Thought Art

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Everything posted by Thought Art

  1. I wanted to watch
  2. Still maintain a respectful relationship with your family And if you take the plunge to be on your own make sure you are doing is responsibility. It will be that harder more uncomfortable path but it will pay off in the end greater dividends.
  3. Ahaha Probably the case. Just Saying to be careful. But, enjoy yourself.
  4. @Mosess I agree with the critique for the most part. At the same time saying to someone “Just unconditionally forgive yourself” all by itself isnt enough. Examples are really useful and it wasn’t intended to be reasons like… I forgive myself because my shirt was blue… but now that it’s red… I think my examples were more objective and existential things that aren’t going to be taken away but are pointing to truths of reality something which I’ll talk about soon… that there’s nothing to forgive and you are already forgiven forever. My examples aren’t ever going to be taken away from you though… I am working to share aspects of that unconditional forgiveness. There are layers, aspects, nuances of forgiveness as well. A lot of spiritual people believe they should be unconditionally forgiving but that isn’t realistic for many of us. I personally think finding reasons to forgive yourself is useful. If you wanna really experience total self forgiveness maybe try a psychedelic. Even mystical insights require some form of rationality when applied to our lives. That will be a future video I’m gonna studying and speaking about forgiveness for years to come. Good feedback!
  5. Last night patches made me feel a little sick... 3 more nights to go but feel much clearer today.
  6. Q A Shaman is an interesting case study... A lot of nuggets to pull out and
  7. Another form is getting identified with being spiritual, buddhism, meditation, non-attachment etc instead of fully feeling, going after what you really want in life. will finish post later
  8. You may need to get creative and study aesthetics in general or study fine art courses or other courses that discuss how these things work.
  9. Maybe, but at the same time if they decided to take something it's also on them. If a grown adult takes a substance from a friend, its on the person who took it... But people MAY try to get you in trouble. So, don't. Regardless... DO NOT SUPPLY PEOPLE WITH ANYTHING. Let them get their own. It's not worth the stress when people have crazy bad reactions to shit. People do weird ass things and you have no idea what they will do... You may think a dose for you that is fine is fine for them but then they have a crazy bad reaction to it and it scares the shit out of you. Plus people talk and then start asking you for shit. You are not a drug dealer. You are a spiritual seeker. Stay safe. Be discreet and give psychedelics a good name because they have the potential to help a lot of people. Don't be that guy. Your not that guy pal, trust me. Shrooms are probably fine... But, just be super careful.
  10. I personally found some of my deepest awakenings... were very much an increase of body awareness to super natural levels.
  11. Keep refining and building! Good work. The website looked really good! The whole thing feels impersonal, which I kind of liked actually.
  12. @Sebiwert jealous for me it’s a dudd Interesting to see other finding it powerful. I was sceptical. I suspect plugging it is the trick as there is no readily available freebase.
  13. I think there is no knowing how long it will take to find a partner. Maybe I am weird and spiritual as well and I think that lowers my attractiveness with 98% of women. It also means simply I am not a match for them. Should I be expecting like, at least 5 years of dating, rejection, flings, pickup etc until I find someone? I think that is a more healthy approach than wanting something right away. I just need to gain more experience over the next 5 years. My past experiences suggest I have more work to do.
  14. @flowboy Thanks I’ll check out the app… another app called Lua but it’s still in early development. I think you are right. I’ll keep my head up for these things as the summer grows near. I think I need to plan to move to a bigger city. it’s not really about identity… but it also is… because if you can’t understand or share values with you partner it’s not gonna work.
  15. Hopefully I’ll have a good stack that works for me when I can afford them.
  16. Yeah it’s real… the inner smile is a great way to cultivate it… also the Six phase meditation. As well as Taoist masterbation and sexual energy cultivation… 5meo
  17. Firm rule I think people should follow: let people find these tools themselves. if she can bring her own supply you can trip together (my rule). don’t wanna become a dealer… it may be sharing/ facilitating to you but not to someone else… Tread lightly… don’t trip unless you are 21+ Don’t deal drugs. be discreet be responsible low dose with a journal in a safe place