Thought Art

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Everything posted by Thought Art

  1. @WokeBloke There is actually no evidence of a big bang either. You just imagine and believe there was one because its widely accepted by your pop culture. You have not gone and proved there was one you just believe it. Also, take this into account. If there was nothing that existed before the big bang. Then it existed. Therefore what created nothing? Why is nothing existing more plausible than something existing? It isn't Because it's infinity which has no beginning and no end. What created an uncreated creator? See, the problem with this right now is that you are not taking into account the reality that paradox exists. You simply end up with an infinite regress problem. If there was a nothing that existed, then who created that nothing? God did, but how could God create nothing if it wasn't eternal to begin with? It makes not sense. It's a paradox. Well, if nothing exists then what created that nothingness? Well, how could nothing turn into something? Is a nothing that is a seed for an entirely complex and intelligent universe really ever 'nothing' to begin with? How could nothing become time, space, temporality, feelings, emotions, food, concepts, beauty, art, people, ants, planets, imagination, dreams, etc... Because its eternal and all powerful to begin with and has no beginning or end. It's infinite creative potential, which is nothing.. which is right now and it has always been. If there was a nothing that existed before something. If you are taking into account of of reality, then that nothing would have had to existed forever, before something existed for a little while and both pre-existence and existence are aspects of the same unity of forever. Forever is right now. Forever. Whether it's the religion of science, or of some religious system. you can actually grok these things without belief.
  2. No, there has always been creation. It never began.
  3. Well yeah, an organization of that size is gonna have problems. Also, of course its stage orange or otherwise it wouldn't be a service or business of its size. It's just growing pains imo. I personally sense facebook IS trying to create healthy communities. But, there is likely shadow stuff or just systemic issues and conflict of interest that are operating within its internal infrastructure and the social landscape of our times. It's hard to just be non-biased when you control large amounts of information that is being shared. When people are sharing angry posts that is very complex and they can't just stop all these people from sharing. Things will splinter whether on or off facebook. Best kept on facebook for the long term imo as people grow and change. I personally have a lot of good interactions on facebook. I will look more into this stuff later. I know a lot of new came out about different things including how some of the algorithms use anger for money. But, I will have to watch it and list out a number of interpretations as I am sure its not as clear as it seems in the media at first glance. Things like facebook are very complex systems run by many plays with so many layers of context, systems thinking etc that It's not always clear what is actually the case.
  4. Not even just sex but excrement and bodily fluids and rituals as an opener ahaha Don't blame the people Take responsibility and self reflect. Also, you say they didn't even give you a warning in some of your posts, but also you say you were warned in the past... so idk. Also you brought up Connor Murphy Connor uses sex appeal very skillfully actually. He talks shows off his muscles, uses good pick up principles and playing into sex appeal. Not disgusting taboo sexual fluids, shit, period juice etc... Also yea, he got a little ungrounded recently but he is seeming to be feeling better now days. He made a mistake and will learn from it. We all do. Clearly if you were at all doing what Connor was doing for attracting women it would work. But, you aren't really in the same ballpark by the sounds of it at the moment.
  5. Intuition is important however, when you are ungrounded you don't always know you are. Back to back trips is opening, opening, opening the mind up. You need to open it and close it. Close it and let the ego restore, give time to process the insights as often when you are first tripping the insights are half baked. You shouldn't be making life changing decisions 2 weeks after a trip as well. So, if you are tripping and changing a lot all at once you may do things you later regret. I would personally do it once a week and no more.However, during trip day you can do multiple trips no problem. Martin Ball recommends 3 break throughs in a session if vaping for example. Or if you are plugging you can do back to back plugs. As long as you are measuring everything, and using your intuition during the sessions you should be fine. But don't get cocky I think. Always follow protocol and moderation is key. Over dosing 5meo can be a cuz for mishaps. You aren't likely to overdose in a lethal way as far as I can tell. Even with Malt, you may just pass out or go deep for 30 minutes to an hour where you are debilitated physically.... drooling and rolling around... Which is dangerous if you are tripping alone. Always roll to your side if that happens to avoid choking on spit or puke. But, so stick to the low to moderate doses also. But, it's up to you to learn about the substance in your own way. For the sake of your mental health, and overall life responsibilities do yourself a favour and space them out at least 7 days is my protocol. Also, I assume if you wanted to trip multiple days close together you can plan a retreat. But, more trip more risk. up to you. Retreats with multiple back to back trips should also be planned with an integration and safety protocols. It's important to have a week or 2 to be completely sober, to take care of your responsibilities, meditate, journal, read, keep track of your finances. You want to make sure you stay grounded and in life. When you exercise you need to make sure you are resting.
  6. There ain't one enlightenment there are totally facets too... Meditation is just one path towards a type of awakening/ increase in awareness... So, he only knows that path. So what? His opinion isn't Truth itself. Once you walk many paths you see, ahhh there is more than one facet.
  7. I will check it out. What I like about Kevin is that he is focused on working with people who teach healing arts like Yoga, Qigong, meditation etc, plus the course creation etc and he does it full time so he has thousands of hours in the space.
  8. I am watching all this with an open mind. Facebook ain't all bad. It has good and bad. It will improve.
  9. You should study science imo and spirituality and merge the two. Book Recommendation for creating your own self study program: Self-Learning Blueprint
  10. True, or like... stage green feminist hippies tantricas with a sense of humour I would not want to meet you at a bar from the sounds of it and you don't seem able to be sympathetic for these peoples perspectives either so Idk It just sounds like you chose topics inappropriate for the context. I don't really know you either, but from the sounds of it you can do a lot of work in your emotional and social intelligence.
  11. I personally do NOT share, or promote psychedelics to friends and family. It's too risky and I don't want to be responsible if you have a bad trip, or take to much for where you are etc. I really don't know where most normies are in there development and I can't gauge it. Now, I will talk about stats, books, research, and maybe some of my own experiences but I don't promote or share it with anyone. Not worth it to me. Honestly, it is a field I am exploring, researching, experimenting, working on my protocols and I am personally grateful for the awakenings and insights I have had. But, I don't consider myself mature enough and I don't consider others mature enough. But, when I speak about them I share the dangers just as much as the benefits. Each psychedelic is different though. I would inform most normies perhaps to at least try mushrooms or AL-LAD if they are curious. Now, Qigong I show and promote everybody ahaha... But even there is dangers people can passout when they get a massive Qi rush, or rush of Oxygen to the brain after years of bad smoking and breathing habits..., pass out and hurt themselves... I've seen this.., people have unique physical and energetic problems and it's not always possible to foresee it... So there is dangers in everything... Just use everything in moderation and be fiercely honest with yourself if you are out of balance... Keep safe, keep others safe and be a good balance, neutral advocate for holistic health in general.
  12. I am meditating 20 minutes in the morning and 20 minute before bed. I also do 1-2 hours of Qigong a day usually.
  13. I think this is an important point to discuss. How are you working on being a better Ally? What are you thoughts on the subject? It can be a difficult process and step to take for certain white people as it makes you really face your selfishness and biases as the entire subject usually uncomfortable as it rubs up against your identity. I think for a lot of people it's also not clear exactly how. For me it's about listening, understanding, questioning my biases, assumptions, prejudices, selfishness, etc and standing up for human rights when they are being crossed. Which, they are... The World is incredibly complex and I am wondering what your thoughts are. Even though I have a very diverse friend group, I still sense I can be a better ally. Sometimes I sense there are nuances in reality where I can't agree with a crowd and that makes it tough for me. So, for now I am an ally in training as I grow and mature. I think we all are.
  14. @Breakingthewall Should be similar most of the analogues just convert into pure in the body I think wait two weeks don't rush
  15. There are thousands of styles, techniques, concepts, approaches, and a number of different applications. There isn't really levels, but different techniques for different physical, emotional, consciousness and energetic work. For example: 5 Elements, Animal Frolics, Healing Sounds, Three Treasures, Microcosmic Orbit, Budha Palm, Iron Shirt, Tai Chi, etc
  16. Maybe not But to most people at bars it is. But hey, do you right? Just don't blame others when they don't want you in there bar.
  17. Go with reverse osmosis there are many threads talking about this
  18. I've had kundalini awakening and Psychedelic awakening. Not all awakenings use Kundalini, but Kundalini can be used. There are many mountains, many peaks. One school one say one thing, another will say another. I am still working on my Qi, and kundalini energy. You can totally use them for enlightenment. To understand each one, you simply have to try them. The great thing about psychedelics is it can be a pretty fast thing. Kundalini and Qi or Kyra take hours, and years of practice but I think create a deeper baseline awakening and plenty more benefits. I know a lot more Qi in general than Kundalini. The more I practice, the deeper I realize energy work goes. There are different types of awakenings that use different systems, functions, tools etc and contain different realizations and flavours. imo something like 5meo is going to give you a deeper awakening than kundalini but it wont be sustained. 5meo is very energetic imo. They are definitely all related and I would build a toolkit. I don't really know much about Kundalini.... But it is a form of Qi energy. For me I am using Qigong for overall physical, mental and energetic health and have many mini awakenings through the practice that are in my consciousness and in my energetic/ emotion body, organs, nervous system etc If you want a total non-dual infinite awakening into God conciousness and love... 5meo is your direct ticket. Each substance, practice, school, teaching, etc will have different aspects and flavours of spiritual and personal growth. Each are important and you will find what you are attracted to and resonate with. Still learning though, I have have kundalini awakenings but I am a newb with it. I know more about Qigong mostly when it comes to energy work. The Kundalini practices I have done are shrimps compared to a 5meodmt experience.
  19. This. Yeah own your shit. These people are not all somehow just magically victimizing some patron for no reason. You are still 100% lovable though. Just, really reflect even though it hurts.
  20. Maybe don't talk about shit, sperm eggs, and rituals in public. People generally don't wanna talk about that at a club I would assume. "I then proceed to start talking about my fascination with period blood and possible benefits it may have beyond a mere waste product." If this was the first thing some random guy started talking to me about at a club I would ask him to get the fuck away from me. "This guy is weirding me out.. okay don't add to the awkward,,, just nod and smile.. casually play along... wtf" not saying to offend you. That is just my imagination of what I would think if I heard some random person say these things to me. It would kill the vibe for sure and I would be like.. damn why did I invite this into my head space. Now, if I I get it maybe you were trying to be funny or something. But, its just not cool imo. That as an opener has some serious weirdo vibes, though I could listen and joke if I Knew you and knew you were kidding. People were having a good time and probably just played along because they were having a good time. You can be confident, fun, talk about things that are edgy. But, you gotta be able to read the room and understand what the limits are. Simply avoid opening talking about bodily fluids, and other creep zone things. Try to be more accessible. Don't do stuff that is widely considered creepy and then play victim when you get the results that that action sows.