Thought Art

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Everything posted by Thought Art

  1. I wouldn’t equate them but I do consider meditation and mindfulness branches within spirituality there isn’t a monolithic definition of spirituality I don’t think
  2. ?? Only you can experience no self only you can awaken only you you only you
  3. @Terell Kirby yes but as he defines it here I’ve even heard other definitions
  4. @Meditationdude Not demonizing. Simply making a case for not using it. I think it’s alright if used sparingly and may work for some peoples life styles. but, smoking is bad for you. And it can be additive and I’m not convinced it doesn’t impair mental performance on some levels. It’s extreme Yin and causes mental fog, poor memory, confusion, anxiety for a lot of people. You can fully feel if you are baked all the time! it has good benefits too, just didn’t talk about them here as my spiritual pursuits are moving beyond it. Glad you found something that works for you ?
  5. There is a lot of spirituality… don’t need to go balls deep but it’s important to start building a basic foundation early on. Meditation is important even for young achievers. So are some spiritual texts etc
  6. Financial literacy and good habits spirituality business education life long learning
  7. Okay after 5 nights there was a major increase in mental clarity and well being. felt pretty sick on night 3 but it subsided Not sure why but… I enjoyed the experience. Could be many factors at play but… my opinion is during that 5 days there was a feeling of clarity and cleanness and improved inner quality… not saying it was the patches but it seemed to play a factor. could be placebo but… I didn’t really care if it worked or not lol might order another round honestly!
  8. I bought these patches that are supposed to pull toxins from the body… this was night one…. The patches were white when I put them on… I do feel cleaner this morning… not promoting them I have no idea if they work or what the colour actually is. I will share the updates each night to see what happens
  9. Yea acceptance and honestly about it is important too.. also, define zen devil because it’s often use loosely
  10. @Terell Kirby Good question.. self reflection and fully feeling. Admitting when I don’t know.. or make a mistake
  11. @RMQualtrough lol try some Qigong for a few months
  12. @RMQualtrough ahah then God isn’t interested in exploring what being grounded is
  13. @BipolarGrowth Yeah, I went through my own ungroundedness too… suffering is a good teacher.
  14. 1. You can create. Different future self through working on yourself not sure why that is toxic? 2. I am pretty sure probabilities are something you are projecting into reality and that it’s not some fundamental aspect of reality… though, sure part of it.. 3. I think if we collapse the duality or separation between our body and the planet, solar system etc and the entire happening at all we realize that what is actually taking place is we are a being off Infinite And Absolute will which is imagining it is limited, probabilistic part of systems etc to the extent we have will (moving our hand for example) and don’t have will (external reality) are both things ‘we’ create.
  15. You are willing your limitations and the ego can’t unwill it because you chose to be limited here…. there are states of consciousness you can reach where the idea of physicality becomes obvious it’s just part of your dream and you are actually just a singular infinite being with no limitations. when you move your hand for example, that is an aspect of your infinite will
  16. I think there’s value in that i also think it’s important to fully feel instead of always ignoring how you feel or what you want. I feel like the book call “The Tao of Fully feeling” explained this really well. I like how he mentions to embrace ambivalence and to look for the wisdom or beauty in all our emotions, or cognitive thought patterns. hmmm… 1. Fully feeling is not the same thing as neediness from others though. But it, can include a level of honesty about how you are feeling and what you think your needs and wants are. 2. Fully feeling includes simply allowing the feelings but without identifying with them or thinking they are good or bad. However you feel in this moment is how you should feel to think otherwise may be insanity of some kind. 3. I think it’s important to mention that enlightenment does not mean we only feel good feelings. Our psychology is complex and I think enlightenment can make us more compassionate to ourselves and our suffering and allow us to embrace our feelings with more curiosity. Feeling unpleasant and fully feeling it… and not needing it to change or judging it may be very important to transcend it or etc 4. I also agree with you that there are times when not feeling or thinking too much are valuable for our growth. I think it may be a balance. For example, there are times when I notice myself fighting myself, ruminating on fears of past error or future projection… I’m learning just to ignore that ‘bla bla bla’ as it’s just mental distortion. If I fight it it only grows.
  17. Everything is possible, but you are willing the distinction between possible and impossible. Or, your God self is...
  18. Part of the reason I asked was seeing a scientist attack spiritual people with the "Atoms at not actually 99% empty space thats just spiritual bullshit" But, when you look at it its so loaded...
  19. Seems some people say atoms are mostly empty space while others say that atoms are made of particles and fields… is a field not empty space? How are we defining these things
  20. @OBEler see that makes more sense to me ahah but there’s layers to this shiiiii
  21. Every Muslim I’ve met has been really great ?
  22. Interesting.. read “war of world views” it’s a debate between chopra and a scientist materialist rationalist… the chopra generator doesn’t make any sense they just sound profound.. What I have read from chopra actually has meaning but I’m open to being wrong compare then to some actual quotes