Thought Art

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Everything posted by Thought Art

  1. @Carl-Richard Okay, you are a jerk. Conversation over. Great Mod. Missing the points of what I am saying. You are saying the use of the words I am using are not appropriate. What and asshole-ish thing to say.
  2. @Leo Gura Weed doesn't make you feel murky?
  3. @Carl-Richard Well, it is a forum of a teacher. It’s completely appropriate. Why are you putting ideas in my head? I've never claimed to accept all Leo's says uncritically.. I've never said I agree with him and often give him a hard time actually. Talking about this stuff is appropriate, as is sharing my insights and views in a relatively respectful way.... We all do... communication... Talking about spirituality and philosophy is appropriate.. But is it messy? Confusing? Challenging? Contentious? Scary? Blurry? Grey? Are people coming in with different maps? Yeah, that’s part of the work of spirituality and philosophy and discussing that in a public way. Of course we don’t need to agree. Go off your own direct experiences. If you experience others, and a physical world and you believe it’s true then, gong ho
  4. @Carl-Richard ahah, no It’s actually very appropriate. Given this forum… I’m saying that, Solipsism is true. The idea that all can be known is your own mind is true. Then, because that exists in the larger context of Actualized teachings that all is consciousness and universal mind what I am saying is completely appropriate. Trying to say that what I am saying is not solipsism is just false. I’m including the classics definition that all can be known is one’s mind… and because I have done enough consciousness work to know reality IS my own mind. I am telling you these things. Do you watch Leo’s videos or read his book list? Have you read Jed McKenna’s Theory if everything? If people here did then they would have access to a similar vocabulary. At the same time, yes we can all work to define our use of words. But, it’s rather complicated as there is a blurry tapestry and many of us even lack the reference experiences. Also, I am working this all out for myself. I’m going beyond beliefs. I am a young immature philosopher.
  5. @Carl-Richard Whatever you say I think there’s an important Grok your not getting. This is my show you don’t get to decide how I use my words. I’m not a western materialist because materialism is false… so, I know that consciousness is what I am. This isn’t a belief I am telling you. You aren’t proving me wrong. Solipsism is a form of idealism, which isn’t a far stretch from consciousness. Like, if all that can be known is your own mind and it’s perceptions… that’s consciousnesses. I repeat:
  6. @Carl-Richard Sense perception would be the objects, sounds, shapes, colours, sensations. Pure consciousness is
  7. @Breakingthewall I just mean whatever is is I am saying there is only one perspective. Not mine but yours just this. Paradox I guess plays in here. Human language is dualistic. Can’t say what I am saying you know? As a human, you experience different events and can contrast them right? The linear progress is a well constructed illusion.
  8. When you aren't on Ketamine... you exist and are conscious. You need a whole toolbox to do work around the house. A screw driver is a shitty way of painting walls. I haven't tried ketamine but.. Mushrooms... I had one trip and it radically changed my relationship with depression FOREVER. Though, like I said I was using a whole toolbox and building a life of self efficacy self esteem.
  9. @Gesundheit2 A false distinction isn't true. Even though, it is Truth. He is imagining that other's exist, and that he has sense organs. That, his perceptions aren't the same as pure consciousness.... I am saying he is imagining distinctions which, if he stopped imagining them he would discover aren't the case at all. Relative things are false by definition. But, we are being super Meta here. Speaking about the Groking of God and reality. Not, so much finite human stuff. Regardless of what is held in the content, or the relative way of the consciousness... It's just what is. Okay, gotta go focus on my bizzz
  10. @Gesundheit2 What I am saying is absolutely true, and so is what you are saying. This is what I am saying.
  11. @Gesundheit2 Yeah, I can see relative distinctions. I can sense what he is pointing at. But, it's a false distinction. You are imagining that pure consciousness cant be a certain way which it is and it's as it is right now. Like, there's something you could do to access pure consciousness and that is false. I am saying there is no distinction, and trying to get you to see that in the first place. Like, when I totally dissolve and am absolute there is not finite distinctions. I experience this often. Yet, here I am. Finite, distinct, human, on a planet, with others, needing to survive. None of that disproves solipsism. The fact that I am speaking to you is a way in which I am, a state of this consciousness. But, there's really nothing here.
  12. @Gesundheit2 Not exactly, there is a paradox here. I am saying that sense perception, or any content is still pure consciousness. It doesn't matter the form it takes. There is a paradox, or strange looping nature here. Can't you see the paradox of saying that "Oneness" is a hierarchy to any aspect of itself? There is a sort of dualistic impression there. I am not saying I don't believe in hierarchies either. I am saying that all this is relative. Like, in reality there is no difference between a cup, and the colour yellow. Or, an orgasm and a rock. I am saying, there is this ONE THING. ONLY ONE THING EVER. ONE THING FOREVER. ONE THING. This one thing, is The Absolute Truth, which is Consciousness, which is an infinite shape shifter and self reference. A book shelf and the absolute have no difference. A sun rise, with your girlfriend watching it, holding hands is no different than watching a porno as you feel sad and disgusted with your loneliness. These are just sides of the infinite Coin of Oneness. A hierarchy, may exist within this oneness but is itself a falseness. Again, there is a paradox here. It's subtle. It sounds like a hierarchy.. But it's not. It's all Truth, through and through. Just differentiating itself. Infinity, can have no true hierarchy because all is equal. No matter where you go you are in the centre. Like, truth and falsehood exist within Truth. Whether it's true, or false if it is that case it is True. More than, less than Before or after... all these dualities collapse... And then, its just you. Always been there. Always doing whatever. Totally absolute for eternity, just shape shifting, dreaming. Nothing else to do. Everything to do. Always something new. If you dream it to be true. You could say... The Absolute Truth is false. The Absolute Truth is true. The absolute Truth is that there is no truth. Yet, it's being said, it is. It transcends all the language and human sense making.
  13. @Breakingthewall Yeah, so. You are the absolute "Right Now" imaging a relative backstory. You have an infinite pool you can pull from.
  14. I don't get this. Wouldn't something outside of your pov be impossible by definition? Because it "Isn't". I am saying, that... It's just this. Right now, the Everything Now is Imagining it's talking on a forum to "Others" about solipsism. Why? It doesn't matter. It's just my dream, and it's entertainment. Welcome to the Everything Nowwwwwwww
  15. For the longest time I thought Carl Richard's image was a peacock and now I a see its more something abstract ahaha
  16. @Gesundheit2 Idk man, I am actually saying the opposite of a hierarchical structure. In fact, HE is saying that. Not me. I am pointing at Oneness. Oh, the paradoxes in this comment ahah
  17. Well, he is saying.. realize the difference between my sense perceptions and pure consciousness. I am saying that, my sense perceptions are made of pure consciousness. I am even imagining my sense organs, but they are relative.
  18. @Carl-Richard Do you know you imagine that difference? Consciousness is Pure, and all you are is consciousness. Doesn't matter the content of the dream, it's still just you dreaming it. Your "sense perceptions" are absolute consciousness just taking some finite shape, in some way, but, It's always Now. Always just eternity, always just all all alone, always sovereign, just dreaming finite distinctions. Your story of the play other doesn't change anything. I am saying that yeah, you are an infinitely powerful dreamer... You dreamt up all those differences. That someone else felt something, that you were ignorant of certain things. maybe you even spilled some water on yourself when someone was walking past you and bumped into you. See, if you think you are fundamentally human this doesn't make sense. You are not. You are Consciousness.
  19. Even that is tricky,,, Social media distorts a lot of things. It's a maze of mirrors.
  20. @AdrianBartan Saying something is Christian means nothing. Christians are the epitome of self deception and hypocrisy.
  21. Why? Why would anyone else exist given that only consciousness exists, and all is one? How would you prove that those other people exist? How would you prove a physical world exists? Oh, wait you can't because it's only you observing it all. Other people only exist in consciousness, which is you. There is only one perspective. and it's, you. You may then say "Yeah, well why do other people seem to exist, with unique personalities, preferences, ideas. How come I can meet people and feel their energy, touch them, talk to them etc" Well, that doesn't disprove solipsism. Mind can imagine all your own finite personality traits... IT can do that with an infinite amount of different traits and dream those traits (which are your own) as a pseudo "Other" which is just you. What's the difference between billions of humans existing in "One" Reality.... and "One" conscious being imagining all beings". Consciousness, your own consciousness right now is more fundamental than all your ideas and concepts. If you are on a street with thousands of people, how do you know you aren't just as alone as when you are in your room by yourself meditating.