Thought Art

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Everything posted by Thought Art

  1. Did a first watch, will watch again throughout the week make notes in this thread. A lot of it is stuff I had already contemplated myself. A lot of it comes down to Leo telling the left to try to understand conservatives and people with a lower developmental level. Try to be more holistic and understanding of all the parts of the human social matrix. Be more mature.
  2. I want 100K in the bank and no debt. I want to be living my life purpose everyday, teaching Qigong and writing the best songs in the world AHHHHHHH!
  3. Hmm, I remember crying a lot when I took trufffles in Amsterdam. So cathartic
  4. Kinda ruined the song and kinda mad creepy
  5. @Spiral yeah, I think I’m getting over the bald thing and instead asking how I can develop my big dick energy
  6. @StarStruck Which one? I used to sleep with a lot of girls in university and even when I was making a lot of music during my last phase. Women found me very attractive and it was pretty easy.
  7. I’d like blue letters and get the title of “ God”
  8. I also think part of how I’m feeling is… I’m realizing my youth is officially behind me. Now I’m on my way to old age and death. I don’t feel like I’ve fully honoured my life. Sort of scary quarter life crisis.
  9. I tend to go back and forth on it. Ambiguity. But, on my last date it totally fucked with my head. I think I used to find myself attractive and my hair made sleeping with girls pretty easy. Now, I have to relearn that people see me different.
  10. @Tefikos I think part of it is that I was always good looking and women often complimented on my cute hair and face. I guess I’m just going through the grief of realizing I didn’t capitalize on it enough. It’s not the end of the world. I just liked having hair. Looking I’m the mirror I see this old fart lol
  11. @StarStruck I can get a girl and customers with out. But, I personally don't like my baldy bald bald. I will get less girls and less customers because I am bald. Thats just how it works apparently.
  12. The best part about shrooms is when your whole heart opens up "OH yeaaah, I forgot about this"
  13. How much money would you recommend someone have before they start pickup?
  14. @Gesundheit2 Don't you know all I want is prestige, power and green letters? Think of the potential pickups when I tell girls I am an actualized mod? You're not thinking long term enough. jk, I just am here often and thought maybe just maybe I was Mod material. BUT NO! wahahaha
  15. What? I don't smell? *Sniff Sniff* jk I haven't smoked in 3 months wooot
  16. @Heraclitus That ain't him
  17. @Tefikos I fear I will be unattractive to them compared to my head full of hair. My inner voice says "who wants to watch this bald guy to Qigong?" Probably just a limiting belief.
  18. @eggopm3 Yesss, I totally thought of this also