Thought Art

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Everything posted by Thought Art

  1. Not sure if I can share links but here is a workshop from Leo Holden my Qigong teacher which you may find useful. Rest and Restore Workshop
  2. It’s a mixture of different things. For many of us who are new to relaxing the body and letting go it is a bit murky and confusing. There are techniques that can be used to begin exploring and developing the understanding of relaxing and letting how. 1. You can scan through your body and say “relax my eye brows, cheeks, jaw, etc”. Then relax the, and let go of stress and tension. Relaxing the jaw and tongue for example are easy for most people. Use that same sensation for relaxing everything else. 2. You can use various visualization exercises such as melting, deflating, laying on a beach and washing away into sand, being filled with a golden light, etc 3. You can just, actually let go. 1. body scan 2. inner dialogue 3. Intention 4. visualization 5. breath 6. inner smile 7. really letting go Finding some good guided meditations can be really helpful.
  3. It’s hard to say. Pessimism often sounds smart. You should see what people were writing directly after the show 2008 financial crisis as well.
  4. @Leo Gura you’ll have to hire this psychic to smell the whole forum
  5. @Carl-Richard what are you main take always from what he is saying that supports you tittle?
  6. 1. How would you define ego? 2. Yes, that is a good point that I am everything in my experience. However, am I not still relating to the perceived “external world” and even my “internal world” through my egoic filter while in a normal sober state? 3. Yes, there is an illusion or filter that I am placing on everything around me. That’s an aspect of ego in my mind. It’s an illusion, but isn’t it an illusion that exists? And there are substances and practices that alter and lower this illusion correct? 4. Yes, I agree that these thoughts keep me from being insane and act as survival function. 5. ive never heard anyone including raw sensory data (smell, sounds, touch) etc as ego. Why would raw sensory experience be ego?
  7. @vladorion But how do you come to understand what consciousness is? Also, how do you come do understand what gold is? Do you know what Gold is? What is Gold? Or atoms? are you familiar with the concept “structure vs content”? How do you know that different states aren’t structurally different, not just different in the content. How do you know there aren’t states that are structurally different that allow you to understand consciousness better than other structures? My understanding of gold may even change with different states. So hmm I think that makes it tricky.
  8. I don’t think Gold and consciousness can be compared symmetrically. I think there is an asymmetry between them. Mostly because… when in one state (sober) for many years, after smoking some DMT my understanding of consciousness greatly changed. But, I’m also curious. If explore different states of consciousness don’t help you understand it than what does? Being it? Then why so many conscious beings not understand it?
  9. And all the black music that inspired literally ALL popular forms of music right now..
  10. “There’s safety in the end” - Bon Iver (Heavenly Father)
  11. Read 5-10 books on everything finance over the next 1-3 years
  12. @Bobby_2021 as long as you are human anyway
  13. Why would God care how you die when he doesn’t care how you live? Look at all the fucked up shit in reality. He clearly loves it all.
  14. @Tyler RobinsonI like you ahaha Just because I’ve argued with you doesn’t mean I don’t like you. People are complex
  15. Definitely. The best thing though is not deepen any potential conflict. He’s already sort of paranoid about them. Just, really has to do it in a chill, calm, confident and friendly way. Setting boundaries I think should be done in a cool confident way.
  16. @Gabith Focus on being calm, cool, quiet and professional as well. People don’t know you or care about you. Just be chill, don’t need anyone to treat you anyway. Definitely don’t call people perverts or whatever. If people are making you uncomfortable in this way speak to a teacher.
  17. @peebz The problem is that he has to spend a lot of time with them. He’s best off trying to mitigate any worsening of a toxic school environment. He simply needs to shut up about himself. Take more interest in them/ just focus on his schooling. He may need to talk to a teacher and create space between them and himself. Saying less is a golden rule of work and school. Don’t make it worse by fighting them. say less, relax about it. Be kind. People change over time.
  18. Simply start seeing other people as facts of nature like trees or rocks. Don’t go about trying to get people into personal development who are friends or relatives.
  19. @Gabith Vernon Howard talks a lot about this. Pathways to perfect living is a good book on this. Dealing with sleepy people is challenging. Simply, become an apprentice of human nature. Look to understand them. People are Good. But, they are also selfish, petty, envious, short sighted, opinionated etc. Masculine love means creating boundaries, not giving a shit about assholes and dealing with these types of people skillfully. Not everyone is gonna be your “friend” or “buddy”. People want YOU to listen more about them. Take interest in them. Say less about you. People will love you for it.
  20. @Gabith The book “The Laws of Human Nature” has a good on jealousy and why it’s best to just say less. You can be present and loving still. Don’t stop that. Just, say less.
  21. I’d say, focus on your school work and say less about yourself. Say less, show off less and focus on the school work. It’s often best in life to not show yourself fullly to people at school or work. No one knows you, no one needs to know you. Be kind and professional. Then, allow your understanding of them to unfold over time.