Thought Art

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Everything posted by Thought Art

  1. @Tefikos I fear I will be unattractive to them compared to my head full of hair. My inner voice says "who wants to watch this bald guy to Qigong?" Probably just a limiting belief.
  2. @eggopm3 Yesss, I totally thought of this also
  3. this is one of my favourite musicians, He's bald AF but keeps the hair
  4. @Leo Gura Like, women aren't hiding they wear makeup, or even wigs, hair extensions, eye lashes, nails etc. Look, I am just working through my process here. Teaching Qigong I've been worrying a bit also that my ball head might lose me customers.
  5. @Leo Gura I’m not trying to hide that I’m bald, but to look like I have hair Anyway, I’m shaving it for now.
  6. Rather God than Mod anyway ?
  7. @AtheisticNonduality He didn’t just murder other people, it was a mass murder of children. It’s also not about resources for me. I think he should be killed for committing a mass murder. It’s just that simple, if you commit a mass murder of children you die. I don’t care who he will be in 60 years. There’s billions of us who don’t commit mass murder. There are probably people he affected who will commit suicide as a direct result of his actions, people who may end up homeless and on drugs, people who in 60 years are shells of what they could of been. Who knows? in 60 years his victims will still be dead. Let’s care more about Cruz though. Jk, I know you aren’t caring more about the mass murderer than all his victims and their families and communities. And ultimately, if he spends his life in prison, who knows. Maybe he will find a way to contribute. I still think he deserves death for what he took from everyone else.
  8. @AtheisticNonduality I’m not wanting to punish Cruz, I want to delete him. There’s no rehabilitation for someone who murdered 14 children. Game over. Give him back to God. He is immortal anyway.
  9. Wow, that’s funny how your opinion that your smarter and see reality from a higher perspective than all the idiots who think someone who murdered 17 people deserves to die. What’s it like being so smart? So, people who think the death sentence is reasonable are blind eh? That’s funny and a bit odd. Maybe we should just let Cruz go back to school like nothing happened. Meanwhile the families and communities morn and the hundreds or thousands of kids who went to school with Cruz have PTSD for the rest of their lives. It’s not about revenge. I also doubt studying him beyond what they already know will do any good. We have plenty of research on the criminal mind. Nothing brought up in his defence was new. Not trying to be a dick. It’s just when people lump an opinion I have into the “blind idiot masses” I tend not to be as nice.
  10. I don’t hate Cruz. I just think there should be a strong, swift exterminating of anyone who attacks children in schools with weapons. Especially mass killers. The extermination should be swift and need not cost much. Hell, I know people sitting on death row right now for a fraction of what he did. There’s even innocent people on death row right not. Cruz? Should already be dead.
  11. @The Mystical Man You know what? I actually don’t care about his upbringing. He killed 17 people. Normally people who kill 17 people have some kind of fucked up upbringing. Lots of people have ADHD and trauma and don’t go shooting 17 people.
  12. It’s really bothering me jeez. I hate the look of the receding hairline so much. Uhh ahh I’m fucking old. Bald at only 27? Wtf wait till I’m 50
  13. @LordFall idk, I like the way I look with hair. Fucking hate going bald. Such a stupid thing for God to create.
  14. God from his infinite perspective “Let’s make them look good with hair and then make them go bald lolololol”
  15. @KH2 You are truly here to serve
  16. 1. Mango 2. Raspberry 3. Lemon 4. Blue Berry 5. Pineapple
  17. @LordFall Hmm, it’s more for the look. I personally don’t like how I look. It’s not bad, but I do like my hair….
  18. @Kksd74628 Lol it’s all good
  19. Like the haters of nickel back
  20. He should dedicate his life to stopping mass shootings