Thought Art

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Everything posted by Thought Art

  1. It's obvious to anyone with a heart that Joe Rogan shouldn't be using that word. I am interested in learning more about other peoples perspectives. I want to calm down the warzone. People need to hear the OP. Let's cut out the name calling and attacking.
  2. It's a tough call. People need to be given the right to be heard, to educate others. But, there needs to be a recognition of respect and intent. I can't tell the intent of the OP or others on the thread. Everyone seems to be fighting with everyone else. I'd rather see some real discussion, learning, sharing, acknowledging, apologizing, etc... But, just like everyone on the internet people wanna fight, name call etc because its all we know how to do right now. That is fine. We are scared, defensive and hurt. We are a family, so we can work through this I think. Signs that things are not going well on a thread for me are: 1. Name Calling 2. Putting other people down for their inadequacies 3. Personal Attacks 4. People making wide sweeping statements about other groups of people based on aspects of their being they can't change 5. People not listening to one another 6. Anger, hatred, fear, jealousy. 7. Attacking and overgeneralizing everyone on the forum ( not recognizing and respecting the complexity and diversity of those who come here) 8. Wanting to hold other people accountable for your perceived hatred in them, but not noticing in yourself. I feel scared even posting anything on this thread. But, Racism, ethnocentricity are important issues here and we need to cultivate a space for these voices to be heard. But it doesn't work if we treat our threads like war zones. Nobody likes being called names, not being heard, being attacked, etc.. People will naturally defend themselves. Doesn't mean they hate you, just means they are human and rightfully defending themselves. When we are in a low vibrational state (anger, fear, hatred, distrust) we project it and see it in everything and everyone. EVERYONE on this thread. Let's work things out. Not spread more fear and hatred. I refuse to pick a side in this though because everyone. EVERYONE. Needs to have these conversations if we are going to cultivate safe communities. Let's spread love. Intelligently.
  3. It's okay if you want to insult me. I know who I am. I know I love everyone. Don't need it to be reflected back at me.
  4. @bejapuskas Are you sure? Seems like a lot of putting others down going around here. Seems uncalled for. Everyone just seems scared, angry, upset and defensive from both lines This is a personal development forum so, it shouldn't be a surprise that imperfect people struggling to understand things and grow are here. The whole world is incredibly imperfect. Welcome to earth 2022. "These people here only understand their left hand and lube." Why? Why are we putting other people down? What does this have to do with Joe Rogan, or defending human rights? How can we ask for respect from others and not share in respecting others? We all have to come together eventually. Everyone is scared, wants to be right, to feel respected, to feel loved and safe in their communities. Lets create a safe community here on the forum. People need to be listened to. Remember, if we are attacking one another we are contributing to a toxic culture here. Let's avoid that. I love you folks. See you on the other side.
  5. I feel bad for anyone with hate or prejudice in their heart. To think you are better than another.... instead of wanting to love and build a safe world for everyone. Sad.
  6. Watch this often
  7. 3 seems to be my number I don't believe it just see the fox
  8. Just notice how good and bad things happen regardless of a limited things bias. All finite beings want to survive and have their biases appealed to. However, notice how many times the universe does not meet your bias and you suffer. Why? Because God does not have your biases. You do. Because, though the universe includes your limited bias, its not solely biased towards it. God, includes and transcends your biases. For example, whatever happens its Gods Will. It's God's will when your biases are not appealed to as even when they are appealed to. God loves whatever is the case. God loves and is biased towards the whole, which means not being biased towards just you.
  9. @PurpleTree Are you saying like.. if they didn't feel inferior they wouldn't need to try to make themselves seem superior?
  10. So far I like it. I definitely notice a difference but need a few month months to really tell you what I notice that chances.
  11. She was definitely coming from love with what she was saying. She’s not canceled just taking a little time out it seems. How people define ‘race’ or use the word ‘race’ can be a bit subjective and we should as a society be patient with people in these circumstances. Maybe she meant skin colour. The Jewish People are a race of people. The Holocaust happened. It’s very Important. what’s sad is a lot of people don’t even know about it…
  12. People get canceled on principle not on political leaning… It’s only 2 weeks. seems like she thought they were a group of people or a religious group and not ‘race’ as in skin colour. But, Jews are a race of people. she said it was a problem of ‘mans inhumanity to man’ which was true. But it was still about race. People also make mistakes with this sort of Language all the time. Even our man here.
  13. Existence is prior to beliefs lol asking who believes in God! God, don’t ask such silly questions the only thing that can believe or disbelieve God is… God.
  14. @SQAAD You don’t need to. I don’t think that is the point. God also created a world in which you can and do feel those things. God wants to be how it is… which includes pain and pleasure and all the shit your biases against. God is all of that and fully embraces all of it. There are people out there who do enjoy sex with their mother, or a goat, or pain. People have weird fetishes. Bugs, animals and aliens all have their own thing too. Dung Beatles love shit. Some animals willingly die during mating etc… You don’t need to give up all your biases but it may be useful to understand how your biases work and shape you and how they are finite and relative to you. Your self biased as a human, and a human with a particular cultural programming. What you think right now is ‘biological’ is also up for debate. God is all humans, all species, all emotions, all taboos, as kinks, all feeling all possibilities and infinities. You are just one limited aspect of this grand totality
  15. Example of gender being a social construct (Not sure if someone just deleted this)
  16. I think he needs to speak to some adults that are around him, maybe some people at his school. He shouldn't be alone going through this. I hope she gets the help she needs and that if she thinks what he did was assault she can explain it to others. I hope both sides can be heard. 1. If he did something inn-appropriate, at age 17... this is how he learns to respect boundaries and as a teenager. He is here sharing it... so I hope he is trying to improve and understand human interaction better. This sounds like a confusing and scary scenerio. 2. If she is projected trauma onto him this is a difficult situation Note: Women do not have to say no or show fear for them to be creeped out by you. Apparently smiling and playing along is a survival strategy women use. If she is 'pulling away from you' etc... then that is a sign. Personally, I think it's best to side of a er of caution with touch. Especially when you are only young and not at some club in vegas. However, don't catastrophize. Don't listen to calamity howlers. This whole you make one physical mistake thing and it ruins your entire life is a cultural illness. People need to be given the chance to learn, grow and be held accountable in a constructive way...(case by case basis). Sex is one of the most confusing and challenging energies and domains of life. People are confused as fuck by it, don't understand it and are incredibly emotionally charged by it. Learn your lessons fast. I refuse to live a in a world where people can't learn from honest mistakes around sexuality and consent. This whole mob mentality of destroying people who make mistakes is scaring and hurting a lot more than it helps imo. That being said accountability is CRUCIAL. People need to be able to grow, heal and inspire future generations to be better. I'd rather men be able to openly share their fears and mistakes so they can be better pursuers, partners, lovers, friends, coworkers, than live their whole lives needing to hide their errors. So, learn all you can from this young friend.