Thought Art

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Everything posted by Thought Art

  1. Sometimes the path to creating something amazing is just literally brute forcing it. Keep putting the hours in, keep using your artistic compass and don't let some bad art, or songs or drawing whatever stop you. It's like running the water... It is cold for bid before the warmth comes. My best songs came from 3 hours sessions of garbage. By then end the water is warm. Then soon you can build up a lot of momentum that carries day after day. Also, drop the perfectionist expectations and simply enjoy the process. Become a craftsman, let go of ideals. They will come in time. Focus on developing your craft and enjoy the process.
  2. I rarely feel lonely I like being alone It's totally possible... Don't create limiting beliefs..
  3. Super gentle. No deep trips yet, but it's nice.
  4. Where do you see yourself in 10, 20, 30 years with all the work you are doing now?
  5. Really I find it the opposite. Mushrooms are really unpredictable to me LSD has been some of the most stable beautiful experiences of my life
  6. @Loba Building one. I feel grounded. I just rant... I have my thoughts.. Had negative ones for years. But, I don't identify with them.
  7. I think he is just being investigated actually. He has taught for many years, has kids, is a overall good guy well respected. I don't have any details other than that. You know how so many people complain about not having a personal finance class in highschool? Well he went and created one for us and got it passed so he could teach it.
  8. It seems everything we build in life is so fragile: Business, relationships, networks, friendships, health, routines, financial health, spiritual health, mental health, civilizations, etc It seems like we are all one bad mistake away from losing so much. Just one sexual misconduct, or just one bad twitter post, or just one wrong turn. One of my favourite teachers from my highschool just got fired from his job for sexual misconduct with female students. He was an inspiration to a lot of people and lead the student council. What is wrong with us? Something here isn't adding up. How could he be so self deceived as to act in that way? And what is sex??? I've recently lost some friends that mattered to me. How do I handle this fragility and temporality of all things? Do we just surrender and do our best? I think that is all we can do.
  9. @Loba Hm, yeah I have plenty going. Which was why I was stressed the other few days finishing up some exams. All part of my larger vision. So is learning to handle adversity and uncertainty, and dealing with expectation vs reality. I share pretty openly my thoughts on the form because I have nothing to hide. I am processing for a long term powerful life. I just have some negative motivation aspects and fears to transcend.
  10. Paradox
  11. Total lack of bias
  12. You and me we got Chemistry!
  13. I guess you gotta actually let go you mean ahaha
  14. 5meodmt is the Crown. It's total victory. Namaste The Holy Grail. For awhile anyway.
  15. Happier, safer, more grounded, more loving. More of a connecter rather than a destroyer or separator.
  16. I mean: 1. I love you 2. I forgive you 3. I want you to feel safe, comfortable, happy, loved, understood, accepted 4. I want to live in healthy, stable communities where people feel safe, protected, understood and have enough. 5. I mean the way I feel when I see children play, animals play, people laugh 6. I mean blue skies, sunsets, sushi, Days at the beach 7. I mean healing, health, wellbeing 8. I mean music, art, dance, theatre, film 9. The reason I keep going despite my challenges 10. I mean Truth 11. I mean healthy relationships, good sex, good communication 12. I mean access to adequate mental health services, psychedelics, etc 13. I mean brothers waging war with each other to protect their countries 14. I mean supply chains, governments, laws, school systems 15. I mean you. 16. I mean willing to go ALL the way.
  17. I seem to mention is a lot. I think about it a lot. I call the hotline when the thoughts start up again now... until I can afford therapy. I feel a lot of fear and I see a lot. I sometimes feel trapped existententially in an experience I can't control and don't enjoy. I see my failures and fear I will never find my way to lasting love, joy, success, and peace. I am working on it.
  18. @BipolarGrowth " Well, I met you at the blood bank We were looking at the bags Wondering if any of the colours Matched any of the names we knew on the tags You said, "See look there, that's yours Stacked on top with your brother's See how they resemble one another Even in their plastic little covers" And I said I know it well"
  19. "Who cares in a hundred years from now Who'll remember all the players Who'll remember all the clowns"
  20. @BipolarGrowth I am very grateful for the above video. Gonna take me years to fully grasp it, to embrace and love it. Though slowly, the teachings of this video and others all combine together.
  21. @Leo Gura Yeah.. The amount of... "Thank you Leo"s I have had on trips. I forgot about those... Thank you Leo ahahhah
  22. @Ineedanswers Wouldn't that be a bias?
  23. @kamwalker What a liberating idea... For me I'd like to do that more. But first.. escape wage slavery and do it in a kickass way.