Thought Art

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Everything posted by Thought Art

  1. Don’t create false dichotomy that “with shaman good, without shaman bad”… your shaman may sexually abuse you or they may really help you. There is risk in anyway you go. Doing trips alone can be deeply spiritual. Tripping is not a one sized fits all deal. Some trip alone some trip with a psychologist some trip with a friend who is a sitter some trip with a shaman each has its own thing
  2. No…. That is to miss my entire point here. Get to know your genitals instead of creating constructs of shame. It was an example. Are you kidding me? Don’t put words in my mouth and don’t misconstrue what I’m saying into these simplistic “Ever heard of soap instead of jerking off” Dont treat me like I’m mentally retarded. Because it makes you come off that way. I feel amazed you would even ask me that? “You mean there’s no way to clean your car instead of driving it in a rainstorm?”
  3. @Someone here What’s the need for anything. Humans are sexual beings. I like sex. Don’t you? Sexuailty need not be a burden you must carry only to unload into a pussy so you can feel good about yourself. Anyway, I get that you just wanna have sex and not masturbate given your current model and shame complexes. Nothing is lost from masturbation, if you are healthy and do it in a quality way. I have a friend from India who was also afraid of masturbation. He was in his early thirties and never pulled back the skin on his penis. Because of this it was crooked and odd. There years of dead skin piled under it. He cleans his penis properly for the first time when he was in his thirties. If you learn to masturbate in a high quality way, you may be a better lover. This porno, rush to climax and hide in shame is not right. No woman wants a penis that is dirty and from a man who doesn’t know himself sexually. Enjoy your flower my friends. Let go of this burden of shame.
  4. To cultivate inner peace, joy and pleasure.
  5. Dangers: Going hog wild on them because they made you feel safe for the first time in your life and then you abuse them. Or tripping in low quality ways. Losing sense of concensus reality because others aren’t in your bubble and spouting spiritual truths on facebooks…The dangers. Are being a fucking idiot with them.
  6. Neil Degrasse is fragmented but he has a spiritual heart and an artists heart
  7. @Someone here No. it doesn’t mean that. I’ve been having sex since I was 17…. Boat loads of it. Sex with different people, blow jobs, hook ups, etc… all amazing. Even then I would masturbate. You are shaming something which need not be shamed. Make love to yourself and to others. You can write a letter out of fear, or write a letter out of love. You can masturbate because you arr suppressed. You can masturbate to flourish and blossom. Become a lover. Not just a pussy fucker. Currently, I am working deeply on my sexuality. Meeting others, dating but also developing more self love. This means developing my sexual health through masturbation. You don’t NEED to masturbate… but if you shame and guilt yourself because you don’t meet your fabricated ideals… you steal your joy needlessly.
  8. How can you make love to a women, when you are ashamed of making love to yourself?
  9. @Someone here It’s okay. I think you are operating with a different programming than me. My sexuality is both private and with partner and they are both holy. I share with you videos speaking of Taoist masturbation practice but you don’t watch. I think I have said all I can. I wish you well. Whatever you do, lose the shame. Or don’t. Just be you ? Real Men blossom, and express their sexuality how they see fit regardless of the opinion of others.
  10. @A_v_E There may be both physical and mental side effects. However, I think most psychedelics when used properly are overall okay. Even foods have side effects. Even something like Qigong or yoga, or shamanic breathing can have side effects. So can telling the truth it saying “I love you”
  11. I’m just learning this as I myself mature in my sexuality. I do not condemn it in its entirety are you have. I look to do it with more love, ecstasy, vitality and quality.
  12. @Someone here I usually feel pretty great. Working on getting even better. I’m not shaming myself because it’s an illusion. However, I notice variance. Sometimes I think “I shouldn’t have ejacualted because I should have saved this sexual energy” other times I think “Wow, I feel great and renewed” So, it’s not one sided. Learning to orgasm in a high quality way seems ideal to me. Though, I’ve written some of my favourite songs and had some great insights right after ejaculating. How you feel after you burst? You masturbate, you feel shame and whatever and you assume it must be this way for everyone. I think you can learn to masturbate in a way that cultivates and grows your love, your sexuality and your energy. I suspect ejaculation does waste an energy that you could save and through Qigong circulate. Masturbation should be done with self love, and can be sacred if you do it with care.
  13. I find it more fascinating that reality is so mysterious. But, these concepts are not things to place my joy or happiness in… Yesterday when I was feeling the sun, and the fresh spring air I simply rejoiced, and was refreshed.
  14. @Ninja_pig It’s not one sided or obvious. But, I do believe for many men who are addicted to porn… less porn and more actions like meeting women and starting relationships would improve self esteem. However, there is no evidence that masturbation is bad for you. You can learn to do it in a way that improves health. It’s healthy..
  15. Here are some of the books I’m reading to improve my attachment style. I recognize a lot of disorganized/ avoidant behaviour in myself due to my up bringing. No particular order. Since posting some other books came to mind such as “Guide to Rational living”
  16. @A_v_E Hmmm there a definitely side effects to these substances… But I think they are overall safe if used responsibility. Your not gonna have withdraw from a single trip. Many pyches are anti addictive too.
  17. @StarStruck I’m not talking about porn really
  18. God destroys evil Karma with…. Infinite Love. If you do ugly shit, people will punish you. God will not. I understand, you and I are finite beings. We are too selfish to love God how it loves us. God accepts that. You think Hitler is evil because you are selfish and you don’t understand Hitler, history, how trauma works, ideology, finite beings etc. Every person who hitler killed? They all received Gods infinite love. All is One. To condemn hitler is to condemn Gods will….. Now, as a finite being I condemn these evils. But, I understand it. Actually infinite forgiveness is fair. If you were born in hitlers situation you would have done the exact same thing. You live your life judging others because you don’t understand them. Then you judge yourself and turn your life and this planet into a hell.
  19. You make mistakes because you are finite and ignorant. This is very normal. What’s to judge?
  20. Because, God is all possible possibilities and whatever you have done was already one of its thoughts. And was equivalent to nothing. Your idea of Sin, is a mental construct. It doesn’t exist out there in the world. These ancient texts were written by unconscious people, people at lower spiral and developmental stages. They project their own judgments and fears into God. God is infinity. It has nothing to lose. It completely understands, loves and forgives. Forever, for everything. Because the highest intelligence would have to be an idiot to judge. the lower your consciousness the more you judge. God is the highest consciousness.
  21. God doesn’t judge. If anything God wants you to forgive yourself the devil on the other hand? not all sacred texts say this lol only finite beings judge
  22. Fully feel it let it go don't resist lay down and completely relax your body. Do some purging Qigong to Purge the energy transmute it into self understanding of your values. Every mistake reveals your values and how to do better. Journal your thoughts down and don’t filter be kind to yourself And give it time. It will pass.
  23. Which Buddhist tradition? There’s many. what are you healing?
  24. @StarStruck I agree there is no path, the only who doesn’t walk it is a fool