Thought Art

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Everything posted by Thought Art

  1. For some reason one of my 15 second shorts on youtube has exploded and has 600 views! Not sure whats going on but maybe the algorithm is starting to like me.
  2. @Karmadhi Thanks mate!
  3. Sex is a powerful energy! In the Tao it's not stigmatized. But, it was in a lot of religions and philosophical schools. Sex is one of the least understood things in our age.
  4. Definitely, Theses lists are by no means complete. Also, I may have mentioned it in video as I usually go deeper in the talks.
  5. I remember this insight when I was like 10 or 12 as a young endurance athlete. Made me OP because I knew the pain didn’t matter
  6. 1. That doesn’t seem holistic to me. Who else is doing politics but God 2. If God tells a white dude he’s that smartest ever and then he goes off into the world making political decisions from that… as the op is sharing here it’s true to HIM. In fact this thread brings together science, politics, belief, mystical insight, God, interpretation… was it really god or a delusion or misinterpretation? 3. I’m not assuming anything other than what I observe around me. People of all colours seem to be pretty intelligent. There’s stats and everything. But, I get that someone can filter out that info or depending on where they are in history have certain beliefs. Your subjective beliefs don’t change all facts. Being a ‘maga’ may make trump the best leader to you. But, that’s subjective. 4. the two last paragraphs seems to contradict on some level. Obviously what someone believes or ‘dreams’ is ‘real’ to them. But it’s not actually real it’s just a mental model or program they run. Reality and perspective is relative. So, are we not imaging an overlay of belief onto an objective ‘physical’ reality when is totally subjective to what is observing it? anyway, I feel like I’m not wording this well. Night fellas not arguing just wrapping head around thread ? not sure if I’m on the right page
  7. Try first dose of Huperzine A 200mg... Will leave reports throughout the week. Going to do 2 doses a week. I notice increased mental clarity. We will see what happens.
  8. Sometimes when you speak like this (which I find you do more on the forum than in your videos) it waters down a lot of the political talk you've done. Like, episode on conscious politics for example. God seems to be dreaming as if there are black people outside of my bubble of experience with their own bubble of experience. They are just as smart as anyone else. There seems to be a history of other people doing stuff that I didn't do. Sure, it's just what God is dreaming in it's mind. But, your almost in ungraspable territory where everything simply is as qualia in the infinite void.
  9. Yeah, theres a bit of a logical fallacy there Leo. Just because I believe xyz is true doesn't make it true. Just means I live and act as if it were true.
  10. Sure, but many nutritionist also say that animal fat and processed meats clog arteries. How do you know those books are accurate, truthful and not biased? What science have you done yourself? Not all nutritionist agree so, now we come into the problem of belief and authority. Which idea in the mind of God about clogged arteries is correct? What are the nuances?
  11. 5meo movie
  13. Recently I was in a coaching program but I had an ego backlash and did everything I could to get out of it. I realized it was simply too early for me and I have to spend the next 3-5 years working on myself before I can start a business. I have some issues with regards to trust, finances, etc. Regardless. I would describe my behaviour as potentially manipulative and devil like. A problem I am finding is that I am almost fragmented. When I feel scared, uncomfortable, etc It's almost like another me comes into play and starts fucking with me. I start demonizing others, feeling paranoid, thinking people just want my money etc. I start feeling this neediness like I need peoples attention. I notice that my perspective becomes constricted, I start seeing all the problems with reality instead of the solutions. I distract myself with youtube shorts or youtube videos. I swear, or curse or I complain or demonize. I think that I actually have a very toxic aspect to myself that needs to be addressed if I am going to be successful. I think my attachment style is something like disorganized avoidant. I want to live a life of integrity. Right now I really need to spend the next 5 years building solid foundations. Because if I don't build these foundations in my: 1. Character, integrity, foresight, maturity, groundedness 2. Financial health and systems 3. Skillset, education, qualification 4. Mental Health 5. Spiritual practice 6. Cognitive behaviour 7. Qigong, yoga/ Skeletal/ muscular and spiritual integration/ alignment I think I need to stay at my current job, build up a healthy savings and enjoy a higher level of groundedness, maturity, well being and develop the feeling of safety and self love. I find myself coming in and out. It seems I am sometimes at a higher state of consciousness and other times at a lower state. I am slowly developing self trust, but I also know I am not to fully trust myself yet. Here is a list of ways I want to start to notice my devil like behaviour and begin to self reflect and correct it because its going to sabotage all my success in life. 1. Start a Devilry file in my reMarkable tablet and begin defining what a devil is to me, build this definition over time and begin noticing how I am actually a devil 2. Be open and honest with myself when I am in a devil like state and begin noticing how I enjoy my devil and victim like attitude. 3. Notice how others are devils in their own way and develop compassion for them and for myself because I know first hand how hard it is to be a good person Devilry is a real issue. I no longer think of myself as a good person but instead want to see myself for who I really am. I will continue along my purification, maturing and life mastery process. Until I build a solid foundation there is no success to be had in the social/ business domain of life.
  14. Yes, I’ve messaged the company to apologize and to do the wisest more high integrity thing I can going forward. Whether it’s rejoining the program… or if they don’t accept me back allowing them to keep the money as I promised I would pay instead of demanding a refund. I’d rather have self respect looking back at myself in 5 years than see I was being a greasy coward.
  15. @Breakingthewall I have to be a man of integrity and honour my word. I signed up for a reason. I might as well follow through all the way instead of being a fucking coward.
  16. @Breakingthewall yes Im honestly terrified and it’s really really hard
  17. Build your foundation and take full advantage of your education. Learn to be a great student!
  18. Some of it sounds crazy I don't know where he gets these ideas from lol like "Spiritual history" or whatever.
  19. I love myself even though I am petty, weak and a devil sometimes. Who else will if I don't? I have to love what is. Me an my ADHD brain.
  20. let’s build a solid foundation before I do anything else. 1. Finances 2. Mental Health 3. Physical Health and Qi health
  21. I have the capacity for self deception, toxicity, cowardice, double mindedness, devilry. This is very important to note. I suggest I move very slowly with all things in my life because I am not as pure as I may believe I am. Today direct experience shows this. I am still immature, doubly minded and fragmented and instead of life purpose or success or coaching others I must instead work on myself. there is no one else to teach