Thought Art

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Everything posted by Thought Art

  1. @flyingguitarist There isn’t really but it is a quantum leap in understanding and seeing. Like seeing a mountain range when others see the base of the mountain. Your not better, which is a tier 2 understanding
  2. Qigong, Brazilian jiu jitsu, toaism, sleep and nutrition, sex and meditation.
  3. @WenU I have slack lined I practice sitting meditation and a few others depending on need. I practice Qigong as well. slacklining may be great as well especially in the summer. I’m sure you can always fit a 10 minute sit into your day.
  4. Learn to enjoy life simply being do what you need to do to survive there is joy even in the structure of the 9-5
  5. Life purpose course, and love
  6. @amanen lol, maybe the guru lied and he was just like tripping balls
  7. @Jake Chambers Sounds like you have a lot to contemplate over the coming years. It’s best to study the following so we can discuss things at a higher level. Consider studying 1. Structure vs content 2. systems thinking 3. recontextualization 4. spiral dynamics 5. Susan’s 9 stages of ego development 6. collective ego 7. world value survey 8. how your mind interprets reality 9. self deception 10. how to read statistics and how they are often misrepresented 11. how to see the world from an egoless and loving place 12. multi perspective alism Read a lot, contemplate a lot. Allow your self to not know. There is a lot of noise on our planet right now and it’s really hard to know what is good or bad. This is because we have our own self biases and are deeply ignorant of individuals. Pretty well all cultures throughout all of human history dealt with many conflicts, challenges etc. It’s important to be open minded, embrace not knowing. Personally, the mixing of races is not an issue. What is an issue is: education, nutrition, mental health, and the consciousness of the society. We do need to look at the world understanding the concept of collective ego. This is what you mean when you say we must understand that races are different. They are different, and they are the same. A lot of pop music is very low conscious and possibly damaging to the Youth. When it comes to the left or the right both have in them positive and negative attributes. You can be too progressive or too conservative and it’s challenging to know which is correct. There are many interconnected systems all at play right now in the world all full of so much noise and shit. Basically liberals and conservatives are both bat shit self deceived. Structurally most of the planet is sleeping. Though, contextually there are differences. I am in Canada. The mixing of cultures has always had conflict within it. Conflict is not a bad thing. It’s completely necessary. We have plenty of cultural conflicts here but, from what I can see and for me personally (I’m pretty developed in this regard… I identify as all races) the world is getting better. Though we have pretty good screening programs for immigrants here in Canada. I’ve grown up with Asian friends, black friends, etc etc When I lived in the Netherlands I lived on an international campus in Dronten. It was very enriching. It can be very dangerous to bring stage red, uneducated people into a country that is for sure. Immigration isn’t an absolute good, either is mixing of cultures. It’s complicated for sure. The state of the world is so complex, you’d have to be God to understand it.
  8. 1. 5 minutes reading the greatest salesman in the world with tea with 10 minutes journaling 2. 15 minute meditation 3. 30 minute Qigong then check schedule
  9. @OBEler Maybe, but leaving someone drowning, gagging, name calling etc what has that to do with ego death? It’s foolishness. That isn’t going to cure a Herron addict. He also has actually killed people. “wow, I’m so glad you drowned and kicked nearly killing me” lol 5meo is powerful enough. You may need a more full healing plan. Show me one piece of evidence octavios methods kill the ego better than just a safe environment for week long 5meo meditation retreat that respects people.
  10. @OBEler That’s what 5meo does!!! The other stuff it stupidity
  11. 1. Totally fine expect that to happen as a given for personal development 2. more self love 3. feel the feels 4. let it go bro
  12. it’s very difficult to understand what is going on if you are for example, trying to understand it solely from news, articles and the day to day hype as people battle out their politics and culture wars. 1. when looking at immigration try to collect as many data points and data sets as possible to understand that. I live in an area of the world that is EXTREMELY multicultural and it is creating an incredible healthy community each year as the different cultures mix and learn from one another. Many schools and class rooms are mixed from countries all over the world. 2. the more humans spread out amongst themselves in the world the more people from different backgrounds will have relationships. Black, white, Asian etc… these aren’t so obvious if boundaries for more and more kids who grow up in very mixed schools. These ‘hard’ boundaries of the ‘races’ is an illusion and says a lot about your own development which makes it hard to understand what is going on. Why is immigration and mixing of races evil to you? Is that what you think? There are evil people behind the scenes trying to get white and black people to have babies? How is that evil? How would that make anyone weaker? I think in truth the opposite is true that when cultures mix they become healthier, more integrated loving and safe. For, what makes a world unsafe except when we see “other” and “us vs them”. How would different cultures mixing make them easier to control? I think you need to let go that someone is controlling us in some evil way by mixing the races…. lastly, Your point on family values…. Traditional family values you mean a man and a women having children? Well, many people don’t fall into the category. Some are gay, and there are many other nuances. Family values and healthy communities matter which is why there are newer more modern family values and they may not be the same for everyone. Black people growing up without a father… well, there you need to study deeply the injustice of the US jail system, racism, generational trauma, poverty, systemic racism etc. Clearly traditionally the US didn’t value family values enough to help black fathers have healthy families by locking them away with minimum penalties for personal drug possession. From what I see, you can’t see what is really going on because you are yourself selfish, and caught up with so many ideologies, ideas, beliefs, etc Maybe study spiral dynamics, the world value survey, how survival and collective ego work. Leo has videos on these.
  13. Yes, his malpractice is now well know in the community. He was one of the first big names of medicine facilitators. He has killed people. People should look elsewhere if they want a good facilitator. Rak Razam and Martin Ball have a good convo recently on the Entheogenic Podcast speaking about Martins new book on stories from facilitators.
  14. Sounds like limbo after the end of a phase of a lot of activity. Review Leo’s videos on phases.
  15. Just add that point into the pros and cons mix. You will vape it very infrequently so it’s probably fine
  16. It’s interested to read Leo’s book list and then see where he got video ideas from lol
  17. There are different pros and cons. Pros: 1. No torch or breakable dab rig 2. convenient and small/ discreet 3. You can measure dosage by full drag of the vape till the battery flashes. Make sure you limit it to about 2-3 full draws on the cart to avoid wasting 5meo or taking too much at once 4. the cart is pretty sturdy so if you vape in bed and disappear before you can place it on the table your fine. Way safer than lighting something. Cons 1. hard to get exact dose 2. easy to abuse 3. Very expensive compared to it if freebase or hcl as they are value added products Don’t underestimate the strength of the pens and make sure you use self restraint during your sessions. Limit the draws you will take in a session. Alway follow proper safety protocols. Recommend having some kind of ritual that puts time and preparation between the idea to trip and the trip itself (including cleaning house/ tripping environment , safety checks for trip location, intention affirmation for trip and safety (ie, that you will stay stationary and not move around or panic) meditation and Qigong done before to open and relax nervous system. Carts may make it easy for you to over indulge as they are super convenient. Be conscious and always improving your protocols and being sure to respect the power these carts offer. Used maturely I think they have a lot to offer the conscious and mature psychonaught. Always be improving your tripping protocol to be safer and more insightful and enjoyable.
  18. Yup, tier one sees everyone from their tier one lens. Tier 2 is so juicy lol I often feel like a quiet tower just observing “resurrected living in a lighthouse if you leave them ships will go to wreck… resurrected living in a light house can’t you see you funny side? Them ships will go to wreck… the lions and the lambs ain’t sleepin yet” - Arcadefire
  19. They are not the same. May want to have different days you do different practice. Or one in morning other in night.
  20. Try Holden Qigong mans go slow with Krya IMO. Krya is very painful. I have been doing a basic holding of the breath for 2 minutes followed by Krya Bow. I find it’s hard but seems to increase my body state overall.
  21. Yeah, why would you not want to have great sex? I think you will be horny as long as you are human. Maybe just get a partner to have regular sex and it’ll be boring idk
  22. I stopped paying for internet at home. I’ve got data and if I abuse it - it’s gone