Thought Art

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Everything posted by Thought Art

  1. @hoodrow trillson It depends on the situation. Two adults can do what the want, and based on the reality what happens will come of it. But, there are men who go looking for young girls and probably girls who look for older guys There are one night stands... Relationships.. and there are so many psychological profiles out there these type of relationships exist.... some work and most I assume don't...
  2. First time I realized nothing and that I don't even exist Collapsing of all dualities God. Love. Perfection. Forever. OH yeah. I remember... But then, I come back. Hmmm, how to integrate what that was?
  3. She's old enough to make that decision. We aren't saying it's wrong. It's just the chance for the dynamic to be unhealthy is high.
  4. @Hardkill Figure it out yourself "Women want.." Vs Being There is a difference between gaming, or knowing what works to attract others.. and how you actually are.
  5. Well, I've experienced what seemed to be the realization that only I exist. But, I am not sure. I I I I I Whether sure or not sure or whatever. Here I am. Imagining all of you.
  6. Sometimes when we have something, at least it's something and it's scary to take the leap because we fear we will lose what good we DO have. You two can work on your sex life. Sex really matters. There are so many great guys out there as well. I think you like this guy. But, you also want a good fucking. This is a very important human need. It seems like you have 3 options 1. Remain unsatisfied.... which you can't for long imo... 2. Find someone who can satisfy you in an high quality or or low quality way. If you cheat, or as for an open relationship I suspect the ending of the current relationship. Or, you be honest with yourself at least that this matters and do something about it... 3. Develop a sex life that works with this current guy...
  7. Because they are mastering an emotional skill set in a limited domain to manipulate reality for a selfish reason. It's very thin, limited and has nothing to do with the deeper foundational emotional mastery that protects against 'suicidal or dangerous narcissism'. There are many contexts, nuances, depths, areas, etc in emotional mastery that these PUAs just aren't even aware of or remotely interested in because they are operating a low level of consciousness. It's more a like a mask or a skill than real emotional mastery.
  8. I think you mentioned recently, and I've been contemplating this a lot over the past year.. Each domain has a lot of nuanced, quality and potential depth to which you can go about it. I think any domain to a certain extent can be done in a high conscious and artful way. Hell, I've learned recently the blind pursuit of God realization is unhealthy... AND for me low conscious to in some ways. Because I didn't know about the 'art of gourd crafting' . Building your tower and foundation in the relative domain is incredibly complex, counter intuitive and interesting. Really, each domain in live you should be consuming books, taking courses and getting lots of direct experience in it. For a lot of things the social matrix if you take the path of least resistance just isn't enough...
  9. @tashadwoodfall Money is a good thing. I was laughing because I think for a lot of women it isn't a turn on. I wasn't saying anything about it really. It's good you are with a good provider or whatever. Not judging. It's just, your here wondering if you need to cheat/ explore new options/ try new toys etc to get your needs met. So, in the context of sex money usually means little. You might not need to compromise though.... There are guys with money who are good passionate and interested lovers too.
  10. @Federico del pueblo Not developing a high level of sexual/ relationship mastery is low conscious. I am gonna figure out a way to articulate this but I think I am starting to disagree that sex is low conscious and unspiritual. At least not as a blanket statement... Maybe compared to other things.. But, it's so central to creation and ALL of life and it probably has deep powerful metaphysical implications that need to be contemplated.
  11. Yeah, pick ups reputation is bad and will likely be that way for years to come. However, don't think of it solely as pickup I think. Instead see it as going out to have a really good time with people and to meet amazing beautiful women you find attractive. You have the skillset she is looking for and you use it. You two enjoy one another. Women are happy to meet you. @Leo Gura I agree to certain extent the the pursuit of sex is low conscious. However, I think there is a lot of high conscious stuff around sex... Especially with intimacy, relationships, sacred/ tantric sex, etc. I actually think sex is a very high conscious activity if done properly. Especially in the larger context of a holistic life. Even pickup. I mean, sex is as a domain may be lower than say... God realization... But, within that domain there is a high ceiling. Maybe, sexual energy is just so powerful... that most men when pursuing to use it have used it in a low conscious way and it's more a of a system problem than how it actually is.
  12. @Cleopatra Hmm, probably a safe idea to be polite when declining fools. You listed a lot of what I believe to be true with these types of men. Many stereotypes for sure.
  13. Ahaha, money… sounds like you have a plan. He CAN learn to last longer and toys are great. Work things out and enjoy it. Why don’t you or… maybe you two go into a sex shop for inspiration… check out the toys… check out the books.. who knows.. even if I cum early it’s like… I’m eating you out, fingering… massaging your thighs.. kissing your ears all the while waking up the Willy to keep going… he needs to learn to maintain the sexual energy even after he cums… he needs to feel into and become you… assuming you two even have a lot of sexual chemistry.
  14. Simply don’t be a predator or record and sell sex online. Or anything else of that nature.. women want to meet you, and sleep with you. You just gotta bring the goods and be willing to be disappointed. be out there being the guy she is glad she had a night with. Set a good example for your brothers.
  15. Yeah, man but… he’s not gonna be happy with that… jealousy would destroy the relationship in all likelihood and why the fuck would she stay with him? if there’s a hotter, cooler guy with a nice cock why not just date him? I know she likes this guy. But, like she said he just isn’t cutting it sexually for her. To me sex is a large part of a relationship. I’ve had to admit that to myself. I have to find you hot, The sex has to be good and we have to be able to be functionally balanced and reciprocal and the other major areas of balance in a relationship…. And we need to be friends and like each other. I want love, conversation, playfulness, joy, cultivation of something…
  16. He might was well be a friend at that point anyway. girl, you deserve to cum like CRAZY. ? but, do so with integrity ? if you ask me ✌️ making a girl cum was a major interest to me since I was in highschool… it’s my favourite part and is super hot if she really cums with her entire being… Guys, get with it lol
  17. He can actually train to control his ejaculation and last longer. ive had this problem in the past and usually experience it if there hasn’t been sex in a long time. There is a skill set here. also, thicker condoms with numbing solution were my go when I was first developing sexual experiences. I’m bisexual and Personally cant be with a guy if he has a small dick… so I feel you there. But, he can still become a wicked lover. Mantak Chia has a book called “The multiorgasmic couple” you two can do the practices. he can learn to last longer and you two can experience more orgasms and full sensuality. ultimately, sex matters in a relationship. Cheating is gonna really hurt him when he finds out… more than a break up. So, leave if you want. Or fix the problem WITH him.
  18. Yeah if you’ve got 15 years experience being an adult and your going after a young adult with like 1-3 years of ‘adult’ sexual experience… it’s just not fair. Leave them to the younger brothers. Unless you can date her in a high conscious way. I’m sure this exists. However… do you want to date an immature girl? Really? She will likely leave you.
  19. @Leo Gura I suspect you have a point. It’s probably nuanced. I just feels wrong to me and that’s my bias. who knows though… maybe I’ll meet someone younger and like them. But, right now I’m really wanting something mature and someone with enough experience. i had a lot of sex in my late teens early twenties… international campus just outside of Amsterdam. So, I’ve had my share of wild young passion. a girl of that age does not interest me knowing what I know. I am going to learn mature pickup as I go about transforming myself into a high quality man and partner. I want to experience more women around my age group and figure out who I am and want I want us a partner. I may even excitement with a more open style of relationship as I no longer want to feel like I own my partner and want them to be able to have sex with people without it being like a big deal… still contemplating how realistic that is.
  20. Yeah or… like, abusive and predatory? one or the other..
  21. @Leo Gura Totally, and they are sexy af… they can look 24 but have the mind of a women… on my last date I totally forget for a second she was 29 and was like ‘shit, she looks kinda young’
  22. @Leo Gura hell, I’m 26 and I think under 24 is too young…. I know how fucking immature I was. and am 25-30 is what I want. Looking for maturity. Last date she was 29…
  23. Our boy here clearly some form of ego… if your gonna survive you need an ego. Oprah has an ego. Doesn’t mean she’s gonna rape people.
  24. Stick to your age group 5 years max difference and be respectful… don’t abuse. be a good man of integrity..