Thought Art

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Everything posted by Thought Art

  1. And Beige? I guess no is is at beige though but an orangutan. 🦧
  2. Tree planting is so grueling physically and mentally I think I’m growing stronger.
  3. Things will unfold. Sounds like drama though. Petty.
  4. @Chadders I recommend the life purpose course. It will definitely help get you on target.
  5. You’d think that unity and holism and truth would be at the pinnacle of human development. At least I do. I wonder if there is an alternative?
  6. @Human Mint thanks man! That would be a dream come true.
  7. Hey Everyone, I recently put out my new song on streaming services. I’d love to hear your feedback, and if you like the song. This is a relaxing song, ideal for mornings, cafes or nature walks. This release represents for me a large healing for my inner artist and a way to build momentum with this part of myself. Here is the Spotify link. It should be available on all streaming services. Youtube Music:
  8. @Carl-Richard Do you suspect that if we sampled every where around the world (which Ken Wilbur says in his book he has looked at development all around the world) that highest stages of human development aren’t unitive or mystical or that more research is needed before it can be considered conclusive?
  9. So done with planting trees lol this block sucks… The money is very good. But, I need to build out my Qigong business.
  10. @hyruga Share some differences
  11. @hyruga The stages are clearly defined but it’s the application which tends to be messy. People are rarely at a single stage.
  12. @Princess Arabia Admittedly I have errors too and can be held accountable so thank you. I often type with my phone and it’s always changing my words. But, we aren’t looking for perfection. You can capitalize your thread titles. That is not a typo that’s just being careless. Notice how I didn't say "Only perfect grammar allowed". Edits made.
  13. Guys, I am seeing way too many threads with spelling errors and improper capitalization. (admittedly I have lots of errors in my posts) but we can do better with the titles at least.
  14. I don't get it. You wanna understand the graph, you read the author... or not. Up to you.
  15. @Carl-Richard These are fair criticisms and point to careful considerations when using the model. These criticisms don't conclusively disprove the model, or turquoise as a stage. Human development likely does go beyond Yellow. So, what would it be if not higher levels of integration and unity? I think that I am interested in Spiral Dynamics as part of Integral Metatheory which draws on many different developmental models in psychology and social sciences. We can see many examples around the world of each stage of the spiral model. It's important to consider the sampling biases, but also to be able to look at real world examples that extend beyond the conception of the model and see if it is still accurate. So, lets consider listing some examples here. I don't think you actually have a conclusive finding that disproves the existence of turquoise at this moment. However, I am willing to listen to your points and take them as I continue to learn about the vast array of human development models. The adoption of mysticism at green and yellow SHOULD affect turquoise as the model states. Just as science does, just as pluralism does, just as systems thinking does, just as everything that the lower stages does. Turquoise would be a Unity of science and mysticism. But, not in a religious way or a way that exists in any of the great traditions. However, again, this isn't my main focus so I need to go and do that now. When we use spiral dynamics along with real world examples, and the vast array of other developmental models we can triangulate an understanding of what the highest levels of human development would be. The methodological pitfalls, or issues of each model may be highlighted or strengthen by looking at different models and real world examples. Spiral Dynamics was conceived on a limited population, but it's application to understanding real world issues and events I think is clear. This conversation I have a feeling may go on for years to come. We can also ask questions like, why are western nations adopting these mystic systems? Is it because we are riding a fad? Are we going backwards? Are we actually developing and expanding our minds to take what is useful from other cultures and it just so happens that these mystic traditions have actual truths which science and western thought lacks? Could it be that as a globe we are unifiying? and to unify cultures must adopt other aspect created in other cultures? Who knows. I consider my understanding of this vast subject rudimentary.
  16. Interesting talk!
  17. Canada and the US are guilty of this too when it came to the natives.
  18. People are asking me some good questions for me to deepen my understanding/ questioning if the model. I will note these questions for now as this model isn’t my main focus at this time. I encourage everyone serious about these models to also take the time to read the books, contemplate with AI, and be willing to see errors or holes where they exist. I also encourage people to allow for new insights and recontextualizations. Does turquoise exist? Isn’t is just yellow? Well, let’s continue to ask this and see without defending anything either way. Cognition exists at each stage, identities exists at each stage, forms of mysticism may exists at most stages… but what are the differences? Why have experts in these fields created these distinctions? Has any stage before Turqoise had a universal/ world centric/ truly unity/integral approach to consciousness? No. Not as far as I understand it. Yellow clearly can have aspects of spirituality and community. So why is it regarded as more rational and individualistic? Could it be that it’s rationality and individualism is a correction of what took place at green as the pendulum swings back and forth, but while including aspects of green? I suspect that Turqoise is unique is that its mysticism included everything where previous stages, even green, did not. Definitely worth looking into. But, my understanding needs more data points. I need more examples of turquoise which are rare, and I need a more solid understanding of the supposed nuances between the cognitive stages. It’s a highly nuanced model which requires and understanding of many fields. No other stage that was mystical has science, systems thinking, and a holistic framework which includes all cognitive stages of the spiral. It’s definitely okay to admit when we are wrong. It’s okay to learn new things about the model on a regular basis. It’s okay to point out errors or questions you have. How each stage interprets reality
  19. That’s why you read Ken Wilbur
  20. You can hire people to remove the nest safely next time. Don’t be hard on yourself.
  21. @Leo Gura We need a Leo Gura AI twin
  22. @Ulax Thanks man.