Thought Art

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Everything posted by Thought Art

  1. @StarStruck The chakras are also points on the meridian system. You don’t know. There are different maps. Just because the chakra system is one way, other maps may include and transcend it. I also am still learning. I will review the chakra system. There are 3 vertical meridians and the chakra system refers to one of them. Will confirm which one. I shouldn’t say energy centres, but energy points. The 3 treasures in Qigong relate to the chakras but are a different map. So is the Microcosmic Orbit. Check out Mantak Chia for more on that. There are quite a few different energy maps out there…
  2. @Realms of Wonder You can make a living now with the internet. There’s. Woman I know who has like 12,000 true fans and she earns about half a million a year. You don’t need to be a massive artist you just need to build a good business model for the modern age. for me, this is why accounting and business administration was the career I’ve chosen because it’s the skeleton for everything else.
  3. @JuliusCaesar Yeah, he’s sort of a mountain ? Tall, grounded, potentially dangerous, beautiful, and when you get to the top you can see a view you never saw before.
  4. @JuliusCaesar Leo’s a big boy. I would focus on your own growth. ? Of course, we can all encourage each other’s growth.
  5. @JuliusCaesar Sometimes I have to catch myself feeling needy towards him too. Just, let it be. It’s all good. Im very wary of my minds tendency to create and spin narratives about others and reality. I’m still not sure about a lot of things. What’s chance? What’s fate? What’s self deception? Etc
  6. The future of actualized video. @Danioover9000 Then stop just watching and go enjoy doing the work
  7. It was a great episode. I sense I respect Leo more as a teacher, I believe in him to improve his teachings and his embodiment. I sense and respect me and Leo wouldn’t likely be “friends” and that we are different types of people with different life experience. I don’t need Leo to be my friend I need him to do his job. And, of course I respect and appreciate him. I appreciated his perspectives on mental Illness, peoples maturity/ intelligence/ development, his teaching, the challenges he faces as an internet “guru”. It must be very challenging to balance it all, to feel the weight of responsibility etc From what I am observing he is a rare teacher, spiritual master and public intellectual in how he self reflects based on the principles of love, selflessness and consciousness. I appreciate that he sees his finite flaws. I personally grow a lot when I see a teacher do this sort of self accepted self reflection and admittance of flaws and sticking points. Looking forward to the courses and next 100 episodes. I also commit to being a better student and advocate for the highest teachings and wisdom that a human can know and embody. This isn’t about actualized for me but for God, Truth and Love and the well being of all future generations. Its clear to me he is grounded in Truth, understanding and providing as much value he can to man kind despite inner and outer challenges. He is an inspiration to all who can stomach him and his words and wisdom will likely ripple through human consciousness development for thousands of years. Keep doing what your doing Leo. Peace
  8. I’d say if you wanna learn about Chakras also learn about meridians and the three treasures from Chinese medicine. The Chakras are only a small group of energy centres and are only considered part of one vertical energy pathway.
  9. You create your own life through your own hands. Forget fate, replace that with action, principles, direct experience, integrity and life long learning. forget about what “others” are doing
  10. passion and skill are correlated but there may be other factors
  11. Yea, but not constant pain. You can awaken through pleasure also. Also, a lot of your pain is self created. So, be mindful of that too.
  12. The life purpose course has a great video on this.
  13. If psychedelics are illegal how come people are able to talk about their use in countries where they are illegal? I don't understand it exactly.
  14. I have found them to be extremely motivating. Mostly because, I've seen reality from such a high state of understanding and love that I realize I HAVE to work to create an amazing life. Tripping gave me visions for my business, my values and my life purpose which is Qigong right now. I have so much passion to provide value to the world, to start earning 10k+ a month and to build systems so I don't have to trade time for money. I have shit to do and things to create... and more trips to have in the future. I love tripping, but I love creating and sharing and growing as well. I sense me and 5meodmt have a lot more to learn about one another. Also, mushrooms... theres so many to try! I've seen them make people lazy though. Or at least, overly idealistic with the pragmatics of life.
  15. I think that the acceptance of pain is important. But, I also think that healing and awakening through pleasure is important as well. Sometimes there is pain in life, in this work. That is okay. But, there is also extreme joy, love, and pleasure if done correctly. Really, when you life is going well and you are very concious I think like is meant to be enjoyed. Siva (God) , has no preferences of whether it suffers or not. So, it created this dream for itself where it can suffer or experience pleasure and plenty of both. Create your own experience.
  16. I wrote a song I'll be performing this sunday that goes like.. So it didn't turn out the way you wanted Demolition sight thats where the heart is... You're ashamed of who you one were! But I don't mind no. I don't mind... at all! ... Lessons taught lessons taken Unnecessary miscommunication Please sit down please start to listen I dont mind. no I dont mind... I don't mind at all! So you didn't know you were a student Lessons never stock unless you worry That you can't or that you shouldn't Realize you don't need your eyes to see...
  17. Or, you can be a business that runs well. Be a good capitalist.
  18. I know how it feels to get a warning. Can be very triggering. He is just butt hurt
  19. @JoeVolcano Are you being Saucy with me kiddo? Try to be context aware. OP doesn't need to know everything about Truth to start getting out of his apathy. It's probably more of a balance of letting go and picking up.
  20. @Breakingthewall Sure, but you need right view. Can't just deconstruct all the walls.
  21. @Breakingthewall He doesn't need to completely deconstuct himself. He needs to get out of this apathetic state and take action. He needs to develop a vision, and set of habits and take action on solving his problems. The apathy here, is the illusion that needs shattering.
  22. There's part of the problem. Psychedelics aren't really drugs. (trip at your own risk. You know yourself better than I do) If you don't try them, you are keeping yourself stuck. You know how I cured my depression recently? My apathy? First of all, I meditate, do Qigong and contemplate every day/ week. Plus I work on my own business. But, I pulled myself out of a depression by doing a 2g mushroom trip. 2 weeks ago and I still feel better. Your vastly limiting yourself to thinking that your depressed, apathetic state is akin to "being sober" you are not sober if you are chronically depressed and apathetic and full of grief and doubt. That is not being sober. Build out your toolkit, and if you can... safely explore the whole buffet of techniques we discuss here. And if you don't wanna trip from time to time in a safe way. Then, take action on your dreams. I think you are completely wrong that your love for philosophy can't go hand in and hand in business. So many businesses are willing to pay thousands if not 10s of thousands for applied philosophy in a business setting. You just have to make it valuable to people.
  23. Hmm, have you taken the life purpose course? Have you read "Letting go" by David R Hawkins?
  24. So glad to see others tripping, doing Qigong and meditating! I think I may have a high tolerance to malt. I will begin experiments when my life is more aligned for that.