Thought Art

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Everything posted by Thought Art

  1. @John Paul Sorry if I seemed jerk like here. I’m still working on my communication. Till later
  2. @John Paul Interesting. Some parents aren’t that developed themselves and are port parents. There’s many factors at play in what we are discussing I hope you can see it.
  3. @John Paul I mean, like I said these things are complicated and to really look at them from a critical thinking point of view I would have to take some of these questions and do a lot of self reflection on my biases and assumptions, then I’d have to collect some data and do some research etc. but, My surface intuitive response is that a child is not an expert in their own development. A child needs guidance because he knows very little about the world. Can you think back to something that you didn’t want to do as a kid, but are glad your parents made you do it? Or something your parents tried to make you do that you didn’t that you now regret?
  4. @Dorje Chang I think with this sort of thing you should collect a bunch of different examples of harsh survival environments through the worlds history and really look at how people responded. For example, look at peoples financial habits who grew up in the Great Depression vs those who grew up in times of great prosperity. Then, also look at how complicated a nations segmentation is like the US. There’s many different demographics… Plus there are the relative notions of conservatism as Leo said below. I wonder about that, are poorer urban areas more liberal than wealthier rich areas? This may inspire some interesting paradoxes . However, how young are these urban areas? And, what conservative traits do these people have? Also, conservatism is in some ways what lead to the wealth so, is complicated and these two dualities are always in a dancing interplay to some degree.
  5. @John Paul Others will reply perhaps. List out a few answers to your own questions. There got to be at least a few examples you can think of… like eating ice cream and cake for breakfast? The reason I say to read some books is simply due to the information density I am intuiting on a reasonable response to them. There’s already this finely written out you don’t need some asshole on a forum doing it.
  6. I am also impressed by Leo’s ability to express this subject from what I perceive as an even handed tier two lens. I had a thought today… Leo might really be the smartest person i “know”. Not to blow smoke up your ass Leo. You’ve still got a lot of work to do.
  7. @John Paul idk man, go buy a book on child studies
  8. @John Paul Because if you don’t: 1. Educate 2. Indoctrinate 3. Teach 4. Correct your kids, they end up fucking up society. If a kid is “manipulated” in ideally healthy ways they end up useless morons who can’t read, or contribute to society. Obviously there’s a balancing act there for kids. How much do you manipulate? How much do you allow it to flourish in its own unique way?
  9. Accounting and administrative skills are very powerful foundational skills that will serve me in all future endeavours. wtf are you talking about that being mental masturbation
  10. Wtf? When did he mention jerking off at work?!
  11. There’s something here… what word could be used for the exquisite balance between liberalism and conservatism? Wisdom.
  12. @Jannes I used to work in learning centres with autistic kids, and other strange disorders and differences. Because a large part of the job is just making sure they don’t Kill themselves I was able to read and journal a lot. One guy just sat on his iPad playing the same game everyday while he screamed and screamed. I would read books and write poetry. While working as a janitor I was able to listen to lots of podcasts. While working in accounting now I can find repetitive tasks that allow me to listen to podcasts. I am learning so much everyday at my job.
  13. @Leo Gura Yeah, as I’m growing through my 20’s I’ve actually learned a deep respect for my grandfathers conservative life style. The results he has achieved I deeply admire. My foolish, unwise l, overly liberal early 20’s has taught me a lot. Now, at the same time I had a lot of conservative qualities that allowed me to develop myself a lot over the pat years. I think more conservative behaviour, while combined with my liberal side will reap some interesting results.
  14. How about, instead of swinging your pendulum along a linear duality, you learn to swing your pendulum along a set of sets of multiple dualities that tend to be paradoxical and asymmetrical depending on your limited vantage point. But, when you can see the full picture makes perfect sense.? Something like, a pendulum that accounts for highly complex systems.
  15. I am also wondering what executive functioning is and how that plays into conservative behaviour. Hmm, like people with a more developed prefrontal cortex can for see dangers in advance to they act in a more conservative way. Yet, some people with a different brain can’t foresee this and take more risks. Unfortunately, I do have an ADHD diagnosis. I think contemplating wisdom, getting burned by lack of critical thinking in the past, impulsive behaviour in the past, meditation etc…. I will persist until I am acting in accordance with high wisdom, etc I also wonder how the age of a system (person, society, ego group) becomes more conservative the more it sees the dangers of its liberalism given finite resources, risk, etc A young person may be more conservative but as they age, they get burned they develop more healthy conservativism. So paradoxically being conservative it more liberal. Maybe Just a thought ?
  16. In order for their to be liberals, there needs to be conservatives to keep a society in intact and integrity. Liberals don’t see this, that conservative ideals, principles, habits, and ways of life and being are really important. If you have no conservative traits that is very dangerous. In order to give and help others, you must withhold, you must have boundaries, you must allow people to go homeless. Letting this person live with me set me back on my business which could help thousands of people. In order to have beauty, you must also allow the ugly. People who can’t take care of themselves, they get fucked by nature. It’s not my problem. These same people will fuck me if I help them. So, they need to figure out their own shit. I can offer help, but I do it with boundaries and a realistic expectations that this human is a selfish asshole in nature. Reality is brutal and complex and elements of conservatism are crucial for living a good life. Being a bleeding heart, libtard, caring about all the homeless, the suffering, the needy, etc can is great but if you go about it with too much openness you get fucked by these same people you want to help. Boundaries, consertivisms, not being nice, saying no, embracing the brutal reality etc are all great aspects of a conservative development.
  17. There’s also this thought I have about people who profess themselves to be liberal in theory but largely act and vote in conservative ways at their town halls. This is common I have learned in the US and probably around the world. I am also learning that my liberal views around helping people are changing. I recently let a friend who was struggling to find a place to live sleep on the floor for 2 months, it turned out to be very stressful. They smelled really bad, would stay out all night drinking. Often showing at at 4 am in the morning and waking me up, took and lost my umbrella without permission and took a 500 dollar pair of headphones. He has just disappeared. I only asked for a small amount to cover utilities. He said he was very grateful. Don’t fucking trust anyone who is grateful. They aren’t. Next time, anyone asks me for help in this way I’m saying no. Your going homeless I don’t care you people don’t respect those who you ask for help that’s why you are in this situation in the first place.
  18. Kanye is clearly highly advanced and you just don’t get it (kidding)
  19. @Hojo I am grateful for my Santa memories And I am god
  20. In Jed’s book Theory of Everything he says the pursuit of truth is not spiritual endeavour and I’m wondering if anyone can help me clarify this? To me personally, the pursuit of God Realization and Truth truth is spiritual. Thanks for your help.