Thought Art

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Everything posted by Thought Art

  1. @Questioner Because reality is imagination. But, are you capable of having a deep conversation about the layers of imagination and that that word is used in different contexts? Doubt it.
  2. Bipolar growth is a finite aspect of God. Can only control bipolar growths hands. You and bipolar growth are both God, controlling your own hands. God is controlling both your hands. God is all there is. It’s the case that humans control only their own body. You are both finite fragments of Gods mind. God is hands off and allows you to be confused and ignorant. Because God is totally selfless it’s allowed you two to seem separate when really you are one. God isn’t a person… There is limitations to the language. Go do the work.
  3. Well, I can because your not in my direct experience it’s just words. The word imaginary is often used sloppily in deeper teachings also… When God imagines something it’s REAL. Like, when God imagined a human experience in a finite universe. Once that’s locked in.. it’s so. God isn’t a person. Asking another person who is in your dream to do things is silly. No one can stop imagining you. Because you are absolute.
  4. God is so total… it’s not just that I am God it’s that really… you are God. Basically you talking to yourself here. Asking another human these questions is foolish. You can obviously move your own hands.
  5. @Newborn Man, just try the 20 minute Qigong routine I shared. Meditation is great but… you need to cultivate and train the body and Qi as well. This will help with much of what you suffer from. Plus it’s fun, and not boring. So give it a whirl
  6. @Loba I think he still practices. 5meo can be terrifying and dangerous even when you do your best to keep yourself safe… he is sort of like the early bird facilitator and much better ones are coming out of his work. I personally think his practices are wrong. The water boarding, tripping while standing up, the bullying etc… no need. Just give them a safe place for a full release dose. It’s the most beautiful, peaceful thing once you fully surrender too it. Have a body guard if they get violent or go wild. Keep the body safe. People know his methods as they are well known yet go to him. His rape allegations are not proven. let’s embrace a healthy not knowing while using our own intelligence….
  7. @bambi chill Bambs… there’s a level of not knowing which is always healthy and like, he doesn’t know which is fine.
  8. @OBEler it’s funny he has been accused of rape and murder/ or killing his clients through his neglectful practice. I have studied 5meo pretty extensively at this point. I can’t fucking see any reason beyond administering the medicine in a safe respectful environment. I’m open to new ideas. 5meo state is so beautiful, peaceful and amazing I don’t get why he does it?! Rak Razam is one of Octavios students who does not agree with his practices and promotes what I am saying here.
  9. Sounds like you just need to do what makes you happy. Nothing wrong with socializing and there’s many people you will meet with similar interests. Just experiment and find out.
  10. Generally, health and attractiveness go together. As along as all things are in balance I think it’s a good thing.
  11. The age thing is pretty simple, just ask early on. If you don’t want a relationship that is good. Being a player and playing the player card many girls will appreciate that. Look up attachment theory and begin studying healthy relationships. David Richie has good books as well on relationships. Then, just trial an error and keep practicing.
  12. That’s mental masturbation, self deception and spiritual bypassing. YOU ARE GOD. If you don’t do it you won’t do it. Go and work and enjoy your life lol!
  13. @flyingguitarist There isn’t really but it is a quantum leap in understanding and seeing. Like seeing a mountain range when others see the base of the mountain. Your not better, which is a tier 2 understanding
  14. Qigong, Brazilian jiu jitsu, toaism, sleep and nutrition, sex and meditation.
  15. @WenU I have slack lined I practice sitting meditation and a few others depending on need. I practice Qigong as well. slacklining may be great as well especially in the summer. I’m sure you can always fit a 10 minute sit into your day.
  16. Learn to enjoy life simply being do what you need to do to survive there is joy even in the structure of the 9-5
  17. Life purpose course, and love
  18. @amanen lol, maybe the guru lied and he was just like tripping balls
  19. @Jake Chambers Sounds like you have a lot to contemplate over the coming years. It’s best to study the following so we can discuss things at a higher level. Consider studying 1. Structure vs content 2. systems thinking 3. recontextualization 4. spiral dynamics 5. Susan’s 9 stages of ego development 6. collective ego 7. world value survey 8. how your mind interprets reality 9. self deception 10. how to read statistics and how they are often misrepresented 11. how to see the world from an egoless and loving place 12. multi perspective alism Read a lot, contemplate a lot. Allow your self to not know. There is a lot of noise on our planet right now and it’s really hard to know what is good or bad. This is because we have our own self biases and are deeply ignorant of individuals. Pretty well all cultures throughout all of human history dealt with many conflicts, challenges etc. It’s important to be open minded, embrace not knowing. Personally, the mixing of races is not an issue. What is an issue is: education, nutrition, mental health, and the consciousness of the society. We do need to look at the world understanding the concept of collective ego. This is what you mean when you say we must understand that races are different. They are different, and they are the same. A lot of pop music is very low conscious and possibly damaging to the Youth. When it comes to the left or the right both have in them positive and negative attributes. You can be too progressive or too conservative and it’s challenging to know which is correct. There are many interconnected systems all at play right now in the world all full of so much noise and shit. Basically liberals and conservatives are both bat shit self deceived. Structurally most of the planet is sleeping. Though, contextually there are differences. I am in Canada. The mixing of cultures has always had conflict within it. Conflict is not a bad thing. It’s completely necessary. We have plenty of cultural conflicts here but, from what I can see and for me personally (I’m pretty developed in this regard… I identify as all races) the world is getting better. Though we have pretty good screening programs for immigrants here in Canada. I’ve grown up with Asian friends, black friends, etc etc When I lived in the Netherlands I lived on an international campus in Dronten. It was very enriching. It can be very dangerous to bring stage red, uneducated people into a country that is for sure. Immigration isn’t an absolute good, either is mixing of cultures. It’s complicated for sure. The state of the world is so complex, you’d have to be God to understand it.
  20. 1. 5 minutes reading the greatest salesman in the world with tea with 10 minutes journaling 2. 15 minute meditation 3. 30 minute Qigong then check schedule