. Leave no stone unturned. They reveal a lot, and help to recontexutalize what is taking place but they do not fix all your problems. Always measure everything and insure a safe tripping space. They are very pleasurable, but they are not toys or drugs to be abused. Treat psychedelics as sacred gifts, sacred tools and ensure proper protocol and you will be fine. They are a miracle. But, you are still here as a human in this dream with real consequences so be mature. I am overall a huge advocate of Love. Create a system of practices that develop you spiritually. I think psychedelics are a tool and there are many others. Psychedelics just may be the tool that reveals the importance of these others tools as it have been in my case. I also think a sitting practice, journaling, Qigong, Yoga, breathwork, etc are very important. Psychedelics are great but they don't address everything. I personally think because Leo is a talking head that of course he can only show you these things through these substances. Remember you are Loved FOREVER no exceptions. If you are doing 5meo... I'll see you on the other side.
  9. @WokeBloke Lol, I've been in Beavis' shoes more than I would like to admit ahaha
  10. Healing The Shame That Binds You
  11. Zen Devilry is almost a Guarantee as most people are Devils, and as you begin along this practice you are creating a false identity as a spiritual person, your ego mind is distorting reality and the poor habits of your upbringing are still largely operating within you. My advice for myself is simply to be a real person, warts and all. Be easy on yourself and honest with yourself as you work through your maturing and purification process. Don't beat yourself up for mistakes in the process. However, don't shy away from healthy shame and radical self honesty. I've made plenty of Zen devil mistakes. Yet, I am continuously cleaning up and maturing, grounding myself and developing a nuanced and mature understanding of the spiritual landscape. You are bound to trip a few times when you step out into the dark. But, in time your eyes adjust... and soon the sun rises.
  12. If you put out right away... If it's going to be a monogamous relationship I am not likely to think of it as long term tbh. You put out easily ahah.
  13. my response is bold Frank Needs To Grok that he is God. That all is God. That any state or whatever he gets through his meditation practice is just a part of God. God is all there is. I personally no longer want any games. I want the real shit. Then, I will simply serve myself in the highest way.
  14. hmm, I wonder if there is a system of healing. probably being sober, eating healthily and exercise. Suffering is part of your guidance system to being healthy. If you are suffering it's because you are out of alignment with the universe. You are lacking balance, or are living in falsehood. Work to find balance and clarity and health. Do it at all costs! ahah and enjoy the process. I suffer too, but, I am overall on an upward trajectory.
  15. @Seed My opinion is that it's worth while to shop around. You don't know how amazing a session can be until you have had it. You are paying for a service right? You are not paying to pick up someone elses issues. I am sure she is a lovely person, but her issues are her own and she needs to speak to a therapist herself about these issues not drop them on her patient imo. Sure, sharing your own life experience as therapist can be worth while in the right context. I also don't know you. But, I would shop around. If I am going to pay you, a licensed therapist like 70-150 dollars an hour you WILL NOT leave me with YOUR shit. You deserve the best.
  16. I don't believe him. But, it's life. Time will carry us forward and things will change. Actually, God is an infinite shape shifter, and is illusion. But, God is not an illusion. imo and direct experience. So, they are different 'teachers' or practitioners with different reference experiences. There are world class meditators I have heard that try 5meo and are blown away. I think Frank is an ego but, maybe that is just his muscle posing photos with his deep explanations of his views on meditation on the side. idk. I personally can't take it seriously. Also, opinions of people change, and as my understanding grows its okay.
  17. @levani Stretching is an aspect of Yoga. There are many kinds of yoga. The most prominent in the west focuses on building core strength, stretching and removing stress from the psychical, emotional and energetic body. There are many types of yoga, and yoga actually is a big word that means more than any breathing or physical technique. Every teacher has a dogma. Looking at J. K he could have used a little exercise ahaha. I remember this being a pretty detailed explanation. You can't separate any part of reality from any other part. They yolk. I also recommend Sadhguru's Inner Engineering Leo also has great books on some types of yoga on his booklist.
  18. Okay... So what is an illusion then? That sounds like the most bullshit thing I've heard ahah I have to learn more about Frank but I am not sure why people take him seriously on topics he doesn't know. What is creating this highly intelligent illusion? An illusion? Like, what are you talking about man.
  19. No rush, remember that. Don't fall into the "I don't feel anything let's take more" trap
  20. Too long ahaha if a book is good it's worth reading. I think in course of miracles they tell you to read it as it calls you
  21. God Realization, I am assuming won't even complete your total ability in life. Many paths for different aspects.
  22. I personally have had a lot of healing through them. Low does of 5meo made me realize I have Qi and then I found Qigong that same day. Been practicing ever since!
  23. Nice note, I've started it and look to finish it over the coming years.