Thought Art

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Everything posted by Thought Art

  1. I think what I want to say is: “Leo, I want you and others to be safe. When you spoke about being suicidal and tripping I felt triggered because I value safe tripping protocols”. Anyway, your gonna do what your gonna do. I don’t expect anything anymore from another human. Everyone is full of shit.
  2. Can’t wait for your conscious leadership videos. You basically said you did in your video and you even posted a photo of yourself holding a gun while tripping. Then don’t talk about it in front of your audience… Your life is your life. I don’t care what you do in private but when you speak about it, it’s our business in some context. Like whatever his name is jumping off a bridge. But, you don’t care because you are just actually selfish. It’s all about YOUR awakening in the end. Even though you say you don’t have your own consciousness lol. Anyway. You talk a big talk. Like a tiny dog barking. You talk this way because your actually not loving and are very selfish. You just play guru on the internet. Or, what?
  3. If your on the bus try talking before you sit write next to her even ask permission just to be safe don’t approach when she can’t escape you I guess
  4. @something_else In that case these people selling drugs should be easy to track and take down. It should be very easy to shut down these sites… There’s a bunch of sites selling shrooms in Canada that are legit. I have no idea how this is happening. They are all in BC too which is where the actually brick and mortar stores are popping up. To all the you tubers who speak openly and consume drugs where they are illegal… why aren’t they arrested already? I mean, they basically yell to the masses they buy and consume these things.
  5. @Jodistrict Osho is not a philosopher and claims to offer no philosophy he speaks often of how he contradicts himself
  6. @Breakingthewall The Poem is great. In fact I’m grateful for it. Anyway, I am processing and reflecting more so on the back end of the video and how I felt and feel.
  7. Leo has a l of good videos… Videos on: 1. What is wisdom? 2. What is integrity? 3. how to fall in love with life etc I don’t expect him to be perfect or to agree with everything he says. And, I’m not a blind follower. It’s just, I’m questioning his leadership as well because he has videos coming out so he says about conscious leadership. He has had many videos on safe tripping protocols and maybe even banned people for what he has done recently? Of that I am not sure. I have a deep respect for this man. I have learned a lot of valuable things from him. Every “guru” every “ religion” every source of information is inherently finite and imperfect. Leo is clearly the same. His arrogance, narcissism, disregard for others safety etc became blatant for me at the end of this recent video. He even spoke of how he didn’t feel the need to be kind to others. Yet, in other videos he said God was kind not because it needed to but because it was… so… I realize how human it is to say one thing, and then do another. Leo is human… Anyway, I am processing his talk about holding a Gun to his head (he posted that on Instagram) or he anger at others “making a mockery of this work” does that mean anything to him? Spiritual work is deep, it’s messy at times and very dangerous. I know and respect this because he is working on understanding reality as deep as he can… this must involved life and death. I found it funny how he spoke about not tripping if you are mentally unstable and that you should have supervision. Yet, there he is tripping, paranoid, suicidal with a gun to his head clearly unsupervised. Idk. Your a bloody Genius Leo. Don’t get yourself or others killed if you can avoid it. Embody what you teach…
  8. There are many people who do both who just aren't teachers nor are they famous... many retreats in mexico etc offer this kind of thing
  9. @Ulax He talks about it near the end. Now, his sort of waded the waters of self justifying what he did, encouraging you, and also telling you not to. It was very messy.
  10. I have read some deep books on Qigong and meditation. The sitting meditation was only ever a small part of the enlightenment process bet because of information flows back then some people only learned the sitting meditation. Qigong should be a part of your practice.... Not just sitting imo... Sitting meditation is important. But, it's not the end all be all. Still practice, but maybe expand a bit.
  11. I like the Aqua True.. I also found a reverse Osmosis water sold at my local grocery store. It filters it right in front of you. Don't hesitate to invest in a good filtration system if you can.
  12. @marinaaniram You are meant to feel good. This is heaven. But, you are to find the higher ways over the lower ways. Many of us have been programmed by a sick society to seek pleasure hit after pleasure hit. As a human you are here to do more than just merely survive.
  13. @something_else Why wouldn't Chrome just not show the sites?
  14. I don't know the statistics in Canada around psychedelic arrests. I have not heard of anyone being arrested who had it for personal use. If you are selling drugs, or/or drugs and weapons then yeah. You are going to get arrested. They will arrest you for selling hard drugs and/or weapons.
  15. @Leo Gura Yes, I understand it. I realize how serious it is. Trust me... Just don't go full Connor Murphy on us. And don't encourage people to trip with a loaded gun to their head for ffs. For selfish reasons I need to you not kill yourself or go insane. I'd rather people stay as safe as possible if they take this dive down this psychedelic rabbit hole. Don't be stupid. Be safe Leo. Yes, the Poem was very beautiful and I take some value from it. It reminded me of Rick and Morty tbh. As well as Total God Awakening. To all of you out there, just be safe.
  16. I don't have a problem with "every girl running away from me" Nor do I have a problem with depression anymore. Don't create a limiting belief for yourself. Your healthy, true state is Wellbeing. Depression is a sign your not thinking properly, eating properly, you are smoking, or not sleeping and your Qi is out of balance.
  17. I personally think I am more interested as a spiritual practitioner in exploring infinite peace and relaxation and presence, music, poem and energy work than what you experienced. I want to develop the highest understanding humanly possible. I have to protect my mind from the idiocy in myself and others. I must take from all teachers what I like and that is true and leave the rest behind. I will honour my life. I think I have to carve out my own path here. I will transcend every teacher I have consumed. I will become my highest possibility. I will get into a place where I am so grounded, so awake, so wise that I will become unstoppable in my exploration of deep profound peace, love and self acceptance and share it with the world. I want to blossom as an infinite flower and allow my fragrance to fill the world with beauty. I want to be a good lover, a world class Qigong teacher, filthy rich, organized, loving. Tier 2. Inspiring others. Insanity is not for me. Deep presence, clarity, joy, groundedness and wellness is. Theres nothing else to do but to be well. Anyway, sort of just reacting spontaneously.
  18. Osho says there is God Osho says there isn't God He contradicts himself because context. I've listened to like 200+ hours of Osho at this point lol. You can buy his audio recordings on your phone for like 5 bucks and the they are usually like 20 to 100 hours of him talking.
  19. Don't serve. You never know how it will affect someone. You don't want that responsibility. People really need to be willing to travel and trip with experts in places like Mexico or Costa Rica at a retreat centre that does proper screening, and has deeply trained facilitators and legal work in place. Trip on your own all you want... even then be fucking careful.
  20. I vancouver canada we have Mushroom shops just opening up and operating even though its not legal. People deserve access to mushrooms.
  21. I heard a quote that "the non-dominant man looks for the dominant man in his girls phone"
  22. @Questioner Then what are you made of?