Thought Art

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Everything posted by Thought Art

  1. What dangers are you intuiting? There are some to be wary of. For example when you questions the assumptions and taboos of your culture…. Don’t forget those around you are in their dream and won’t like you questioning some of there assumptions. Especially about sex, science, and religion.
  2. What you consider magical thinking may be right. Or it may be your own biases that you haven’t actually taken them time to verify. It’s probably just a belief you hold. But, at the same time there is ‘magical’ thinking in sciences as well. There is false ideas in most epistemological systems. Partly due to self bias but also because these systems are finite and inherently ‘false’ as all finite systems are. It’s also it like you don’t think you can take these practices to a higher level or do something new with them. You totally can, that’s the beauty of infinity. Humanity isn’t even at 1% of its potential. Having a better understanding of reality in general that most people is something I will have in the 10 years. Very true about pouring your life into it… obviously. New is a relative term. There are new discoveries in western medicine that the Chinese have known about for thousands of years for example.
  3. Oh man, I find edibles can five you some of the worst burnouts….
  4. @Tim R I understand. It is a new frontier within a finite domain of human health. It’s a new frontier, not saying I’m going to change the entire epistemology of the West or anything. But, Western scientific epistemology does have a lot of flaws. It’s a new frontier, but also an old one.
  5. I should clarify that I never stated I was going to change science…. Simply that my personal understanding will soon be more advanced than most scientists in academia. Which, in some ways I am already more advanced than most reductionistic scienctists who specialize in o e field because I have a much larger holistic understanding of reality. I don’t have their technical knowledge that’s for sure but I see things they can’t…
  6. Yeah, what your saying just isnt true though. Go meet a yoga, reiki teacher or Qigong teacher for example. They are not PhDs. But they have practices and make careers out of this. This is an entire world and economy outside academia. And who knows, maybe I’ll work toward that. There are non phds writing amazing books and influencing society. Not convinced advanced science needs the beaucracy.
  7. I think everyone would appreciate if you made those posts. Let’s have this deeper conversation. I am not saying I am 500 years ahead… obviously being cautious is important. I’m saying that If Leo is correct and I embark on this mission of studying the philosophy of science and epistemology over the next 10-20 years that I could be. The more I listen to the 3 part series, take notes and then go listen to scientists I see that Leo has a lot of points. I’d like to see your specific criticisms actually of the series.
  8. Stay safe and enjoy the experience ?
  9. Really good! Full of the flavour from Intro to systems thinking. I may put this into my one note!
  10. @The0Self That seems like a lot of protein to me. Some people say like 56g per day for a male and some yogi's say even less. To much protein I think can increase you chances of cancer. Especially meat.
  11. Yeah, speaking with someone is really really helpful. It's actually a major part of feeling mentally healthy is having someone hear you..
  12. Feel the weight of your body Sitting on the soft cushion Notice the sounds, sensations and sights Let thoughts come and go Notice how in this moment you are completely safe In this mystery This moment is perfect.
  13. Whatever you don't don't kill yourself. There is a way out and into a beautiful life here any now. Mushrooms can help you feel love you are missing and research shows they can pretty well permantelty increase your well being.
  14. Some Basic Principles of the 5 Elements in our practice. Though, the 5 elements are more complex and each element contains dualities.... The 5 elements also pair to a Yin and a Yang organ which I will talk more about including the neurochemistry related to the organs. In a Qigong practice we have these aspects of out practice.... We use the basic generation cycle to get us into our ideal state etc. Think archetypically and systems. Generation Cycle: Metal -> Water -> Wood -> Fire -> Earth -> Metal etc Control cycle: Water Controls Fire, If we want to grow fire we add wood Fire controls metal if you want to control metal you heat it up and mold it Metal Controls wood - with metal you can cut a tree Wood Controls Earth - the roots grow deep down into the earth and keep it contained The banks of the earth control the water Can use the Control cycle in medicine, practice and in life. Energy - Metal Relax/ flow - Water Resiliency - Wood Enjoyment / Feeling Good - Fire Center - Earth Each of the above elements also contains its polar opposite Lack of Energy - Metal Stressed - Water Fragile - Wood Anger - Fire Uncentered - Wood Within a Metal element type of movement there are water, wood, fire, and earth aspects that can be included in each of the aspects of the generation cycle. So you may be in a fire aspect to begin a practice to wake up the body, but include aspects of metal, water, wood, earth and earth.
  15. From the highest level there is not difference between anything
  16. True, I think more and more therapists are being trained on helping people working through trips. Tripping isn't really recommended if you are suicidal. You may want to do some inner work like talk therapy, yoga, Qigong, or socializing more.
  17. I don't know if we can give you advice on that... Science shows that if you do it right it may help in a big way... Maybe a low low dose... Some mushrooms can be really mean though so.. What kind are they?
  18. Definitely not. I am so full of shit and so are they... I also know myself in ways better than others... and others can see in me things I can't see in myself. We are all swimming through guesses, assumptions, interpretations, feelings, ego and it's always changing and unfolding as we move forward.
  19. Are you Spiritually Grounded? I think it is important that we contemplate what it means to be spiritually grounded. It is going to be different for each of us but these are my thoughts. Spirituality for me includes the holism of our entire life not just when we trip, practice, self inquire, etc... It's easy I think to get lost and to become ungrounded and I am glad to share my own personal contemplation with you.
  20. Yes, exactly. All around in all social situations with everyone everywhere! How we see ourselves, changes moment to moment How we see others changes from moment to moment When you share things with groups of people there is generally segmentation and people may like it, people may dislike it, and many nuanced in between. Some will agree, some will disagree. I am learning to swim in this water. It's not easy. We often interpret, assume and project on one another and this is completely normal and fine.
  21. We are growing together I think. Hugs my friend. I may come off as unfriendly because part of my work right now is simply not being nice or people pleasing. I will become more skillful and gentle as my skin thickens and I become more grounded in my truth. It's like.. my ego is part of this of course... I put work and love into something and someone doesn't like it... Well okay. I'll let my skin grow thicker. And love that too. I know this list of 20 things is really powerful. So, I can stay grounded in that. I can also listen to feedback without being defensive. I will grow as the weeks pass. I am sharing in this community because I feel like I am a part of this community. I want all of us to grow and become whatever we want to be. I see a lot of ungroundedness passing through here on the forum and in many spiritual communities in general. So, I am problem solving in my own way. There will always be people who don't like what I do, so I have to learn to stand my ground and figure out what is the most skillful way to do it. I think that, people should know I am loving but I am not nice. I like the medium of video. I also write things out by hand and then read them from digital paper so its not as easy as just copying an pasting. But, I will add lists to my videos though they may not be as detailed or valuable as what I say in the video. Also, making a list that is typed is easily copied into your one note which is added value. Maybe, I will take your advice and add a list and the video so people can have the option. I think that makes sense and is a good action to take. I appreciate you. Take care.
  22. Ahaha, yeah I know she is really attractive lol. She is also a very grounding image. So, you are feeling more grounded and are doing better? What do you find help you to feel more grounded? What is being grounded to you? @FocusThats fine man. I can't read minds. If you leave like 5 words telling me you want it another way that is cool. But, that isn't what I made and you aren't going to watch it and I accept it. I am not pleasing everyone and getting used to it. Don't mean any harm. I hope one day you will see how scary it is trying to serve others and the need for being grounded, and not people pleasing. I am here to serve you, but I just posted a video. Maybe I will make written lists like I said. But, if you don't like this video. I can't change that and accept that.
  23. @Focus No one is gonna ask me to do anything. Instead of being thankful for an offering you just wanted it your way. Thats your problem. If you want me to do something than be grateful. If I just read a comment that says "I don't like the way you did this" that is fine. I have no problem with that. Tough titties for me, tough titties for the fact that the person chose not to take up the value that was offered. I am not gonna do anything for free, beyond making a super powerful video for someone who just wants more from me. If you don't like it, its just simply too bad. You don't get the benefit. Others will watch it. I'm not being snarky. But, I am not a push over and I am not here to please you. My purpose is to help others, not be a door mat. This may sound aggressive or snarky. But, I need to develop a tougher skin. So, this is part of that process for me.