Thought Art

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Everything posted by Thought Art

  1. Turning the infinitely facetted cosmic intelligence radio station - Audience of One
  2. There’s lots! Health and fitness coaches, personal trainers etc
  3. @ivankiss Solitude can be healthy for introverted people. There is also amazing health benefits of socializing. It’s really about finding your balance.
  4. @Carl-Richard I low key think your a jerk. I’m not going to engage with you for awhile I think. You are extremely unpleasant to talk to. “don’t let me repeat myself” holy high and mighty Carl. I don’t share your opinion and your not an authority to me. I don’t agree with you on everything. I’m not asking you to tell me spirituality is. Seems like, the big picture is his shtick. Which is why he has covered all these different things over the years. The psychedelics is what he found to be most effective in his spiritual pursuits for unlocking and realizing certain facets of God. But, he covers a lot so. For me, I take it all as part of the larger tapestry. Im not entirely in disagreement with Carl. I can see the difference between different teachers, technologies, opinions, ideologies, paradigms etc But, speaking to him? Miserable. jerk>growth
  5. @Carl-Richard Does Leo think that? He seems to have lots of videos on growth… like a lot…
  6. @Carl-Richard I agree. Well, to your first point. Historically though all spiritual schools have put down other spiritual schools. Other schools aren’t God Realized. People need to learn about the different awakenings and attainments and pros and cons of different spiritual technologies. You can only do that by exploring and learning with an open mind.
  7. Oh you want to call what you think is spirituality spirituality that’s cool When you say something information dense, and when you admit there’s lots of overlap. You don’t need to be a jerk to people trying to understand or disagreeing with you. You are like, borderline gaslighting me this whole time. This is a nuanced space.
  8. @Carl-Richard idk. I’ve read it, and I’m rereading it and trying to make sense of you. Please be kind. You want spirituality to be categorically distinct from psyhconautica? You say that at the end. So, what’s your point? Do you even know? Because, your saying to me seems to contradict your final point. They aren’t categorically distinct. Different teachers teaching different spiritual technologies, who carry a lot of overlap. “Seeking the sacred” isn’t even what I would call spirituality. That’s like a single strain. Spirituality is a broad term. I will provide what I think is a better definition.
  9. @Carl-Richard I get that, and that’s YOUR categorization. Not mine.
  10. @DocWatts I just think it’s too simplistic . Leo and Martin both talk about broader things in their writings/ talks. Though, it’s fair as well. For me, both those things, psychonauts and spirituality fall under spirituality. Defining spirituality as “a search for the sacred”… is kinda what the psychonaut is doing. I think there are better definitions of spirituality out there I’ll share in future. I still need to read and re read his opening post.
  11. It’s funny I’ve read books now on Taoist and Buddhist Qigong. Energetic Inner cultivation/ cultivation of mind is a thing. Apparently the sitting meditation formed because of the difficulties of communicating The moving practices. So, even though sitting can get you far off you don’t also do moving Qigong you are vastly limited. Mix sex, psychedelics, herbs into that and your on a whole other level. All these things very contested their entire history. Get used to it.
  12. This has always been something I struggled with. I've realized and been contemplating how: 1. Reality is my own mind 2. God's Will and my will are the same (yet I only have a finite aspect of the universe) Yet, what I don't quite get is... How can I be as foolish as I am? How can I struggle with all the things I struggle with in life? Then, seeing as reality is so complex, I have the struggles and problems that I do... How do I get my life to reflect the intelligence of God? This, is the aligning ourselves with the Tao. I really am just beginning my contemplation here. Haven't even finished Leo's video on balance. I do regards myself as a fool. Though, I believe in myself that over the next 10-20 years I can become wise, balanced and stand tall upon the slippery earth. Sometimes I get the hunch... sure I, this dream should be the highest pinnicle in the universe. Surely, I must be the highest balance, the luckiest luck, the greatest life imaginable. But, idk. Clearly nothing is random. But, how do I reconcile my own stupidity with being part of the highest intelligence? In my current state. I don't really understand. I will continue to contemplate and learn over the years.
  13. Well, I am not drawing a line in the sand and I consider them tools in the same tool box. Mr. sassy pants ? I read what you wrote just not your mind. Your stance seems a little flakey or unclear. For me, all the teachers and teachings are like tasty fruits on vines and I’m just plucking and sucking
  14. @bambi why is that the most important part? What happens after you eat dinner? Why are you still eating the next day.
  15. There’s scientific evidence that shows mushrooms trips cure depression for like 3-6 months after just one good trip.
  16. not really sure I understood what you mean. These don’t seem like different things to me personally. @Carl-Richard Yeah, idk man. Your saying things and I’m interpreting them and you seem not really in or out. I don’t understand what your trying to say.
  17. Did he say this? This seems like a misinterpretation given my understanding of his work as a whole. These things aren’t mutually exclusive. Honestly overall Leo seems to stress balance in your spiritual / personal growth practice. Balance. Living the Good Life.