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Yeah! Fuck profanity!
I don’t see what laughing has to do this being bipolar. He didn’t do anything to the Amazon guy except matter of factory take the package while being in the middle of something. Both he and the amazing guy were working so, there was nothing to say to him. Who alks to the delivery guy? Probably fewer than most. He was also tripping balls. Ive known bipolar people. Leo isn’t one and I likely wouldn’t be following him if this was something I observed. There could be no actualized if Leo was bipolar. I’ve listened to hundreds of hours of Leo and… he’s not bipolar. I’ve know very smart people who are… this is my view anyway. It’s very funny how people perceive reality so differently.
@integral It has its place. I think spongebob called it a “sentence enhancer”
Do you say that because of how he acts on the forum? I was recently putting myself in his shoes. Having all these people talking at you, arguing, disagreeing, projecting etc constantly… I’d probably get cranky too if I wasn’t too scared to have that kind of thing. I wonder if he being sort of cranky on the forum is a result of it being sort of scary and stressful to do this work.
Agreed. Sometimes I find myself swearing in the forum and it’s backfired mostly
@Leo Gura Leo you are very interesting You are the most awakened The most intelligent Recently you achieved insanity and out insaned the insane and you are too sane working on being less sane @Tyler Robinson S tier means the best of the best in its class. No really a spiral thing
S tier
Okie weewo I know you’ll do beta dis time
Thought Art replied to taslimitless's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
You talkin ta me? not sure but that makes sense to me -
Thought Art replied to taslimitless's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Can confirm, I’m reading a book on the heart of Buddha’s teachings. So far it seems the central teaching of the Buddha how more to do with life, suffering and living well. Though I’ve seen a video that Buddhist’s used to contemplate infinity and orders of infinity. -
? I’ll let you know if I spot a Sasquatch
@Leo Gura Let’s see if you actually change. You’ve talked many times about being cleaner on the forum.
I’ve already failed many times since making this post. I’m far from perfect but you will see the way I communicate grow over the year(s). It can be really hard speaking to certain people. But, that will be a test of my maturity, wisdom and love. I will work on being more kind, no poking people if if they are stubborn, swearing less, teasing less, not needing to be right or be understood, speaking less violently. Also, if you are being really stubborn in a forum and it becomes clear you are deeply dogmatic, close minded and just keep repeating your talking point despite clear evidence against your opinion I will stop engaging instead of insult you. Also, I will find a more graceful way of dealing with other peoples rude behaviour, Self deception, self bias, manipulations, etc
When I am speaking with people on the forum for example I'd like to begin communicating in a more conscious, loving and healthy way that allows each thread the opportunity for maximum growth, depth, and love for everyone involved. When I see people who are really biased, and sticking to their view... Is there anyway to steer the conversation not towards them like, agreeing with me.... but instead towards opening up the discussion to be more open, where people feel more safe to play with different interpretations, ideas, perspective from an open minded place? Is that something you can cultivate or something people have to bring to the table themselves? Sometimes I notice I battle people, or bludgeon them with my perspective and I'd like to begin instead cultivating/ contributing to threads more open ended, safe places for people to explore different biases and perspectives. Wondering if you had any thoughts on this? I have realized that I never need to be right or prove my point on this forum. Theres nothing to ever lose, or at risk at any point. So, I don't need to defend anything. No one here can do anything to me. Any reaction I have to someones ideas is my own reaction and self doing. I'd like to instead focus on speaking so we can all learn more about our own biases, perspectives, blind spots, ideas, implicit understandings, and the functionings of our own minds and consciousness. It's definitely not easy and will take a conscious effort on my part to improve in this regard. I never need to be right or prove my point on this forum. Theres nothing to ever lose, or at risk at any point. So, I don't need to defend anything. I'd like to instead be an uncarved block of wood. I am completely safe at all times. Theres no risk involved in being open, expansive... Yes, Leo reminds me about the Socratic Method. I've read "The Last days of Socrates" a few years ago. I'll need to get another copy. I remember I found it very inspiring. I think I cried tears reading it. I think I will try to make an effort to apply the Socratic method, non-violent communication, conflict resolution principles and try to contribute to threads in a way that allows people to really open up and explore their own ideas. Some book Recommendations: The Last day of Socrates - for the socratic method. A method of communicating that allows participant to explore and understand more deeply what they mean by the symbolic references (language) they use. To understand peoples points, implicit understanding, to help them explore their own ideas etc Non-Violent Communication - for tips and practices on speaking from a place of understanding and non-violence The Space Between Us - Conversations about Transforming Conflict - A great book on understanding conflict and conflict resolution Fixed - How to Perfect the Fine Art of Problem Solving - A great book for exploring and understanding your own biases, double standards, worldviews, and blind spots Triggers - David Richo How to understand your own triggers and heal them How to have power and influence in dealing with people - counterintuitive title. Short easy read. Practicing Peace - Pema Chodron - a short book Leo shared with me just now though I haven't read it How To Have Impossible Conversations (which looks like a book I will pick up) I notice that when people get scared, or feel their 'person' or 'ego' gets threatened it basically derails the thread. But, if I and we can learn to communicate in a better way this forum can become much much more beautiful. I won't be perfect. My ego gets a pleasure out of combatting with me ideas, or being a bit snarky, silly, etc. Hmmm, We will see. Okay, take care
I’ll work on it too
Thought Art replied to taslimitless's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
What’s WTF again? -
Thought Art replied to Phil777's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
That’s not an actual quote of what I said and it’s not a criteria I’ve layed out. It’s also clear to me your rather intellectually dishonest, full of double standards, partake in gas lighting and straw manning others. I won’t be responding anymore to this thread. Best. -
Thought Art replied to Phil777's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
I’m not doing that. I am attempting to objectively analyze your behaviour and stance using spiral dynamics. I’m only bringing up tier 2 because you keep attacking Leo for not being tier 2. In fact this is exactly what Leo does in his work and I try best to do. I’m not judging you that I think your coming from a green place. Maybe I’ll keep my interpretations in my head for now on as they likely will receive a defensive response. I’ve clearly stated my views on my own place in the spiral and yet you say this. In fact, your whole opening post is all about your interpretations and ideas being superior. Which is why you called him stupid and speak down to me. I hope over the coming weeks you can self reflect on your conduct here in this thread. -
Thought Art replied to Phil777's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
Well, maybe he called you a jackass because you called him stupid in your opening post. Also, that post you made re-quoting Leo but putting slavery in there was pretty rude. Your behaviour isn’t descriptive of being yellow or tier 2 behaviour. Your stuck in your perspective, from my point of view. I personally view your post and behaviour as green. But, that’s fine… This is something you want to fight for, go fight for it. No one here is saying you shouldn’t. Fighting for animals and the environment and everything as it’s probably the best diet for most people and the planet as a whole is a good thing. But, most of the world doesn’t see it this way right now. Most people don’t understand nutrition like you do. Nutrition as a field has so many different beliefs in it. A lot of people think they need meat to survive. If you think you can, or that the word will shift away from eating meat faster than Leo’s projections that’s also fine. The videos are about understanding others perspectives other than your own. Another characteristic of stage yellow is not getting caught up in minutiae. It’s about seeing Leo’s larger points that he is making in his “limits of left” videos. He isn’t going to be correct about everything, every little detail. But, try to be a little more kind and respectful going forward and trying to understand other peoples perspectives. I’ll do the same. -
Thought Art replied to Phil777's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Phil777 Nothing you’ve said has made me uncomfortable. People generally aren’t at single stages. So, I’m not putting you at a stage. But, when you fight others on a thread over veganism I see the behaviour as stage green. But, I obviously don’t know you. Lastly, I’m essentially Vegan. So, I’m familiar with all your arguments and used to be very stage green vegan. Lastly lastly, I’m full of blind spots and I’m always learning. That’s all we’re doing here. I’m not putting you at a lower stage and me at a higher stage. Spiral dynamics isn’t a power heirchy but one of values. I’m not even saying I’m stage yellow and your stage green. I don’t easily put myself on the spiral. I just know that, from what I’ve studied your views aren’t purely tier 2 and your judgements of Leo aren’t coming from a strong yellow/ turquoise place. They, aren’t void of them either. I do doubt your understanding of tier 2, but that’s fine. It’s a really tricky thing to grapple with. So, I’m fine being wrong and I’m fine others people wrong. -
Thought Art replied to Phil777's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Phil777 No, it’s how your acting, etc I perceived you defending your view here very strongly and even fighting others for not seeing your view. I’m not putting you in a category. But, I can observe your behaviour and say that behaviour seems green to me. In this circumstance. I don’t know you. Which makes me think you don’t get tier 2 when you say “that’s not tier 2, so and so isn’t standing up for xyz” when tier 2 is more subtle. -
Thought Art replied to Phil777's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
I’ll do something more thourough in the next day or two. I’m about to teach some Qigong for the next few hours. Here is a really good time stamp of Leo talking about green tier 1 veganism vs stage yellow veganism. To me you are behaving like stage green. 1:09:55 time stamp -
Thought Art replied to Phil777's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Phil777 Yeah, I get that man. -
Thought Art replied to Phil777's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Phil777 I don’t think you’ve really studied tier 2. Mostly because your not acting in a way that a tier 2 person would so… it’s just interesting. No judging but. I just reviewed stage yellow and.. yeah