Thought Art

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Everything posted by Thought Art

  1. @Manny I personally believe in balance and using each tool, technique, strategy and tactic appropriately to get the results you want in life. Some folks fall into the trap of spinning wheels consuming self help materials and never do the work. Some folks are caught up doing inner work when they should be balancing it with school, job, career and socializing. Some folks waste their lives working 80 hour weeks but never bear the fruits of deep inner work and spiritual development. However, inner work techniques, promote the very regulation he says people lack which is why they do them. Balanced and conscious approach is key. Realizing each of us are unique in our needs. That’s my view anyway. Everyone here will likely feel differently. People are at different developmental stages, different points in their lives, have different life experiences. This guys hasn’t deeply studied inner work by his own admission and is biased towards action. I don’t know what his upbringing has been like. I wouldn’t dismiss him, as I would add his perspective to my tapestry.
  2. @Manny Kernals of truths in everyone. Also, it’s worth someone to listen to him if they aren’t taking action in life. Really inner work, meditation, breathwork, journaling contemplation, reading etc should be balanced with the work he talks about. This guy is good. But, I would still do inner work. Embrace paradox. Howver, 80 hours a week is extreme. Like, really there should be a divine balance. People will be attracted and resonate with different things. Different maps, values, desires, etc
  3. @RyanK Yeah there is a paradox. Nothing exists and nothing ever happened. Yet, here we are. 5meo mind fucks. Reality is just consciousness. No universe.
  4. Yeah, I’m not giving my authority to anyone, including Leo let alone some jerk on a forum. Which is what he tries to force you into doing through his communication style. Nope!
  5. No. You are wrong. Finished with the this thread. You won’t convince me into seeing someone’s poor quality, bulling like behaviour as high conscious. As a Mod you should do better. This reply makes me puke in my soul. The thing is, he is along chronically wrong about things. Don’t confuse his ego and own personal clinging as him being great at deconstruction. He is full of double standards and gross biases and if you can’t see it that’s fine. If someone can’t communicate constructively and plays a game that he is ahead of me and I need to “follow him down a rabbit hole”… y’all make assumptions about me. I just don’t post my insights and every awakening all the time. I tend to wanna sit back and spend time observing in humility. Because I see the partiality and relativity in all my communications. I’ve had full non-dual experiences. Full deep awakenings and deconstructions of my reality. But, I also know that we are humans playing a human game and to deny that is also foolishness. Which people like Razard posting on a forum are participating in but then judge you as if they are awakened but, here his is playing ego games by engaging at all? What’s going on here? I don’t care how much you know is you communicate like a jerk. If you do that, then I know you aren’t intelligent. And I’m out.
  6. It’s definitely not simply us wanting him to word things in the way we would want them. He tends to be rude, condescending, antigonizing, his replies feels like rants about how stupid you are and smart he is. It almost feels like it’s him embodying the really cocky Leo rants but, in my opinion his points aren’t as solidly laid out. Recently I felt when I spoke to him (though I wasn’t speaking very constructively perhaps as well) he said “see! There’s an example! People like you are so dumb, or self deceived that bla bla bla”… No one wants to be spoken to like that. So for now he is banned from my feed. He doesn’t seem very conscious. A conscious person isn’t a jerk constantly without the ability to apologize or try to get along with others.a conscious person reflects, works on themselves and may be willing to work in his communication style given the feedback people are providing. He may not be capable of this as his ego is inflated. Anyway, I don’t mean to harp on the guy. I don’t really know the best or most loving way to approach him. I sense he is smart and I’d like to talk with him about things. But, not with his current character as I perceive it. I’m currently going through a process of working on my own communications here on the forum. I am also beginning to let go of threads as soon as I see the people lack communication skills, self reflection, the ability to admit they are wrong, or that there are elements of truth in both peoples views, humility, a desire to discuss things and not prove or be right. Basically I am looking for threads and forum members who are capable of constructive healthy communication where the threads feel good and love based instead of Razards toxic ranting battle threads. I am holding myself to a higher standard. I am failing each week on the forum by itching the scratches of low quality egoic communication. I get upset with people, correct them as soon as I engage with them etc. I no longer want to behave this way. It’s toxic and low conscious.
  7. @integral Now only that but he is combative and condescending. In my interpretation anyway. Anyway, I’m not the best communicator so… I’m working on it.
  8. Alright Not going to speak to you on this thread. Take care guys! I’m setting a rule to not speak to jerks. Take note.
  9. @r0ckyreed I think we are discussing modern materialistic science and you make good points.
  10. @Breakingthewall At least, from OP's perspective perhaps, this is Truth's current back drop imagined for why it's the way it is and identifying the way it is. In some way all that is belief and... not real. So truth is simple an undifferentiated and simple Now. However, the human dream is very complex. So, ye
  11. @Julian gabriel Well, Jesus didn’t have internet. We also live in a different time period. Leo gets plenty of social crucifixion online. I was just reading something by Howard Vernon how people will often judge a mystic for not being in the world or, something like you’ve shared here. A mystic will just laugh to himself because he knows what he has gone through to get where his is. what about all the great mystics and spiritual leaders? Are they cowards to because no one decided to murder them in a cruel and unusual way?
  12. @Someone here Nice, I wonder if I could add too it’s like science is a hand trying to grasp itself. Science is a finite dream within consciousness that avoids self reference and the idea that their consciousness is actually and absolute dream, imaging all causality, time physics etc. So it’s trying to understand the absolute through finite means which is impossible.
  13. @Breakingthewall Like, it depends on your scope and lens If reality is consciousness and truth there is no universe and nothing exists but God and Now. Simple. But, if you are playing the mind game of reality it’s infinite and highly complex and the meaninglessness actually adds to the complexity.
  14. Razard I find you rude and obnoxious and so, I’ll follow your advice. Ignored.
  15. @Galyna Not triggered it’s just fruitless for me at this point. How many times M I going to have the same sort of miscommunication with people here? Eventually I just need to admit I’m better off spending time reading and contemplating. Like, it should be obvious reality is very complex if you’ve ever been in a book store or tried to learn any technical skill. Or, spent 50+ hours listening to Leo. Then I say to you reality is complex and you say “no, it’s just consciousness so simple”. Sure, but that’s like one aspect of your human experience. But, yeah I found the way you replied annoying. Reality is utterly mysterious and complicated. As it is simple… If you deconstruct reality to the raw experience free of meaning…. Yeah it’s pretty simple. But paradoxically that’s only a finite part of a human experience. For most of us anyway.
  16. @Galyna Yeah, sure. But, it’s also complex. It’s contextual. Anyway, am no longer going to engage in these conversations with people because they go nowhere. There’s a context for being, there’s a context for complex thinking. paradox
  17. @Galyna life seems complex as it is simple these terms seem relative and contextual. What’s your main point?
  18. @Breakingthewall This can go for a lot of us including myself and Leo and everyone
  19. Sounds like this is something that Razard can sit down and contemplate and self reflect on. He clearly likes contemplating he may just now need to develop skills of self reflection, allowing, not knowing, trying to understand other’s perspective and not needing to be right or prove. We all can work on this stuff. Being wrong and realizing it for most of us is more valuable than proving you are right. Chances are even if you prove you are right… you are wrong.
  20. @Razard86 People still get gaslit. You can explain all the ways to avoid getting gaslit but. Happens. It can also happen in group discussions and effect the interpretation of others around you. It’s not solely a one on one happening either. Even if I know someone is trying to gaslight me and don’t let them change my understanding… it can still be used to manipulate and throw off a conversation.
  21. @Lila9 He’s just trolling himself. Trolling doesn’t exist. That’s just ego and maya ?
  22. @Razard86 as soon as you start adding caps my brain stops reading btw
  23. No, gaslighting is more nuanced. It can/ may involve lying in degrees. The key differences between a lie and gas lighting may go like this. You lie to your girlfriend about who you were hanging out with last night. She has no direct knowledge directly of what you did last night and so has to rely on your word. Gaslighting would be your girlfriend saw you making out with another girl. So you gaslight her that it wasn’t you. She has experience insight into what she saw but you gaslight her. Though that’s just one example. “No that wasn’t me. You are crazy. You were high and on drugs last night. You were just dreaming. It wasn’t me you can’t trust your own mind. Remember the last time you were wrong?” Some gaslighting would be like, you say you like the colour red and then the person goes “So you hate yellow? I knew you would like red and hate yellow. You fucking hate yellow. Yes you do! You just said you liked red so you must hate yellow!” And they don’t back down as you argue with them. Sometimes people lie when they gaslight, sometimes they are just epistemologically lazy, ignorant, etc