Thought Art

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Everything posted by Thought Art

  1. @Illusory Self Good idea, congrats
  2. “I am not the body I am not even the mind” -Sadhguru
  3. Embarrassment can be an important part of healthy shame to keep you online with your values
  4. Ahh.. mine is through a university and the crowd is pretty young.. I think it’s important when building mastery to at least have a weekly feedback session from peers or those more advanced than you. Think I’ll pop by the meeting pretty sure it’s on Wednesdays. I can just tell by my older videos, and this 90 day video journey group I’m in on Facebook that my public speaking is currently weak sauce! Deliberate Practice!
  5. @Javfly33 I like the way he dresses! I was thinking he looked pretty cool tbh
  6. Glad he is having fun find my guru at the club
  7. Certain substances hit different notes really well. LSD can be great 5meo is the most consistent I find for deep self love..
  8. Interesting… I used to get full brain orgasms when walking to open mics to sing and I get a lot of third eye action doing Qigong three treasures work on the upper Dan tian but not that!
  9. I feel like my take away is: enjoy everything now! Stop wanting and craving.
  10. What steps could I take to be so grounded in my truth it doesn't matter what people say, treat me, or what happens in my life I am happy and continue toward my goals.
  11. another one is dwelling in imperfect creative output instead of just continuing to create… I could be years more advanced!
  12. I also wish I had known how good looking I was in my teens and early 20s. Now that I am balding at 26... It's not damn.. lease I look good bald but I liked me hair. Even though I smoked weed I always did really well in school. Also deleting my old channel after a severe ego backlash... But, I really like where I am right now in my life. I think I am making something great happen and will continue to work.
  13. @PurpleTree Yeah, a bunch of them.. Weed is one of them I think, maybe quitting swimming when I was 12, or maybe not making more music through jr high and high school. I would have liked to have socialized more in highschool, dated more girls, avoided toxic relationships, knew I was lovable the whole time, been more social with student council, done better in math... made more art... smoked weed in a responsible way with people... I think my biggest regret is simply not loving myself more. Regrets though don't really make sense.... All these things were part of my process to becoming who I am becoming. In my darkest of days I dwell on a lot of regrets but they don't have much room where I am going except to be fully felt and integrated. If it wasn't for trauma and dysfunctional parenting a lot of those things wouldn't have happened... So I take it easy on myself.. Love my mistakes to death.
  14. Jesus is an idea
  15. Seems like he is just blaming everyone and being a victim... Spirituality or pursuing success looks different for everyone. Not everyone can escape slave labour thats just a fact. It's a harsh reality... But, still... people can improve their lives I think. Anyway, go provide some value if you want to. You don't need to do what other people want you to do. No shame in having a job no matter what it is. Love what is. But, listen to your intuition if you want to improve your situation. Sadly... Even the most educated doctors, nurses and architects are pretty privileged..
  16. 20 Reasons To Forgive Yourself Love to know what you think.
  17. @somegirl Ahaha, I never even think about Virgins... I'd prefer to find a good lover first and foremost.
  18. Okay I re-uploaded it and it should be about 50% louder. That is all I am doing for it. Future episodes will be louder.